.------ • _�_ �
<br /> � . � T , ~ -
<br /> 21. tietics�.Extept�or�r nofices,demor�r9s,requesis,or other tortxnunicoaians required under o�plica6le law to be�iven in��arher man �
<br /> ner,wE�eneYer 8eneficiory or Trus�or g�ves ot ss�ves ony rttstite(inclu�ng,wiftxiut limitation,notice of defautt and rtof ite of SnSe�,dr:�icuids rr•
<br /> � quesli ar ofMr coin�swnicatien with�espect fa lhis Oeed of Trusl,�ach such neti=e.demand,rpquest or other con�;aunica�ion sholl Ue in w►itinq
<br /> and shol!bf etfettive anfr if�tM snm�is delivered by yersannl s�rvice ar mailed 6y certiti�d mdil,pflsfage pcepaid,return reteipt reqvesss�i,a�t- .
<br /> � dressed to tht Qddress os set forth aS the beginrsing of this Deed of irost.4rustor trereby requests ti�at aeopy ot r,u►����tice af df.uul:,r::zt .
<br /> crotoce of sak,requ�red a p�rmiited to be giYen the Truster hereunder,be rtiailtd 90 it nf the oddress set fcrth as thp bc�inn:ng oE this Oeed oi
<br /> � � Tfusl,My yorl�may ot any time change ifs oddre35 fqr sucii notices by de9iveririg or mciiling ia stse�Ih2=�lics�}rtta.us c�fnrescud,a notitn
<br /> o(such tF�a�g6.My rwtice herecmder sholl 6e deemed to h,av��eea qiven ta Trusfor or Beneficinry,whett give�icst��e nTar��er designatedlierein_
<br /> 22, �i�rei�1ew.This ileedof Trust shall be gaverr.ed.�i�thttaws of the Sfote af Neixasko.
<br /> • �3, S�eee��rs w��t Rui�.This Deed ef T�ust ord all ferms,c«xliti�ns ond obliy�ations her$in apply to artd inure to the�snefit at aad bind
<br /> aR portiet l�eta;.tiieir f�eirs. fegotees, devitees,persarwi�epreser.rat�ves, sutcessors c+r�ass�gr:s. Ihe terr.�"8eneticiac�''shal!memi tf�e
<br /> awrwrand twitkr at the Nate,w�ether ar nat ncmed os Beneticiary he�d�v. •
<br /> Z�, J�1�Ser�n1 Li�iiirr:.A11 tonvenaets and agreentents o�Trustor stt�tl b�}aint and severaf. �
<br /> 25. S���riAftY.ln the event any ane or mure o�the provisions tont�ine3+r.this Qeed af Trust,nr the liote er cny other secu�ity�instcument
<br /> given in corx�tctioo wilh this transaction shalK Inr any rcosa►6e hel�ts be invalid,illegnf ar unenfscceatste irt anX respect, s�uch i��vot,d�ty: 'st-
<br /> � tegalitY,or unenForceubility s6n11,af the optior�of Bens�ciory.�ai cf�act pi�y Exavision oE this Deed ef Ti rusi,but this Oeed.ef�rust s1iuU br con- ,
<br /> strue�f as if suc6 invalid,illegal�ar unenforceable pravision had never beeR confoined herein or therein. lf t:�G�n of this e�-���f Trust is invnl�d
<br /> or unen6orceoble os to any pan af the debt,w if the lien is invalid ar unenFarceable os to any part Qf Yhe P:��:�y. ihe i���2C'crp(f p[���rtinlly
<br /> secured porfi4n oi 1he de6t shal!be tOC�pklelY paid prior to the poymsnt oi the renx�ining rn�A securecl or p�rr'r.tlly se=cur�:i�.f�i��-E`•'=2'd�'1��.
<br /> aed o�l poymer►ts nwde on ihe de6t,whether voluntL�y or under foreclosure nv other entarcemeal action or procedure, S�T�2�•�Ls o.�;�i.`•��ed tu
<br /> have 6een iirsl paid on ond applied to the fuli paymeat of that portion of the debt which is not secured or not fully sec::��3�y tiie i,��ot�t�is .
<br /> Oeed af Trust. .
<br /> 26. Mwarer aa1 Gender;�°,iaas.Whenever used herein, the singular nuaiher shnll intlude Ihe plurnt, th�,�.iuroF, the sinqular,rr,n;1 cnc+ucr
<br /> ot any gender shall be opplicflble to all genders.lhe capiions aad headings oi the paiayrnphs a!±1tis Uced QF 5-i;�+orc!a� c;.ri:ti:+i�ir�e���i�y nn�1
<br /> are aot ta be used to interpret or define thp provisions hereof. ' ,
<br /> 27. Aeeepteace by Trostee.Trusiee accepts this Tru�when this Oeed of Trust, duly executed and acic�tc�!+��ged,is�^,��?public recard ns , : .
<br /> pru��ided by tnw. . �
<br /> IN WITN�SS WHEREOF,Tras4Qrr?ios executed this Qeed of Trust os of the day and year�iirst obove written. �., . _
<br /> ' x � --�--------�-- � - �
<br /> Er ar ,. �'-`
<br /> , X J��^ -______--- - —._.... ..: .. . .�'..��_-� ___--
<br /> STA�E OF NEBRASKA 1 r i lyt pp __
<br /> 1 ss. # __
<br /> COUNIY Of t1ALL ► ��. 'f'.,'
<br />� � Qn Ihis� 2nddoy of �arch , 194�.�._..._, 6eiore me, the undersigned,n Notary Pub9ic dul�'cumm�ssioned unJ yuulif ied lar ;
<br /> Erhard J and Maril n J 0 husband and wife •
<br /> soi�county,personnally came • - --Y- -- �—PP�---� - �
<br /> ' ' ta me known to be the idenlical persons whose ntimes ore subscribeA to�he forego+ng insh un�en�ni+d nckuowledyed ihe exeeutiw��hr�eof ta 6r -
<br /> � � 71�eirt voluMory at and deed.
<br /> '. �Iness my hand and notorial seol at�l�e��...►�.LJ� r .in said county.Ilie da r c�toresaid.. .
<br /> . , ��' �
<br /> . �t�r,��� t11�,�.n . -- _______.. ...___ `- - - �
<br /> � � Mafary NuG.�,c
<br /> � , ��Mliti�a���� . �.
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