2� 17�254�
<br /> Security Ir�strument,ir�eluding prntectir�g andfor assessing th��alue a�the Property,and securing andfar
<br /> repairing the Prope�ty.L�nder's actions can inc�ude,but are not�imited�o:�a}pay�ng any sums secured
<br /> by a[ien which has priority o�erthis Secu�ity Instrument;�b}appearing in cou�t;and(c}payi�rg reasonable
<br /> attorneys'fees to p�o�ect its interest in the Prope�y andlor rights under#his Secur�ty lns�rument,including
<br /> ifs secured p�s�t�or�in a bankrup�cy p�a�eedir�g. Securing the Praperty inc[udes, �ut is not limited to,
<br /> entering the Praper�y ta make repairs, �hange�oGks, r�plac�❑r board up dvars and w���dows, drain
<br /> wate�fram pipes,eliminat�building or other code Wiaiations or dangerous canditions,and ha�e utilities
<br /> turned on or a�f.Al�haugh Lender may take ac��on under this Sect�on 5,Lender daes not ha�e to da sv
<br /> and is nvt under any duty v�obliga�i�n#v do sa.!t is agreed that Le��der incurs no�iabil�ty�or not taking
<br /> any or al�actions authari�ed under th�s 5ection 9.
<br /> Any amounts disbursed by Lender under this S�ctivn 9 shall became addi�iona[debt v�B�rr�wer
<br /> secured by�his 5ecurity lnstrument. These amaunts sha�l bear interest at the No#e rate from #he
<br /> date of disbu�semen�and shal�be payab��,v►rith such�nterest,upvn nvtice from Lender to Bvrrower
<br /> requesting payment.
<br /> lf this Security lnstrument is an a leaseho[d, Borrower sha[�comply with all the pro�isians flf the
<br /> lease. Bar�ower shal�not surr�nder the leaseha�d estat� and interests herein con�eyed or ter��inate
<br /> o�cancei�he graund[e�se.gvrrower shal�not,vvithout the express Urrit�en cnnsent of Lend�r,a[ter or
<br /> am�nd#he graund�ease. If Bor�ower acquires fee tit�e�a tf�e P�oper�y,the��asehald ar�d�he fee�it[e
<br /> sha�1 nat merge unfess Lender agrees to fhe merger in i►vrit�n�.
<br /> 'i4. �ortgage lnsurance.If Lender required�Illor�gage fnsurance as a condition o�mak�ng#he Lvan,
<br /> g�rrawer sha��pay the premiums required to mainta�n�he il�o�#ga�e[nsurance in e�fect.lf,far any reason,
<br /> the Iltf��gage�nsuran�e caWerage required by Lender ceases to be a�a��able�rom the mor�gage insurer
<br /> t�at p�eviausly pravided such insurance ar�d Borrov�r�r was required �a make sepa�ate�y designa#ed
<br /> �ayments tov�ra�d the pr�miums fior(�liortgage lnsurance, B�rrawer shail pay th� prem�ums requi�ed
<br /> to abtain co�erage substantial�y equi�aient�o�he Mo�tgage Insu�an�e pre��ous�y�n effect, at a cost
<br /> substantiaf(y equi�alent tv the cvst tv Borra�er❑f the Mo�gage[nsuran�e pre�iously in effec#,fron�an
<br /> alternate mortgage insurer se�e�ted by Lender.If substan�ia��y equi�al�nt Mar#gage Insu�anc��4verage
<br /> is nat available, Borrovrer sha[i cant�nue to pay tv Lender the amount of the sepa�ate�y designa�ed
<br /> pay��en�s that were due vvhen the insurance coverage ceased to be in effec#.Lender wi[f accep�,use
<br /> and retain these payments as a non-refundabCe loss rese�ve in I�eu vf Mortgage�nsurance.5ucf�loss
<br /> r�serve shall be non-�efundabfe, nvtwithstandin�the fact that the Loan is ultimafeiy paid in fu[[, and
<br /> Lender sha��not be��quired to pay Borrv�Ver any inferes#❑r earnings on such�vss�esenre.Lender can
<br /> no lang�r require loss reserve paym�n�s i�Mo�gage lnsurance�vverage�in the an�aun�and far#he period
<br /> tha�Lender requires}prvWided by an insurer selected by Lender aga�n becvmes a�ai[abie,is abta�ned,
<br /> and Lender requires separate�y designated payments#o�r�ard the premiums far Mvrtgage Insurance.I�
<br /> Lender required Mo�tgage lnsurance as a condition af making t���Lflan and gorro�ver was required t�
<br /> make separat��y designated payments tavtirard the pre�iums fvr�ortgage Insurance, Borrower st�a[I
<br /> pay�he pr�miuR�s required�o mai��ta�n Mo�fgage lnsuranc�in effect, ar ta p�oWide a nvn-refundable
<br /> iass reserve, until Lend�r's r�quiremen��or�ortgage Insurance ends in accardance�vith any writ�en
<br /> agreement be#we�n Barrvv�rer and Lender providing far such term�r�ation or untii termina�ion is requ�red
<br /> by Applicable La�r. �loth�ng in this 5ec�ion �a af�ects 8o�rtiwer's obligation to pay interes�at the rate
<br /> p�a�ided in the Note.
<br /> �a�tgage lnsuranr,e reirnt�urses Lender(or any entity tfi�at purchases the NQte}�o�ce�ain lass�s it may
<br /> incur if Borrvwer does nvt�epay the Loan as agreed.Borrav�rer is naf a pat�y to the�ar�gage insurance.
<br /> Mortgage lnsurers evaivate their tv�ai risk on a�f such insurance in force�rvm time ta time, and
<br /> may enter�nto agreements►��th other par�ie�tha�share vr mvd�fy the€r�isk,ar reduce losses.These
<br /> agreements are on terms and condit�ons tha�are sa#isfactory f❑the mv�gage ir�surer and the ❑ther
<br /> party�or parties�ta these agreements.These agreer��ents may require#he mo�tgage insurer to make
<br /> payments using any source of�unds�hat the mortgage insurer may have a�ai[able�whic��rr�ay include
<br /> �unds obta�ned�rarn[Vior�gage fnsuranee premiums}.
<br /> As a result of#hese agreements,Lender,any purchaser of the nate,another insure�,any re�nsu�e�,
<br /> any ather entity, or affif�a#e vf any v�the foregoing, may rec�i�e �directiy or ind�rectly} amaunts tha�
<br /> deri�e�ram�or might be characterized as}a partian v��3orrav�er's payments for Mortgage�nsurance,
<br /> in exchange f�r sharing❑r modifjring the ma�gage insu�er's r�sk,ar reducing�osses.If su�h ag�eem�nt
<br /> prvWided tha�ar�a€f liate a�Lender takes a share a�the insurer's risk in ex�hange�o�a share of the
<br /> premiums paid�v the insurer,the arrangement�s of�er�t�rmed"captiue re�nsurance."Further:
<br /> (a} Any such agreements irvil! not affect th�amounts that Borrawer has agre�d to pay for
<br /> �[artgag�lnsurance,or any ntherterms vf th�Loan.Such ag��ements v�ril�nat increase�he amaun�
<br /> 6orrawer wiit o►rue for I'V�vrtgage�nsu�ance,and t�ey�rvil�not en��tle Barrawer�v any r�fund.
<br /> �b} Any such ag�eernents wit� nat aff�ct th� rights Bv��ower has - if any-vuith respect t�
<br /> the Mortg��e Insurance under the Hamevuvners�'�at�c�ivn Act of�998 or any other lavu.These
<br /> righ�s may include�he ric�ht ta recei�e c�rta�n d�sc�asures,€o request and obtain canceilativ�
<br /> vf the Mvrtgage�nsu�an�e,�v ha�e the illiortgage insurance terminated autvmati�a[�y,andlvr tv
<br /> recei�e a re�und of any Mortgage�nsurance prerniums�hat�►�rere unearn�d at the time of su�h
<br /> Garrceltation or terminat�an.
<br /> '1'1. Assignmen�of Miscellanevus Prviceeds;Farfeiture.All Miscel[aneous P�aceeds are hereby
<br /> assigned tv and shall be paid tv Lender.
<br /> If the Proper�y is damaged,such Mis��llaneous Proceeds shall be applied t�resto�a#ion v�repa�r�f
<br /> the Prape�y,i�the restvration ar r�pair is ecvnomically feasib[e and Lend�r's secur�ty is not�essened.
<br /> Du��ng such repair and restorati�n period; Lender shall have the right to ho[d such Miscel�aneous
<br /> P�oceeds until Lender has had an oppo�tunity ta inspec#such Prop��#y to ensure the v�ark has been
<br /> NEBRA5KA--Singl�Family--�annie MaelFreddi�llllac E1NlFC3RM fNSTRUMENT Form 3028'il�'�
<br /> Ellie Mae,�r�c. Page 6 a�1� NEllDEED U495
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