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8. REPAIRS DUE TO FAULT OF OWNER. In the event that there is any <br />maintenance or repair to the Property done by Association resulting from the willful or negligent <br />act of any Owner, his or her family, guest or invitees, the cost of such maintenance or repair shall <br />be promptly paid by such Owner. <br />Article VII. <br />ASSESSMENTS <br />20:1702574 <br />1. ASSESSMENTS; GENERALLY. Every Owner of a Lot, or any part or <br />subsequent re- subdivision thereof, as a Member of the Association shall pay to the Association <br />an annual assessment and special assessments as may be levied by the Board of Directors of the <br />Association from time to time in accordance with the previsions hereinbelow. The assessments <br />levied by the Association shall be used exclusively to promote the health, safety, recreation and <br />welfare of the Owners of the Lots. <br />2. ANNUAL ASSESSMENTS. The Board of Directors of the Association shall <br />levy an annual assessment to pay for ordinary operating costs, regular maintenance, or other <br />services provided by the Association, whether of a general nature or specifically taking to the <br />Lake, and for all other necessary annual expenditures for the Association not deemed to be <br />capital expenditures. <br />(a) The amount of the annual assessment shall be determined by the Association's <br />Board of Directors at an annual meeting with appropriate notice thereof sent to <br />each Member of the Association in accordance with the Association's Bylaws. <br />The amount of the annual assessment shall be based on an annual budget of the <br />Association prepared and approved by the Board of Directors, which shall be <br />provided to each Member along with the required notice of the aforesaid annual <br />meeting. The annual budget shall contain (1) estimated revenue and expenses on <br />an accrual basis; (2) the amount of any cash reserves of the Association currently <br />available for services the Association provides and for contingencies; (3) an <br />itemized estimate of the remaining life of, and the methods of funding to defray <br />repair, replacement or additions to the improvements provided, maintained or <br />installed by the Association; and (4) a general statement setting forth the <br />procedures used by the Association in the calculation and establishment of <br />reserves to defray the costs of repair, replacements or additions to the <br />improvements provided, maintained or installed by the Association. <br />(b) <br />The annual assessment shall be uniform in amount as to all Lots. The annual <br />assessment may be payable monthly, quarterly or annually as the Association's <br />Board of Directors may determine. The Association shall send a billing of the <br />annual assessment once levied to each of the Members setting forth the amount <br />and due date(s) thereof Members shall pay the amount of the annual assessment <br />to the Association on or before the due dates(s) set forth in the billing. <br />3. SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS. The Board of Directors of the Association may also <br />levy special assessments to pay for any ordinary and necessary expenditures not covered by the <br />annual assessment which are not deemed to be a capital improvement. Subject to the approval of <br />the Members, the Board of Directors of the Association may further levy special assessments for <br />the purpose of paying, in whole or in part, the cost of capital improvements, and in particular, the <br />cost of any construction, reconstruction, or repair or replacement, or additions or appurtenances <br />thereto, of park upkeep or repairs, sewer utilities and/or repairs, streets and easements of <br />13 <br />
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