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rn <br /> m � � � <br /> rnm � y rn <br /> o �� � � �rn � rn <br /> � �orn � � o <br /> o � �z � � Z� � y <br /> � �� � � �Z � � <br /> a, z� � � �rn p — <br /> � �� � � �� � � <br /> rn� rn �� � � <br /> m rn � _� �] <br /> ' rn C� p � <br /> �o cn � � � <br /> �� � r� <br /> 6]� � .�.� Z <br /> p� � � � <br /> IV Z <br /> c Q <br /> WHEN REC�RDED �IIA1L T�: <br /> Exchange Bank <br /> GI-Ailen Dr��e Branch <br /> 'i 2�4 A�len Dr <br /> P� Box 5793 <br /> Grand lsland, NE ES8�2 F�R REC�RDER'S USE�NLY <br /> DEED DF TRUST <br /> THIS D EED �F TRUST is dated ApriI �7, 2��7, amang DAM�N A A�D ERS�N and AMY � <br /> A[�DERS�N� Husband and Wife; {"Trustor"}; Exchange Bank, whose address is �I - Allen Dri�e <br /> Bran�h, '[2D4 AIien Dr, P� Box �79�, Grand I�[and, NE �$8D2 �referred �v �elvw sometimes <br /> as "Lenclerr' and sometimes as "Benefi�iarytt}; and Exchange Bank, whvse address is P� Bvx <br /> 397r Kearn�y, NE 65848 �r�ferred tv below as "Truste�'r}. <br /> G�NVFYANCE AND GRANT. For�aluable consideration,Trusfor con�eys to Trustae in�rus�,WITH P�V�IER �F SALE. <br /> for the benefit ❑f Lender as Benefi�iary, all of Trus�ar's rightr �itIe� and interest in and tn �he foIIowing describ�d reaI <br /> proper-�y, �oge�her with aIC existing ar subsequenfly erected ❑r affixed buifdings� impravements and fixtures; all <br /> easements, righ�s of way, and appurtenances, aII wa�er, wa�er rzghts and di�ch rights �including s�ack in u�iii�i�s w��h <br /> ditch or irriga�ion righ�s}{ and all �ther rights, royalties, and profits relating to the reaf properryr incIuding withou� <br /> Iimifiafiian a�i mineraIs, oii, gas, geo�herma! and similar mat�ers, �the "Real Praperty`�� Iacated in HALL <br /> County, Sfate of Nebraska: <br /> Lots 65 and ��, Hagges` Subdivision in the �ity �f �r�nd �sland, HaII Cvunty, Nebraska <br /> The Reai Properfy or its address is commvnIy known as 7�5 HAG�E AVE, GRAND ISLAND, <br /> 11IF 658��, The Real Pr�per�y tax identificatian number is ��� D4'� 979. <br /> REV�LVIN� LtNE DF CRED�T. This Deed af Trus�se�ures the indebtedness incIuding, without Iimitation. a revolving <br /> Iine af creciif,which❑bligates Lender to make advances to Trustar so Iong as Trustor cvmpIies with aij the term� of the <br /> Credif Agreement. Su�h ad�ances may be mader repaid, and remade from time to timer subject tv tha Iimrtatian that <br /> tf�e tafal ❑utstanding ba�an�e owing at any one time, nofi in�Iuding finan�e charyes on such baIance afi a fixed or <br /> variable rate or sum as pro�ided in the Credit Agreement� any temporary o�erages, �ther charges� �nd any amaunts <br /> expended or ad�anced as pro�ided in eith�r the Indebfedness paragraph or this paragraph��shaI[ no� ex�eed the Credit <br /> Limit as pro�ided in the Credit Agreement. I�is the�n�entivn of Trusfor and Lender that this Deed of Trust secures the <br /> baiance ❑u#s�anding under the Credit Agreemen�from time f❑time from zero up to the Gred�t Limi�as pro�ided in the <br /> Credit Agreement and any intermediafe baIance. <br /> Trusfar presen�Iy assigns to Lender �also kr�own as Seneficiary in this Deed o-F Trust} aII of Trustot�'s right, tit�e, and <br /> in�eres� in and �❑ all pr�sent and futur� leases o��he Praperty and aII Renfs from the Property, In addition, Tru�tar <br /> grants fo Lender a Uni�orm CommerczaI Code security interes��n the Personai Property and Ren�s, <br /> TH[S DEED �F TRUST, iNCLUDING THE ASS�GNMENT�F RENTS AND THE SECURITY INTEREST I[II THE RENTS AND <br /> PERSaI1tAL PR�PERTY, j5 G[VEN TD SECllRE �A} PAYMENT �F THE INDEBTED�fES�AND �B} PERF�RMANGE �F <br /> EACH �F TRUSTaR'S AGRFEMENTS AIIID DSLIGAT��NS UNDER THE �REDiT AGREEMENT, THE RELATED <br /> DQCUMENTS, AND THIS DEE� DF TRUST. TH�S DEED �F TRLIST IS GIVEN AND ACGEPT�E❑ 4N THE F�LL�VIIING <br /> TERMS; <br /> PAYMENT AND PERFDRMANC�. Except as otherwise proWided in �his ❑eed of T�ust, Trustor shall pay �� Lender� �II <br /> amounts secured by this Deed o�f Trus� as the�r bec�me due, and shaII strictly and in a time�y manne� perform alI ❑f <br /> Trusfio�'s obligations undet'the Credit Ag�eement,this De�d of Trust� and�he Related Documen�s. <br /> PQSSESSI�N AND MAiN.TENANCE OF THE PR�PERTY. Trustor agrees that Trus�ot-'s passession and use af �he <br /> Property shal� be go�erned by the follawing pro�isions: <br /> Possession and Use. UntiI the vccurrenc� of an E�en� n� De��ul�r Trustor- may ��} remain in possessian and <br /> con�roI of�he Property; {�} use� operate or manage�he Property; ahd {3) callec��he Rents from the P�operty, <br /> Duty to Maintain. Trustor shall maintain the Prap�rty in good �ondi�i�n and pr�omptly pe�form aII repairs, <br /> replacemen�s, and mainfienance necessary to presenre i�s�alue. <br /> CompIian�e With En�sronmental Laws. Trustor represents and w�r�an�s�o Lender that; {'�} During �he pe�iad ofi <br /> T�us�ar's ownership af the Properry,there has been no use, genera�I�nr manu�acture,s�orage,treatment, disposal, <br /> release or�hrea�ened �-elease af any Ha�ardous Subs�ance by any person vn, under, about or from th� Property; <br /> t27 Trustor has no know�edge of, or reason to beIierre tha��here has �een, except as pre�rously disclosed �o and <br /> acknowiedged by Lender in writing, �a� any breach or violation of any En�ironmentaI Laws� (b} any us�� <br /> genera�ian, manu�acture, s�orage, treatment, disposal� release or�hrea�ened release of any Hazardaus 5ubs�ance <br /> ❑n, under, ab�ut or ��om �he Property by ar�y pr�or owners ot- accupants of�he Pr-aperty, or �c} any actual or <br /> �hreatened Iit�gation ar claims af any kind by any person reiating fo such matters; and t3} Except as pr�eviousIy <br /> disclosed to and a��nowfedged by Lender in wri�ing, {a} nei�her Trustar nor any tenant, cantracto�, agen�or other <br /> au�horized user af�he Praperty shaII use, generate, manutacture, stot�e,frea�, dispose ❑f❑r�-elease any Hazar-dous <br /> Subs�anGe on, under, about❑r�From�he Property; and {b} any such a�ti�ity sha�l be �onducted in campIiance wjth <br /> a!! applicable -F�deral, s�at�, and Iocal 1aws, regulations and ordinances, including withou� limitation all <br /> En�ironmental Laws, Trusto� authorizes Lender- and i�s agents t❑ en�er upvn �he P�roperty ta make such <br />