<br /> 2� 17�2� 19
<br /> af Beneficia.ry's fai�ure ta Iease the Trust Froperty after any Defau�t ar from any�th�r act or omissian of
<br /> Beneftciary �n manag�r�g the Trust Property after any Defau�t unless such �oss is caused by the wi�lful
<br /> misconduct or grvss negl�g�n�� �f Beneficiary; and no such liability shall be ass�r�ed or enforced against
<br /> Benef�c�ary, and a1I such l�abi�ity�s h�r�by expressly waived and released by Trustor.
<br /> �b} Trustar shall �nd�mn�.fy Truste� and Beneficiary against, and hold them harmless from, any
<br /> and aII �osses, damages, liab�lities, claims, causes of acti�n,judgmentis, caur� casts, a�torneys' fees and
<br /> other legal expenses, costs af eviden�e of�itle, c�s�s of evidence �f value, and other expenses which
<br /> either may suffer or incur: �i}hy reason of this Deed of Trust; �x�}by reason of the�xecution of this trust
<br /> or�he perfarmance of any ac�required or permi�ted hereunder or by law; (iii}as a result of any failure of
<br /> Trustor to perform Trustar's obligatians; or �iv��y reason of any all�ged obligatian or undertaking of
<br /> Beneficiary to perform or discharge any�f the representations, warranties, cond�tians, covenants or other
<br /> obligations contained �n any other dncument re�ated �o the Trust Property, including without limitat�on,
<br /> the payment af any taxes, assessments, ren�s or ather lease ob�igations, �iens, �ncumbrances �r other
<br /> �bliga�ions �f Trustor under this Deed of Trust. Trustor's duty ta indemr�ify Trustee and Beneficiary shall
<br /> survi�e �he payment, diseharge ar cancellatian of �he S ecured �b�igat�nns and the re�ease or
<br /> rec�nveyance,in whole�r in part, of this Deed of Trust.
<br /> (c} Trus�or shall pay a�l indebtedness arising under this Section irnmediate�y upon demand by
<br /> Trustee or Benefic�ary,tagether with int�res��hereon from the date such indebtedness arises at�he highest
<br /> rate per annum payable under any Secured �bligatian. Beneficiary may, at its optian, add any such
<br /> indebtedness to any Secured�bliga�ion.
<br /> 3.13 Substitution of Trustees. Frnm time to time, by a writing signed and acknawledged by
<br /> Beneficiary and recorded in each�ffice in which this Deed af Trust�s recorded,Benef�ciary may appoint
<br /> ana�her trustee to act �n the place and stead �f Trustee or any successor. Such writing shall se� forth the
<br /> re�ardatiar� date and any recording or other �nfnrmation r�quired by la�u. The recorda�ion of such
<br /> instrument of substi�ution sha�l discharge Trustee herein named and shall appoin� the n�w trustee as �he
<br /> trus�ee hereurader with the same effect as if origina��y named Trustee herein. A writ�ng recorded pursuant
<br /> to the provis�ons of�his Sect�on shall be conclusive proof of the proper substitution of such nevv Trustee.
<br /> 3.14 Due on Saie or Encumbrance. Except as permitted by the provisions of any Secured
<br /> �bligat�on �r app�icable law, if the Trust Proper�y or any inter�st therein shall be sold, transferred
<br /> �including without limitation, where appli�able, through sale or transfer of a maj ority or cantrolling
<br /> �nterest of the corporate stock, or any general partnership, �imited �iability company or other simi�ar
<br /> interests, of Trus�or},martgaged, assigned, encumbered or leased,whether valuntari�y,inva�untarxly or by
<br /> operatinn of law �ea�h of which actians and events is called a "Transfer'"�, with�ut Beneficiary's prior
<br /> written cansen�, THEN Beneficiary may, at its sole option, declare all Secured �h liga��ons �mme dia�e ly
<br /> due and payable in full. Trustar shall notify Ben�f ciary in writing of ea�h Transfer within ten �1��
<br /> business days of the date thereof.
<br /> 3.15 Releases Extensions Mndificatxons and Additional Securit . Without notice ta or �he
<br /> consent, appra�al or agreement of any pers�ns or entities having any interest at any �ime in the Trust
<br /> Property or in any manner oh�igated un�ier any Secured �bligation �each, an "Interested Party"}, ,
<br /> Beneficiary may, fram time t� �ime, release any Interested Party from liab�lity for the payment af any
<br /> Secured �bligation, take any action or make any agreement extending the maturity or oth�rwise altering
<br /> the terms or ir�creasing the amount of any Secured �b�igation, accept additiona� secur�ty, and enforce,
<br /> waive, subordinate ar release all or a partion of the Trust Property ar a.ny other security for any Secured
<br /> �bl�gation. N�ne �f the foregoing actions shall release or reduce the personal 1�abiTity �f any Interested
<br /> Party,nor reiease�r impair the priority of the Iien af�his Deed af Trust upon�he Trust Property.
<br /> 3.�5 Reconv� ance. Upan Beneficiary's �vritten request, and salely to the extent requ�red by
<br /> app�i�ab�e Iaw upon surrender of this Deed of Trust and every note or other ins�rum�nt settir�g forth any
<br /> _?_
<br />