. v �i.'vY�y�%> .�. .i. :`�z� 'LS."'&:b.- �`._;: _s.- _ `�e'�i�.:�';ik; n;z.�sr;23, : £ ' .�'��.,,�/•,5YcaJ:'�i'i-� ;•t�t�'.•
<br /> ��v�x�rn.i�F`�fi+��i�,''-t._�_„�_�r4F:�:��i�ix� �r�h�.v.�-aii9�Ctx:s��:_�'''s� --- .�4tu��`"'r�s'S�2!':'1f'L"4"s��l'`€�'i����s�"� �N_��`'� � �3E.�tiai���+e�l.�i�'a'�5�-___.
<br /> - l {� R9�WT_..��a� . =-�
<br /> .-.m ='r�l A�Fi��Li���H��P�� .�. ---�
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<br /> 11.Aee�i�tien U�pee D�f�rh;R�atdter S�h. Ol�snn detautt by lcustQr i�titie payrsrent of oo perfori,vr�ce af Ihe terms nnd couditians of
<br /> the Note.or a�y renewats,moditicutions ar extensions thereof,ur thc payment�cF c�aS�ser indebtedness seturcd 1�ereby a�r in thp p�rinranuncr �
<br /> oi ony og t�te convenants o+'agreements hereuader,Beneticiary may declare oli sums secured hereby imneediotefy due nnd pnyable and tk�tm�+r �
<br /> sl�oli th�euQon became due and puyoble without�treseniment,demaccd,proteSf ar�eafice of any kitid. Iheree�Ues,D��nrlici�uy nury d��liw�r tu
<br /> rTrustea o vrritten dectarataan of defQUlt and deanand for sate.Trustee sfiafl have ihe power c+f sate of fhe Proper4y and i(f�eneliciury d�cides tF►e
<br /> p�aperty is ta be sold it shall deposit with Trustee tliis Dead af Tru�cad the Nale ar notes and any other docUments evidencing expenditures
<br /> , secured t�raby.arsd shult dclisrcr ta Tntstee a xrritten noxice of u�ef�utr and electian to cause the Praperty to be so1d,ond Trustee,in turn,shntl .
<br /> prepore tt similor notice in tt�e farm required by luw wAicti st�atl6e di�ty filed tor retord by Truslee. ,
<br /> (01 After the lapse af such time as may be requirgd iiy taw failowing tl�e recordotion of Notiee ot Uefaull�.�and Notice of Uetault and Nnti�e of
<br /> , Sak having.been qiven os required by Imr,TrusteQ,wiHioutdertsand on Trustor,sha11 sell t6e Property in cne nr more parcets aRd in such arder
<br /> as t�ustor muy,determine on fhe date andat the time and�ptqc�designottd in snid Notice of Sale,at public auction to 1he highest 6idder,the pur-
<br /> chase pr�a paya6le in cash in tawiul manuy oF ttte IJnitr�d-SrRt�s at the time af sale.The person conduc4ing the sale moy,�ar any cause iie or she
<br /> � deemz expadient;posiporre the sale irom.time ia�4ime Urtiil it s6att be complefed and,in every such tase,natice of postponement sha!!6e given
<br /> b�pu6tic dCclurutiun:ffier�oLby.such•Narson af�he.tiinQ and ptace(osf appoinfed tor the sole;provided, if the sale is postponed tor lonyer than
<br /> one(1)d4�'�tnpund flie dap'dasi�ttated•imthe Notice:af SaSe, notite thereof shail be given in the same manner os ihe ariginal Notice oE Sole.
<br /> Trustee stiatl'.e:cc.�cute ond deiiver lo�ttie purchaser its Deed conveying the Properiy so sotd,but wititflu!any tonvtnpni or wa�rnnty,exp�ess, or
<br /> implied.The recitais i�the Deed o�any matters ar fucts shatl be conclusive proof of Ihe iruthfulness thereof.A�y�^rr.son, including wi�hau►
<br /> !'Wnitalian Trustes,may gurcfwse at the sale. �
<br /> ' (6�.When Trustee s�ss pursuani to the powers 6erein,Trustee shall apply r¢�e proceeds of the sale to poymeN bt tfie casts and e�xprnses ot
<br /> exercising the power of sc�e ond of ffna sate,irxPuding,withaut tim+tntion,the payment ot Trusfee's Fees in�urred,urliicl�1EUStce's Fecs shal{iiot
<br /> in the ag�-�ate exteed ihe followirtg omounts based upon the amount secured hereby and �emuining unpoid: 5 percentum on the balance
<br /> lhereaf;arxi the�ta:�7�e;�ems sef forth in subparagraph(c)hereof in the ordec tfierein stated.
<br /> (c)A(ter poying tti�i+�-�s specitied in subparao�pb(b).ii the sote is by�dn.sstee, or the proper court and o►her costs of lorc�a3urc.ar�d satc
<br /> if ihe sate is pursuanr fa;�.r�icial(areclasure,tt+e proceeds o(sule siwtl be apptied in ihe ordcr stnteJ bclow 10 thc payment ot: ,, .
<br /> ' (1) C��t of any evidente ef ti;tiis�:+ocured in connedion with such sole and of any re:enus required 10 be paid:
<br /> � (2) Attorrteys ises;
<br /> (3) A!1 sums then secured here'.,-v: �
<br /> (4� lt��iar trust deeds,mortga��s,or other lieahotders;and - � -
<br /> l5► �ai�emainder,if any,to the person or persons legally entitted thereto. '.��,}���
<br /> ,
<br /> (d) tr�ne Beneticiory of this Qeed oi Trust is a bank os defined by Nehraska low. �?►•s;.atentent ca.�.�oined in at�y other sec9�.vn of �Itis dr.crt �.__:_`=
<br /> notwilhsec..�ding,the Beneticiory sholl not be entitled to receive or take ond debtor sha�`�ra�be obligate�ta poy or give;any confe5sion ot judg- ;���
<br /> ; menl,pov�er ot aftorney to conless�udgmenf,power of aitorney to appear(or o borrower in n judicial proceeding or ogreement to poy tl�e cos�s -
<br /> of collection ot the ottorneys'�ees, unless such acts o(collection would not otl�erv�ise be prohibited by Nebroska lavr. Provided,I�awever. �I�u�
<br /> ' 9his settion does nol apply to Ihe Trostee fee referred to in parograph 6(b�.Provided lurther,thoi this paragraph shuU no1 apply to this Ucecl ol
<br /> ,
<br /> Trust,it the Benetitiflry is not o hank.
<br /> 12. Additionol Seetirify Instruments.lrosfor,at it5 expense,wiii execute und deliver to tl�e Bene(iciary,pro�►�p1ty tiipoi►dem�tib,such�^cut i• _ —
<br /> , ty instroments as mcy be required by Beneficiary, in(orm and substance solisfactory to Beneliciary,tovering any ol the 1'iop�rly co�wry�d t�y
<br /> ; this Deed o�Trust,whith setuiity a;:ifn:,.:.eats shall be addilional seturity lor Trustor'�tnithlu)pci'torn►unce of all oi Ihe te�ms,covenunts und
<br /> c�nditions ol this Qeed�.f T�ust,f'ti=.��'�:�issary s'r.�«�s setured hereby,and ony olher seturity instrumen�s execufed in connec�i�:�viilh tliis tran-
<br /> � saclion.Such instrume�''�si�ali b6 fir�frded or f iled dt T�ustor's expense. -
<br /> • 13. A,M�c[artlnteM o� Suctes�or I'tustee. Qenefitip�y moy, irom liine to tiwe, by n w�ill�n inctrumr.nt �xi�cul�•d und Ut"I(IIpWII'III��'II I�� >.
<br /> ' Benelici��•,mailed to T�ustor and acu:rded in 11ie county or counties in which ihe froperly is losuled ond by otlieiw�se cony�lyi�►g with 11���p�uvi- >:
<br /> � sions of the applicoble tows af the State of Nebrasko,substilute o successor or successas to the Trustes named herein or actir.g hereunder. • ,.r:
<br /> 14, Inspectlons.Beneticiary,or its ogents,representulives or workmen,are authorited to enter ot pny reosonnbls timc upon or in nny p��r► �
<br /> of the Properiy tor the purpose of�n�{:ecting fhe same and for the purpose of performi�tg any ol Ure acas it is nuth�oized�o Nc�lorm unJer �hc �
<br /> terms a(�o:;e Deed of Trust. '
<br /> `�t;:;;:T::.
<br /> 15. ��tion to Forectose.UFon t:;e occurrente of any deitu��hereunder, Beneliciory shpll liave the option to br.et:i�:se this Ueeci o( liust in t•�`
<br /> the manner provided by law tor the foreclosure oF irrorlgages on reol property.
<br /> ` 16. rore6eonnte 6q Reneticiarr Not o Waiver. lds:y forebearance by Beaeliciury in exercising uny riyht or r�nr�dy I�errund���, or n�h��wisr�
<br /> � aHorded fi+�upplitoble law.shnll r.ai�b�o waiver of or prectudr�fl�e exercise of ony such riyht or remeJy. liNewise, thtz �+niver hy�eneliciury of
<br /> any default nt Trustar under this fleed��'trust sfwll�wt be deetined to be o waiver oi ony otin:r or similur detuuNs sub;e��,=�cntly ounrring
<br /> • 17. Trust�r Mot Refeased. Ext�nsion oT tlie tic�ce tor poyment o: modilicntion or onujrtr,��►�o�� o� >>►e su�»s sn��►��i n•r ����� n���t ��� t�����
<br /> � grantcYJ by Qeneliciury lo uny successor in inte�est�i Truslor shnit not upe�ute to�el�usr., in r.;:f mnnm�:, �Hi•huUibly nl 1hr w iqinal 1 i u�t�n �iud
<br /> trustar's successor in inlerest.Besieliciary shall no9 be required to con+mence proceedingc agninst sucfi successor or r�fuce to e�t�nd timr hn
<br /> paymerd ar otherwise modi(y amortirotion of 1he sums secured by this Deed af irust by renson o(any demand,uude by the m ig�nul �rus�o� nn�l
<br /> ' ; Trustor's successor�n interest.
<br /> , 1B. leneliciary's i'owen. vJithout uflecting Il�e liubility oi Nie lrustor o� !my oiher pe�s�m tiul�l��Ir.r Ihc���uymrus ul any nhbqutirn h����vn
<br /> meNioned. ond wilhout olfetling the lien or cl�arge ot this l7eed of.irust up011 tiny pottiUn o! fliC!'oUp�•r ty nit! Il�rn ni th���riotu�r��•I��u«•�t���
<br /> securify tor the ful!omoun�oF ull unpaid obligntions.Oenelicinry may,►rom tit►ie to ti�oie mid without notice. I�i relrnsr��ny����r aan so hub�� E��► �__ ,__
<br /> . extend t,�►C rrwturily or alter any of the terms of miy such obtiyotioi�s. (iiil yruid c�1hCr iiTdulgrnt�s. (�v) <<•t�•n:�� �n r���o�wry. o� �uv�.�• 1�+ h�� •
<br /> released or reconveye�l at nny time a�Heneticiary's options ony purtel.portiun ur pll ut Ihc 1'roprrly,(v)tak�c�r �e•t��n«u�ry ushc� oi u+lcl�hvnuS
<br /> � ' s�curity ta q�y obligntion herein mentimied,or(vi►rnuke tompnsitions or other arrungemc»�s with debtors�n ret�it�c�n�l��rE•to � ,
<br /> + 19. FWw�Adr�nees.Upon reauest o) irusbr, Trustee at lrustee's opfion, prior lo reconveyctntt� n1 the F�rc�c�crty t� tru�r��r, n,ny n,t,t.e � �
<br /> � tulure artvancts�o iruslor. Svc=i iuture advancas, Wtlfl Itl�Qfe51 II1Off0�1, t�1UI)ItC SC�UIP�I I�y ���iS TrV�f (1�•t'�� �af'rn f•Yutptiip;f Etiy (�tftititV.nts' '
<br /> � notes s1�1Nx�ttat soi�nutes aic secu�rct hrreby:Vrovided thnt nt no 1iu�r sh�dl the securi�cf�F�inv4�nl, t��lc����;�d.��:i���c �wE n:rluEln�:{ tic�E�r.i:�l
<br /> vunced to ptotccl tho security, exceed an aqqreqnte princi�al omow�f ol L?��,5���•��
<br /> 1U. R�eonv�snce br tw�tae.Upcn writt�+n requflst of Qers�Itl'�tlfy S�G1rtrtf OI�UI OII SU�I�t St'CtltPf� ��pf fL�y (�(ivf Iif'!'i�(���i�. (nit�upntt Su!r rn•1��� (�
<br /> of u�is Ueed a6 lrus� fli�t� 1�ie �dOtP f0 ltuslee Itlt tqtitelluSion ttnc) reir��livn u�ut u��mf �n�/����•��t f�y I�ustca �,� Fru:f�•c� : (nr� Itr�t��,• ch�ill �
<br /> tCto»vey frt Iruslur,or Ih�Fersur�rir dersons Icy;Aty C«li�let! t(«��eto.v�ithv��t tic���ar,���•r. �n�{�„��t���n ef N,�,Prc��cc�r ft:,�n I:�d�f 1��•��•����f„r t:,. ,
<br /> r��itulsire sutlf�peauvc�u�uA ol any ri�ti►igrs u►ipcts sii�ii bp eonetusive prcoi ot tl�c+�tUt�t�Ulfl�S�i ll��fPUf. ��t�ijFtlt>=:��'stt.�t��t�•e t�i`:ry:`i�•t•i!'•'t �+ '
<br /> tiE f�AfCf ifJp.t�q���I��S�tt+rs(frt Ot ptfr an,io t���iftr wditind N�orolo•.
<br /> �
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