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I <br /> 2� 17�2� 13 <br /> . <br /> of Benefic�ary's failure ta �ease the Trust Proper�y after any Defaul� or from any ather act or omission of <br /> Beneficiary �n managing the Trust Pr�per�y after any Default unless such 1�ss is caused by the wil�ful <br /> misconduct ar grass negligence of Beneficiary; and no su�h liabiiity shall be asser�ed or enforced against <br /> Beneficiary,and a�l such�iability is her�by expressly waived and released by Trustor. <br /> �b} Trustor sha�� xndemn.�ify Trustee arxd Beneficiary agains�, and hold�hem harn�ess from, any <br /> and a�1 �osses, damages, liabilit��s, claims, causes of acti�n, judgments, c�u.rt costs, attorn�ys' fees and <br /> other legal expenses, casts of evidence of title, costs of evidence of value, and other expenses which � <br /> either may suffer or incur: �i�by r�as�n�f this Deed af Trust; �ii�by reason of the execu�i�n of thi.s trus� � <br /> � <br /> or the perf�rmance of any act required or permitted hereunder or by law; (ii�}as a resul��f any failure of <br /> Trustor to perform Trust�r's flbl�ga�ians; �r ��v}by reason of any al�eged obiigation or under�aking of <br /> Beneficiary ta perform or discharge any of the representa�ions, �varranties, conditi�ns, ca�enants or other <br /> ob�iga�ions contained in any oth�r dacumen� rela�ed ta the Trust Pr�per�y, including w�thout �i.mitation, <br /> �he payment of any taxes, assessments, rents ar �ther �ease obl�gatians, liens, encumbrances or ather ' <br /> ob�z ations af Trustar und�r tha.s Deed of Trust. Trustor's dut to�ndemnify Trustee and Beneficiary sha11 i <br /> � Y <br /> survive the payment, d�scharge or cancel�ation of the S�cured �bligations and the relea�e �r <br /> recon�eyance, in whole ar in par�,�f this Deed of Trust. ' <br /> � <br /> � <br /> � <br /> �c� Trustor shall pay all indebtedness arising under �his Section immediately upon demand by <br /> Trustee or B�neficiary, �ogether wi�h interest therean from the d.a.te such indebt�dne�s arises at the highes� <br /> ra�e per annum payable under any Secured �b��gati�n. Beneficiary may, at its option, add any such <br /> indeb�edness ta any Secured�bligation. <br /> 3.13 SL1�7St1tll�l�r1 �f TI L�5���5. Fram t�me to time, by a writing signed and a�knowledged by <br /> Beneficiary and r�corded in each�ffice in which this I�eed of Trust is recorded,Beneficiary may appaint <br /> another trustee to ac� in the place and stead of Trustee or any successor. Such writing sha�i se� forth the <br /> recorda�ion date and any recording or ather information required by law. The recordatian of such <br /> znstrum�nt of substituti�n shall discharge Trustee herein named and sha11 appoint �he new trus�ee as the <br /> trustee hereunder with the same effect as if origina�ly named Trustee herein. A writing recorded pursuan� <br /> ta the provisions of th�s Se�tion shall be canc�usive pra�f of th�proper subst�tution of su�h r�ew Trustee. <br /> 3.I4 Due on Sa�e or Encumbrance. Except as permit�ed by the provisions af any Secured <br /> �bligation or applicahle Iaw, if the Trust Property or any interest therein shal� be sald, transferred <br /> �inc�uding withau� limitation, where applicable, thr�ugh sale �r transfer �f a maj ority or controll�ng <br /> interest af the corporate stock, or any genera� partnership, limi�ed liabil�ty company �r ather sim►i.Iar <br /> inter�sts,of Trustor},mortgaged, assigned, encumbered or leased,whether�aluntarily, in��luntarily or by <br /> operatian of�aw (�ach of which ac�ians and events is called a "Transfer"�, with�ut Ben�ficiary's prior <br /> written consent, THEN B�neficiary may, at its sale option, declare a�l Secure� �bligations imrnediate�y <br /> due and payable in fu�l. Trustor shall notify Beneficiary in wr�ting of each Transfer within t�n (1�} <br /> business days of the date thereof. � <br /> 3.I5 Re�eases Extensions Modificatians an� Addit�anal Securit . Without not�ce ta or the ! <br /> cansent, approva� or agreement of any persans �r entities having any �nterest at any time in the Trust � <br /> � <br /> Proper�y or in any manner �bligated under any Secured �bligatian �each, an '"Interested Party"}, � <br /> B�neficiary may, fr�m time ta time, release any Interested Party fram liability far the payment of any <br /> S�cured �bligation, �ake any ac�ion or make any agreement ext�nding the maturi�y ar otherwise altering <br /> the terms or increasing the amoun� of any Secured �bligation, accept additiona� security, and enforce, <br /> waive, subordinate or release ali or a por�ion of the Trus� Praper�y or any other security for any Secured <br /> Qbligation. None of the foregoing ac�i�ns sha�� re�ease or reduce the personal liability of a,ny Interested <br /> Party, nar re�ease or impair the priority of the lien of�his I]eed of Trust up�n the Trust Prop�rty. <br /> 3.i 6 Recan�e ance. Upon Beneficiary's written r�quest, and soiely to the extent required by <br /> applicable �aw upon surrender of this I]eed of Trust and every note or o�her�nstrument �etting forth any <br /> -�- <br />