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2� 17�271 � <br /> aEED �F TRUST <br /> Loan No: 7�'i 3�4fl94 {C�ntlrlu�d� Page � <br /> Borrower❑r Trustor whether vr nvt the ad�ances a�e made pursuant ta a commi�ment. Specifically, wi�hout limi�atian. <br /> this Deed at Trus�secures, in addi�ion tv �he amounts speci�ied in the Note, a!I tuture amvun�ks Lender in its discretian <br /> may Saan�o Barrower vr Trustor,�agether wi�h a[S interest therean. <br /> Trus�o� pr�ssnfily assigns to Lend�r �also kn�wn as Beneficiary in this Qeed ❑f Trust} aii of Trustar's r�gh�, #itle, and <br /> inte�est in and tfl aR� p�esent and ��ture �eases o# the Praperty and a�l Ren�s �ram the P�Qper�y. In addi�ivn, Trus�or <br /> grants tv Lender a Uniform Comm�r�ial �ode security in�erest ir��he Pers�nal Property and Rents. <br /> THIS DEED �F Tl�UST, INCLUDING THE ASSlGN�JIENT �F RE�TS ARIlD THE S�CURiTY INTERES� IN THE�ENTS AND <br /> PERS�NAL PRaPERTY, IS �IVEN T� SEGURE {A} PAYIVIENT QF THE INDEBTEDNESS AND {B� PERF�RNfANCE �F <br /> ANY AND ALL DBLIGATI�NS LJNDER THE N�TE, THE RELATED QC3CUlVIENTS, AND THIS DE�❑ DF TRUST. THIS <br /> DEED DF TRUST 1S G1VEN AND ACCEPTED�N THE FDLLDII�ING TERiIlIS: <br /> TR[JST�R'S REPRESENTATIaNS ANa WARRANTIES. Trustor warrants that: �a} �his Deed a� Trus� is execu�ed at <br /> Barrower`s r�qu�s� and no� at the reques� �� Lender; {b� Trus�or has th� �uil p�wer, right, and au�hority tv en�er into <br /> �his Deed at Trust and ta hypothe�a�e the PropErty; ��� �he praWisians �� this ❑eed o� Trus� dv nat conflic� with, �r <br /> resuit in a dEfault under any agreement or o�her ins�rumen� binding upon Trustor and d❑ not result in a violation ❑# any <br /> law� regula�ion� cour� de�ree or vrder applicable �� Trusto�; tdy Trustar has es�ablished adequa�e means o# obtaining <br /> �rom 6orrower on a cvn�kinuing basis informa�ivn about Borrower's tinancia! candition; and �ey Lender has made nv <br /> represen�a�ian�❑Trustvr abvut Bar�ower {including wEthout limi'�ativn�the credi�warthiness o�Borrower�. <br /> TRl1ST�R'S WAIVERS. Trustnr wai�es alf rights ar defenses arisin� by reason of any "one a�tion" ar "anti-de�Fciency" <br /> law, or any other law vuhic� may prevent Lender �rvm bringing any action agains� T�ustnr, including a �ia�m �or <br /> deficiency to the ext�nt Lender is a�herwise entit�ed tv a ciaim for de�iciency. before or aft�r Lender's commencement <br /> vr comp�e�ivn of any fare�lasure ac�ion. eith�r�udi�iaEEy ar by exercise a�a powe��f sale. <br /> PAYMENT AND PERF�RIIlIANCE. Except as otherwise �ra�ided in thEs Deed o�Trust, Borrvwer and Trus�ar shall pay�o <br /> L�nder all ]ndebtedness secured by �his Deed nf Trust as it la�comes due, and gorrawer and Trus'�nr shalf stric�ly <br /> perfvrm a��their respecti��obligativns under the Nate,�his Deed vf Trust. and�he Related Documen�s. <br /> R�SSESSIDN ANO MAINTENANCE �F THE PRaPERT�. Bv�rawer and Trus�or agree �hat Bvrrawer's and Trus�or's <br /> pnssession and use of�he Prvper�y shaEl be gv�erned by the�ollowing proWisians: <br /> Possession and Use. Untii the �ccurren�e of an E�en� o�F �efauE#, Trus�or may ��� remain in possessian and <br /> cpntro�o�the Property; {2} use, aperate ar manage�he Prope�ty; and �3� cvile���he Rents from the Property. <br /> Du�y ta Maintain. �'rustar shali main�ain fhe P�aperty En �enantabl� candi�ion and pr�mptly per�farm all repairs, <br /> repiacemen�s, and maintenance nec�ssary to preserWe its Walue. <br /> Campliance 1Nith En�ironmental Laws. Trust�r represents and warrants �o Lender tha�: {'€� During the peri�d o� <br /> Trus�or's ownership o�the Property, there has be�n n� use, generation, manu�acfure, storage, trea�ment, disposal, <br /> release vr threa�ened r�iease o-F any Hazardous Su�stance by any person ❑n, under, abaut vr from �he Property; <br /> ��} Trustor ha� n❑ kn�wledge of, or reasan to believe that there has been, except as previausly disc�ased tfl and <br /> acknvwledged by Lender in writing, �ay any breach or �iv�ation a� ar�y Environmental Laws, �h� any use, <br /> genera�ion, manufacture� s�arage, trea�men�, dispasal. release ❑r threatened reEease af any Ha�ardaus Substance <br /> on, under, abou� or from �he Property by any prior owners or vc�upan�s ❑� the Prope�ty, �r �c� any ac�uai ❑r <br /> threa�ened litigation or claims af any kind by any person rela�ing ta such mafiters; and �3� Excep� as pre�iausly <br /> disclosed fa and ac�nawledged by Lender in wr�ting, �a} neither Trustor nor any��nant� cantractor, agent vr other <br /> au�hari�ed usEr v��he Proper�y shafi use, generate, manufac�ure, store, treat, dispose a�or release any Hazardous <br /> 5ubstanGe on, under, abau�❑r from the Property; and {b� any such act��ity shall be conducfed in campliance with <br /> all appltcat�le #ederal, s�ate, and locai la�s, re�ulativns and ❑rdinances, including without li�nita�ivn a11 <br /> En�irvnmen�a� Laws. Trustvr author�2es Lender and its agents tv en�er upon the Proper�y tv ma�e such <br /> inspections and �ests, at Trustor's expense. as Lender may deem apprapriate to determine camp[iance of the <br /> Prvperty with this section of the Deed of Trus�. Any ir�spe��ions vr �ests made by Lender shall be �ar Lend�r's <br /> purposes only and sha�l not be C�r�strued�❑ �reate any respnnsibifity or iiabili�y an the part af Lender tv Trustor or <br /> �o any a�her p��snn. The representat�ar�s and warran�ies cantained herein are hased an Trus��r's due d�figence in <br /> in�es�iga�ing the Proper�y f�r Hazardous Substances. Trus�or hereby �'i y reieas�s and wai�es any future claims <br /> agains� Lender for ind�mnity �r contribufion in �he event Trust�r becames iiahie far cl�anup �r v�her cvsts under <br /> any su�h laws; and ��} agrees ta indemnify, defend, and hold harmless Lender agains� any and ail �laims, Iosses, <br /> liabilities, damages, penalties, and expenses which Lender may directly or indire�fily sus�ain ❑r suff�r resuEting �ram <br /> a b�ea�h fl� th�s s��ti�n af the De�d af�'rust or as a ��nse�uenc� o# any us�, gene�at'svn, tnanu�acture, storage, <br /> disposal, re[ease or thr�a�ened release❑ccurring prior�v Trustor's ownership vr interest in the Proper�y, whe�her vr <br /> nat the same was or shvuld ha�e I�eer� knov►�n �o Trustor. The provisions a� thEs sec�ivn af �he ❑eed a# Trust, <br /> �ncluding�he abligation tv indemni�y and defend, shali survi�e the paymen�af the Indebtedness and the satis�ac�ion <br /> and r�canWeyance vf the �ien of this ❑eed o�Trust and sha[[ n��be a��e�ted by Lend�r's acquisition v�any interes� <br /> in the Praperty, whe�her by�orec�asure or otherwise. <br /> Nuisance, 1Nas#e. Trus�ar shal� nat cause, canduc� or permi-� any nuisance nvr commit, permi�t, or su�fer any <br /> stripping ❑� ❑r was#e on or t� the Prope�ty ar any portion o� the Proper'ty. Vllithout limiting 'the generalEty o� the <br /> fvregving, Trustor wi�i no'� remoWe, ar gran�ta any other party ths right�o remv��, any timber, minera�s �including <br /> ❑il and gasy� c�a�, clay, scoria. soil, gra�el or roc�prnducts wi�hvut Lend�r's privr writ�en consent. <br />