2� 17�254�
<br /> a�kna�r�rledges�hat�he�vst vf the insurance��ve�age so abta�ned m�ght signif�ant[y exGeed the cast
<br /> o�insurai�ce tha�Borr�we�cou�d hav�❑btairied.Any amaunts disbursed by Lender under this Section
<br /> 5 sha�[b�come additional deb�af Borro�e�secured by�his Security lnstrument.These amoun�s shal�
<br /> bear ir7terest at the Nate rate from the da�e of d�shu�semen�and s��al[be payat��e,with such interest,
<br /> upor�not�ce�rom Lender ta Borrower requesting payment.
<br /> A[[insuran�e policies required by Lende�and renewals a�such poficies shall be sub�ect to Ler�der's
<br /> 1"E�h�tD d15�PPC�Ve SUC��PUIICl�S,shall inc[ude a standard mortgage clause,and shall name L�nder as
<br /> mvrtgagee andlv�as an additionaf Ioss payee.Lender sha�i ha►re the righ##o hold�he palicies and renewal
<br /> certificates.lf Lender requires,Barrower shall prampt�y give to Lender aff re�eipts of paid premiums and
<br /> renewa[nQtices.[f B�rrower ob#ains any�orm o�insurance cv�e�age,nvt vther�rv�se required by Lender,
<br /> for damage tv,ar destructivn of!the Property,such policy sha[I inc�ude a standard martgage c�ause and
<br /> shal�name Lender as mar�gagee andlar as an additional�oss payee.
<br /> !n the eWent af Ivss,Barrovrer sha[[g�We prompt notice�o fhe insuran�e carrie�and L.ender.Lend�r
<br /> may make praof af lass if n�t made prompt[y hy Sorrower.Unless Lender and Barrower�therw�s�agree
<br /> in writing, an��nsurance pr�ceeds,��hether or n�t the underlying�nsuranc��nras required by Lender,
<br /> shall be applied ta restoration or repair vfthe Praper��r,�fthe restora�ion or r�pair is ecanomicaliy�easible
<br /> and Lender's security is nvt�essened.During such repair and restoration period,Lender shall ha�e fhe
<br /> right to f�o�d such it�sura�lce proceeds until Lender has had an vpportunity to inspec�such Property t❑
<br /> ensure th�v�rark has heen comp����d to Lender's satis�action, prvWided tha�such inspec�ion shalf be
<br /> undertaken prvmptfy.Lender may d�sburse proceeds far the repairs and res�oration in a s�n�le payment
<br /> �r in a series o�pr�gress paymer�ts as the v�rork�s completed.UnCess an agreement is made in writing or
<br /> App�icab�e Laov requires interest to be paid an such insurance proceeds,Lender sha11 no#be required to
<br /> pay Borrvwer any interest or earnings❑n such proceeds.F�es for puhlic adjusters,ar vther tl�ird par�ies,
<br /> re�ained by B�rrawer sha�l nvt be paid ouf v�€the insuran�e praceeds and sha�l be the so�e�hl�gativn of
<br /> �arr�►�rer.�f#he re�toratian ar repa�r is nv�ecanamica��y f�asible or L�nder's securi�y►rrrould be lessen�d,
<br /> the insuranc�proceeds sha�[be applied�v�he sums se�ured by this Seeurity lnstrumen�,whether or
<br /> nat t�7en due,with the excess,if any,paid to Bflrrower.Such insuran�e proceeds shal[be applied in the
<br /> ord�r pr�vided for in Section�.
<br /> �f Sorrawer abandons th�Property, Lender may fle,negot�ate and sett[e any a�ailabie insurance
<br /> cfaim ar�d re[ated rnatters.�f Bvrrvwer dnes not respond witl�i��30 days to a r�otice from Ler�d�r that the
<br /> insurance carrier has affered t❑�ettle a claim,then Lender may n�ga�iate ar�d seif�e the claim.The 3�-
<br /> day per�od�uil1 begin whe��th�notice is gi�en.In either ev�nf,ar if Lender acquires the Property under
<br /> Sectinn �� or othervsrise, Borrower hereby assigns to Lender�a} Bo��ovuer's rights�v any insu�ance
<br /> p�oceeds in an amount not ta exceed th�amounts ur�pa�d ur�der the Note or this 5ecurity�nstrument,
<br /> and �b}ariy�ther�f Borrav�,rer`s rights�ot�e�than#he�ight tv any refund o�unearned p�emiums paid
<br /> by Borro�er}under all�nsuranGe policies�overing the Property,inso�ar as such rights are app�i�able
<br /> tv tl�e cave�age of tl�e Prvperty.Lender may use fh�insu�ance praceeds either to repa�r vr res��re�he
<br /> Property or ta pay amour�ts unpaid unde�fhe Note vr this Security Instrumer�t,��vhether ar nQt then due.
<br /> �. �ccupancy. Borrv4�r�r shall o�cupy, estab��s�, and use the Proper��as Borrow��'s principal
<br /> resider��e��rithin�0 days af�e�the execution of this Security Instrur��ent�nd shai!cant�t�ue to occupy the
<br /> Property as Bor�o�er's prir�cipa!res�dence�ar at least❑ne year afterthe da#�of occupancy,uniess Lender
<br /> o#herwis�agrees in writing,v�rhich cansent sh�ll not be unreasonably w�thhe�d, or unless ex�enuating
<br /> circurns�ances exis�whict�are beyond Barrawer°s control.
<br /> 7. Preser�ation, tl�aintenance and Prvtectir�n v�the p�vpe€ty; �nspectians. Barrower shal[
<br /> not destroy,damage or impair the Property, ai�ow the Property#v deterivrat�vr�ar��rn�t waste on the
<br /> Prope�y.111lhethe�ar nat Bvrrov�rer is residing in�he Prape�y, Barrower shall maintain the Property in
<br /> order#o prevent the P�ope�y#r�m de�eriara#ing or decreas�ng in�aCue due��its condifivn. Un�ess it
<br /> is determined pursuant to Section �fhat repair or restora�ion is na�economica{�y feasible, Borrower
<br /> shall promptly repair the Proper#y�f damaged ta aWaid fu�her deterioration or darnage.If insurance or
<br /> condemna�ion proceeds are paid in cor���ection��r�th damage to,ar the taking af,�he Prope�ty,Bor�vv+�er
<br /> sha�l b� respons�b�e�or repairing or restvring the Praper�y❑n1y if Lender has released prviceeds for
<br /> such purpas�s. L�nder may disburse proceeds for the�epairs and restorativn in a single�ayment or
<br /> in a ser�es of progress pa�ments as the work is comp�e�ed.!f the insurance ar condemna�ivn pr�ceeds
<br /> are not suffc�ent ta repair ar restvre the Property,Ba�rowe�is no�re�ie�ed�f Barrow�r's obiigativn�flr
<br /> the�ompletion o�such repair or�esto�ati�n.
<br /> Lender or its agent rnay make reasonab�e entr�es upan and irispections af the Praperty. If it has
<br /> reasvnable cause,Lender may in�pect the interior of tt�e impra�ements on the Prvperty.Lender sha�l gi��
<br /> Sorr�wer not'rce at�he time of or prior to such an inte�o�inspec��vn speci�}ring such Feasonab�e cause.
<br /> 8. Borrov�r�r's Laan Applicatian.Borrowershall�e�n d��au[t if,during the�van app��cation pr�cess,
<br /> Borrower vr any persons❑r entities acting at the d�rec#ion of�orrow�r or w�ti�Borrower's knowledge❑r
<br /> consen�gaWe mater�afly fa�se,misleading,vr�naccurate infarmation o�statem�nts ta Lender�or fai�ed t�
<br /> prvvide Lender with mate�ia[infarmation}€n cv��nection�vith the Loan.Materia[representafi�ns include,
<br /> but are not limited ta,repres�r�ta�ions concerning Borrav�rer's occupan�y of the Praperty as gorrower's
<br /> principal residence.
<br /> 9. Prv�ect�fln of Lender's Interest ir�the Property and Rights Under ihis Secu�ity lns�rum�nt.
<br /> �f�a� Barrov�er fails to pe�fo�m the cvvenan�s and ag�eements�ontain�d in this Security Ir�strument, �
<br /> tb}�here is a lega! p�oceeding tha�might signifcantfy affect Lende�'s interest in fhe Praperty andlar
<br /> rights und��this 5ecur�ty It�strument�su�h as a praceeding in bankruptcy,prabate,fv�c�ndemnation vr
<br /> �orfeitur�,fnr er�fa�cement❑f a Iien which may at�ain pr�or�ty�ver this Se�urity lnstrument or to enfor�e
<br /> laws or reguiations}, or�c} Borrvvrer has abandoned the Property, then Lender may do and pay far
<br /> whate�er is reasanabfe�r appropriate t❑p�otect Lender's in�erest in th�Praperty and�ights under this
<br /> NEBRAS�CA--Sin�f�Fami[y--Fanrtie MaelFredd'€e Mac UNfF�Rill�1N5TRESMENT Fvrm 3028 9l�1
<br /> Eilie Ma�,�nc. Page 5 of 1� NEU�EE❑�C�S�
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