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<br /> existence, nonexistence, form or lega� suff�ciency thereaf; (b�the solvency of any insurer; or �c}�he
<br /> paymen� of losses. Al� po�icies and certifica�es of insurance shall name Beneficiary as loss payee, and
<br /> shall provxd� �hat th� xnsurance cannot be term�nated as to Benef�ciary ex�ept upon a rrLnimum of ten
<br /> ��Q� days' prior wri�ten no�ice ta Beneficiary. Within ten �14} days of Benefxciary's wr��ten request,
<br /> Trustor sha�l de�iver to Benefic�ary the or�gina� of a1I such policies ar certificat�s, �vith rece�pts
<br /> evidenc�ng annual prepayment of the prem�ums.
<br /> 3.d Tax and Insurance Impounds. Upon the nccurrence and during the continuance of any Ev�nt
<br /> of Default, a�Benef�ciary's option and upon its demand, Trustar shall, until alI Secured�bl�gatians have
<br /> been paid in fu11,pay to Beneficiary monthly, annua�ly or as otherwise dire�ted by Beneficiary an amoun�
<br /> es�imated by Ben�ficiary to be equal t�: �a}al1 taxes, assessmen�s, levies and charges imposed by any
<br /> publi� or quasi-public authori�y ar utility company which are or may �ecome a lien upon the Trust
<br /> Property and will become due for the �ax year during which such payment is so directed; and
<br /> (b�premiums for fire, other hazard and mortgage insurance next du�. If Beneficiary d�termines that
<br /> amounts paid by Trustor are insufficient for�he payment in ful� of such taxes, assessmen�s, levies andlor
<br /> insurance premiums, Benef�ciary shall notify Trustor of the increas�d amnunt required for �he payment
<br /> thereof vcrhen due, and Trust�r shall pay to Benefic�ary such a��iitianal amount with�n thirty �3�� days
<br /> after not�ce from Beneficiary. A�1 amounts so paid sha11 n�t b�ar interest, excep���the ex�ent and in�he
<br /> amoun� required by lav�r. Sa lang as there �s na Default, Beneficiary sha�� apply sa�d amounts to �h�
<br /> payment of, ar at Beneficiary's sole op�ion release said funds to Trustor for applicat�on to and paymen�of,
<br /> su�h taxes, assessments, levies, charges and insurance premiums. If a Default exists, Benefrciary at i�s
<br /> s�1e optian may app�y a�l or any par� of said amounts ta any Secu.red �bligation andl�r ta �ure such
<br /> Default, in vvhich event Trustor sha�l be required to restore all amaun�s so appl�e�, as wel� as to cure any
<br /> Defaul� not cured by such applicati�n. Trustor hereby grants and transfers to Benef�ciary a security
<br /> interest in all amounts so paid and held in Beneficiary's possession, and al�prace�ds thereof,to secure the
<br /> paymen� and performance af each Secured �bl�gatian. Upan assignment of this Deed of Trust,
<br /> Ben�f�ciary shall have the right to assign a11 amounts collected and in its possession to its assignee,
<br /> v�hereupon Beneficiary and Trustee sha11 be released from all liability with respect thereta. The exis�enc�
<br /> of sa�d impounds shall not �imi.� Benefieiary's rights under any other provis�an of this Deed �f Trust or
<br /> any other agreement, statute flr rule of law. Within ninety-f�ve �95} days followitlg full repayment af all
<br /> Secured�bligatians �ather than as a consequenc�of a foreclosure or can�eyance in li�u�f foreclosure of
<br /> the liens and security interests securing any Secured�bl�gation}, or at such earlier time as B�nefic�ary�n
<br /> its reasanable discr�tion may ele�t, the ba�ance of all amounts col�e�te�i and in Benef�ciary's possession
<br /> sha�l be paid to Trustor, and na o�her party shal�have any right af c�aim there�a.
<br /> 3.7 I]ama es• Insurance and�andernnation Proceeds.
<br /> �a} �i�Ail awards of damages and aII ot��r compensa�ion payable directly or indirectly by
<br /> reasan af a con�iemnation ar pr�posed cond�mnation�or transfer in lieu�her�of} for pub�ic�r private use
<br /> affe�ting the Trus� Property; �ii}all other claims and awards for damages to ar decrease in value of�he
<br /> Trust Property; �iii}all praceeds of any insurance pali�ies payable by reason of loss sustained to the Trust
<br /> Prop�rty; and�iv� aIl int�rest which may accrue on any of the foregoing, are aIl absolutely an�i irrevocab�y
<br /> as�igned�o and shall b�paid to Benef�Ciary. At the absalute discretian of Beneficiary, wheth�r ar not its
<br /> s�cu.rity�s�r may be impaired,but subj ect to applicable law if any, and vvithout r�gard to any requirement
<br /> con�ained in ar�y o�her S�ctian hereof, Benefic�ary rnay app�y all �r any af the proceeds it receives �o its
<br /> expenses in s�t�ling, prosecuting or defending any such claim and apply the ba�ance ta the Secured
<br /> �bliga�ians in any order, and release a�l or any part of �he praceeds to Trus�or upon any conditians
<br /> Beneficiary may imp�se. Beneficiary may commence, appear in, defend or prosecu�e any assigned claim
<br /> Qr act�on, and may adj ust, campromise, sett�� and collect all claims and awards assigned�o Beneficiary;
<br /> pr�vided however, �hat�n na event sha�I Beneficiary be responsib�e far any failure to ca�I�c�any claim or ;
<br /> award,regardless af the cause of the failure.
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