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2� 17�271 � <br /> M�EED �F TRUST <br /> Laan Na�: ��13D4Q�4 ��on�i�lu�d} Pa�e 3 <br /> RemQv�l o#lmprv►►emen#s. Trus�or shall na��emoEi�h or remove any lmpc�v��men�s tram�he Real Praperty wi�h�ut <br /> Lender's prit�r wri�C�en cons�n�. As a c�ndi�ion tv�hs remp�al of any lmpro�emen�s, Lender may require Trustor ta <br /> make ar�-angements satisfa��ary �o Lender to repla�e such Impravements with impro�ements a� a� leas� equal <br /> �alu�. <br /> Lender's Righ�to Enter. Lender and Lendsr'� agents and represen�a�i�es may en��r upon�he Real Proper�y a� all <br /> reast�nable �imes #v attend ta Lender's in�eres�s �nd t� inspec�C the R�ai Prvper�y ��r pur�o�es o� Trus�vr's <br /> complian�e wi�h�he�erms and conditions t�f this D�ed v��"+rus�. <br /> Cvmpliance w�#h Go�ernmen#al Requirements. Trustvr shall p�omp#ly comply with all laws, ordinances, and <br /> regula�ians, now ar hereafter in e��ec�, of a�� �v�rernmental au�horities appliGab�e to �he u�e ar ��cu�anGy o� the <br /> Proper�y, including with�ut�im�ta�ion, the AmeriGan� 11Vith �isabilities Ac�. Trustvr may con�es� in good �Faith any <br /> su�h l�w, ordinance, vr reguiatEon and wi�hhold complianG� during any prviceedin�� including ap�t�oprEate appeals. <br /> so lang as Trusta�has nvti�Fied Lender in wr�'�ing �rior ta daing sv and s❑ Iong as, in Lend�r's s�ie op�n�vn, Lender's <br /> in�erests in the ProR�rty are nv� �eopardized. Lender may require Trustor to pvs� adequate �ecu�ity ar a surety <br /> bond, reasonably satistactory�o Len�er, ta pra�ect Lender's in�eresfi. <br /> puty ta Prv#ect. Trus�or agrees neither to abandc�n or I�a�e una��ended th� Pr�perty. T�ustor shail dv all ❑ther <br /> ac�s, in additivn to#hose ac�s set far�h ab�ve in�his sec#E�n, which�rom�he �har�c�er and use a��he Prvper�y ar� <br /> reasor�ably necessary ta pro�ect and preser�e the Praperty. <br /> DUE aN SALE-C�NSENT BY LENDER. Lender may, at Lender's vp�ivn, ��c�are immediately due and payable a11 sums <br /> s�cured by this Deed ��Trust upvn�he sale vr�ransfer. wi��vu� Lender's prior wri��en cvnsent, af aEE v�any part o��he <br /> R�al Property, ❑r any interest �n�he Real Proper�y. A "sale ❑r�rans�er" means the con�eyanc� ❑f Rea! Prvperty or any <br /> right, title �r in�erest in �he Reai Proper�y; whe�h�r I�g�l� aene�icia� ar equi�able; whether �alun�ary ar invQluntary; <br /> whether by ❑u�rir�h� sal�, deedr insta��men� safe can��-act, fand cantrac�, con�ract �vr deed, leasehvl� in�er�st with a <br /> t�rm gre��er than three �3y year�, leasewoption contrac�, ❑r by�ale, assignment, or transfer ��any b�ne�icial in�eres� in <br /> or ta any land trus� holding-titie t� th� Real Propertyr ar by any other me�had o� ca�nveyance vf an in��rest in the Real <br /> P�rvperty. I� any Trustor is a Garporati�n, par�nership �� limi�ed �iabi[ity company, trans�er also includes any change in <br /> ❑wn�rship o�mare �han�wen�y-fi�e per�ent {�5°/oy o�the va�ing stock, partnersh�p inter�s�s or fimit�d liabili�y company <br /> int�rests� as the c�se may be, o��u�h Trustar. Howev�r, this vption sh�ll not �e exercised by Lender i�such exercis� <br /> is prohibite� by'��deral law or by Nebraska �aw. <br /> TA�CES AND LIENS. The following pro�isions rela�ing ta the �axes and liens on the praperty are par� af this �eed o� <br /> Trust: <br /> Payme�nt. Trus�or shall pay when due �and in aj��vents privr�a delinquenGy3 all tax�s, spe�ial�axes, as�essments, <br /> char�e� tinciuding wa�er and sewery� �ines �r�d impasitions ie�ied against Qr on accaun� v��he Prc�perty, and shal� <br /> pay when due ali cl�ims fv� wvrk d�ne fln ar fvr ser�i�es rendered or ma��rial f�arnished to�h� P'roperty. Trus�ar <br /> sha�l m�intain the Property�ree o�af� liens haWing priarity o�er ar equal�v�he interes�vfi Ler�der under this Deed of <br /> T�ust, excep� far the lien o� taxes and assessments nat du� and except as ❑�herwise pro�ided in this Deed ot <br /> Trust. <br /> Right to Cvn����. Trustor may ►rvithhold payment v�any taac, asses�men�, or GEaim in connect�on wi�h a gvad �ai�h <br /> dispu�Ce ❑��r�he ob�igation�a pay, so lang as L�nder's inter�st in�he Property is nvt�eopardized. If a li�n arises or <br /> is �il�d as a resuit �� nanpaymen�, Trus�vr sha!! within �i�een t 15} days after the lien arises vr, if a Iien is fi�ed, <br /> within fifteen {�5� days after Trus�vr has no�ice of�he filing, secure the discharge o��re lien, ar if requested by <br /> Lender, dep�sit wi�h Lender cash or a suffi�ien�cvrpvrate surety bvnd or other securi�y sa�is�actory to Lender in an <br /> amount suff�cient to discharg��he lien �lus any cn��s and attarneys' fees� ar o�her cha�rges�ha��ould ac�rue as a <br /> result o�a �vreclosufe or sale under�he lien. In any c�ntes�,Trustor shali de�end itsel�and Lender and sh�ll satis�y <br /> any ad�erse judgmen�b�for� enforc�ment�gains��Che Prop��ty. Trus��r shali name Lender as an �dditivn�l ablig�e <br /> under any surety band furnished in�he�on�es�pro�eedings. <br /> E�iden�e o�Paymen�. Trustar shall upon demand furnish�❑ Lender satisfactary e�idence ofi payment of the taxes <br /> Qr assessmen#s and sha�l au�hvrize the a�pr�priate gouernmenta� o�r�icial tv deli�er�o Lender at any time a written <br /> statement❑#the ta�es and assessments against the Prop�rty. <br /> Nvtfce a�Cans�ruction. Tru�tor sh�[f nvti�y Lender a� �eas��ifteen ��5f days be�Fore any wark is cvmm�n�e�, any <br /> ser�ices are furnished. or any mafierfals are supplied to �he Prvperty, it any mechanic's lien, ma�erialmen's lien, or <br /> ather iien cvuld be asserted ❑n account of the workf se�viGes, ar materials. Trustor wi�l upon request v� Lender <br /> �urnish to Lender ad�ance assurances sa�isfactary �a Lend�r that Trus�vr �an and wil� pay th� cost v� such <br /> improv�men�s. <br /> PR�PERTY DA11J1AGE lNSl�RANCE. The �oi�owtt�g pra�isiar�s relating #o insuring#he Rrvperty are a par�❑f thi� Deed o� <br /> Trust. <br /> Maintenance o� �nsurance. Trust�r sha�l procure and ma�n�ain poRi�ies a�r �fire insurance with standard extended <br /> co��rage endorsem�n�� an a �air �alue basis far #h� fulf insurable �a�ue cvvering a�l lmpra�ements �n the Real <br /> Proper�y in an amoun� su��icient �o a��id appl�cativn o� any cainsur�nce ci�use, �rnd with a s�an�ard mvrtgage� <br /> Glause in fa�ar af Lender. Trus�or shal! also procure ar�d m��ntain c�mpreh�nsi�e general li�bisity insuran�e in su�h <br /> co�erage an�punts as Lend�r may request wi�h Trustee and Lender being nam�d as additional insureds in such <br /> liability insurance policies. Addi't�vnaii}�, Trustor shali main�ai� such ❑ther insurance, including but nvt limited to <br />