2� 17�2473
<br /> �f L�nder ����r�ises �his a�����n, Lender �hall give Barr�wer �.at�c� flf a�c��eration. The na�ice sha�� pr�v�de a
<br /> perifld �f na�� Inss than the m�nimum nu�r�.ber �f days established by App�icable Law from �h� da�� th� natice is
<br /> deliver�d vr�n�.��ed w��hin �hzch Borrower must pay al� s�xms �e��tred by this S�curi�y Zns�rumen�. If B�rro�w�r
<br /> fa��s ��pay thes� sums priar to �he exp�ra�ion af�his period, Lender ma� invoke any remedies permitted by this
<br /> 5ecu�r��y�ns�:rument withou�fia.rther nflt�ce or demand�n Borravtrer.
<br /> Barr�wer's R�.gh.t t� Re�r�state. �f Borr�w�r meets cer�a�n �ond���ons, Borrower shall have �he r�ght �� have
<br /> enforcement flf th�s Security�ns�rum�nt d�scan�inued a��.�y �ime pr�or tfl the earlier of: �a} 5 days ��r,�uch ��her
<br /> p�ri�d as��}pli.cable Lativ rr�ay specify far re�ns�atement}befare sa�e of the Proper�y pursuant to ar�y potiver�f sal�
<br /> cont�ined ir.� th�s Secur�ty �ns�rument; or �b} en�ry of a judgm�n� er�forcing this Security �nstrum�n�. Those
<br /> cond��ions are �hat BorroWE;r: �a�pays Lender aIl su�ns vvhich then,vvou�d �be due under�his Security Ins�rument
<br /> and the �ont�a�ct as �f no ac;celeration h�d. occurred; �b} cures any� d�efaul� of an�r o�her��vena�.ts or ag;reemen�s;
<br /> (c) pays alI expenses incurr�d �n enforcing this Securi� �ns�ru�.en�, �nclud�ng, bu� na� ��mited ��, reasanable
<br /> at�orn�ys' fees �a the ex�en.t permitted by Iaw; and �d� �akes such acti�n as Lender may reasonab�y re�uire ��
<br /> assure �hat �he li�n of th�s ���cur��y �ns�rumen�, Len�ier's r��hts in �he Praperty and Borrotiver's obliga�i�on to pay
<br /> the sums se�cured by this �ecurity Ins�rumen� sha11 continue unc�.ang�d. Llp�n reins�a�emen� by Borrnwer, th�s
<br /> Secugity �nstrument and the abligations secured hereby shall r���.�n fu�Iy effec�ive as if na ac�e�era�ion had
<br /> accurred. H�ovvever, this ri�gh� to reins�a�e shall no� app�y in �h� �ase of ac�elera�ion under the sec�ion titled
<br /> Tran�fer of th+e Praperty v�r a Ben�f��ial Interest in Borrow�r.
<br /> Haz�.rdou� 5uhstanCes. Borro�rer sha11 n�ot cause or pe��the pres�nce,use, C�15�]�5��, s�orage, or re�e�s�of any
<br /> Hazardaus ���bstances on Eo� in the Property. Barro�v�r �hall �a� do, nor allovv anyone else to do, any�hing
<br /> affec��ng the Proper�y�ha�i�s in viola�ion af any Environmen�al Lav�r, The preced�ng tvtro sentences �ha�X not app�y
<br /> to th� prese�zc�, use, or storage on the Property of sm�I� �uanti�ies af Hazardflus Subs�ances �ha� are general�y
<br /> recognized���be appropr�atf,t�narma�res�den�ial uses a��to main�enan�e of the Properry.
<br /> Bnrra�ver sha�� promp�ly giv� Lender writ�en notice of any �nves��ga�ian, claim, demand, laws�i� �r o�her act���
<br /> by any g�vernxnental or re�;t�latory agenc� or private p arty invo�vi.ng �he Prop er�y and an� Hazardflus Sub s�anc e
<br /> or Enviranr��en�al Law of v�hich Barr�v�er has ac�ual �nawledge. If Borr�wer Iearns, or �s n�tified by any
<br /> govera�ment�l ar r�gulatory a�thority,�ha�any remaval ar oth�r rex�es�ia�ion af any Hazard�us Subs�anc�:affecting
<br /> the Proper�� i s necessary, �arro�ver sh�1� promptly �a�e all n�c�ssary remedial actions in accardance vvi�h
<br /> Env�ronmeni.al Law.
<br /> As used in t��is�a.ragraph, "Hazardous Subs�ances" are �hose subs�an.ces defined as tax�c or hazardous �ubstances
<br /> by E�.virar�nler��a� Law antl �he fa�lovving sub��an�es: gasoline, k�ntisene, �ther flammable or �ox�c �pe�roleurm
<br /> produ�ts, �oi�ic pestic�des and herbicides, v��a��1e so�v�n�s, xnaterial.s conta�ning asbes�os or forma�dehyde, and
<br /> rad�o�c�ive r.na�erials. As us��d in this paragraph� "Environmen�al Law" means federal laws and lavvs of�l�.e state of
<br /> Nebraska th��t r+�late to hea��:h,safety or en�r�ronmenta�pro�e�ti�n.
<br /> Acce��ratio��; R�medies. I1��der shall give r�ot�ce to �orrow�r �ri�r ta ac�eleration f�I���ing Bor�°�wer's
<br /> breac� of a��y c�venant flr agreement��this Se�urity Instrunl�nt or°the�ontra�t unde��vhich a�c�e�erat�on
<br /> is per�n�tted. ��ut n�t pr�o��ta a�celera�ion under th� se�tio� tY�le�'�'ransf�r of the Property ar a Ben�f�ci�.�
<br /> I�tere5t in �3o�-r�wer, uni�s� Applicab�� Law pr��id�s otherv�ise�. The not�ce shall spe�ifyv �a} thr default;
<br /> �b} t�.e actian requ�red �o cure the d.efauxt; �c} a date, n�� Iess than the m�n�mum number� of da�s
<br /> es�ab�ished'Iby App�icable I.davv fr�m th� dat�the nvt��e�s give�to Borro,wer,by whi�h the defaul�must b�
<br /> c�red; and (d]� tha� fai�ur�e to cure the defa��t �n or befox°e the date sp�cif�ed �n the noti�e ma� r�sult in
<br /> ac�eleration of the sum� secured by this Security In�trumer�t and sa1Q of the Property. To tlhe extent
<br /> p�rm�tted by Iaw, the not�c� shall furth�r ir�farm Bo�r�wer �f t�e right t� refn�tate after�c��lerat�on and
<br /> the right tfl bri��g a�ourt���ti.on to assert th�non-ex��t�n���f a d�fault or any other defens�of Bo��r�wer to
<br /> acce�eratiQn and sa�e. If t�� default is ��at cured fln or b�fare th� date specif�Qd in the r�oti�e, Lender at it�
<br /> �pti�r� may require immediat� payr�r�ent in fu�i of a�I surn� s��ured by this Se�urity Instruxx�e��. vv��hout
<br /> further de�rnand and may in�oke the ��vver of sale and a�y oth�r remedies perm�tted by Applic�.bl� Lav�.
<br /> To th� ext��€�t permi�ted by law, Lende�r shal� be �n�����d to c�vile�t alI e�penses in�urred in p�r�u�ng th�
<br /> remedies pr�vi�d�d in th�5 t5�ction, �n�iuding, but not I�mited t�,reas�nable at�arneys' fee� and cfl�ts of ti���
<br /> evide�ce.
<br /> If th�pow��•vi�sale is inv�l�ed, Trustee �hall re�ord ���t��� af d�fau�t in each county��n v�hic� an��y par��f
<br /> the Propert��is���cated and�hail ma�l C�p�es �f such notic�in th�manner prescribed by Appxi�ab�e I.�avv tti
<br /> Borrower a�€�d to the other� persvns pr�scri�bed by App�i�ab�e �aw. After the time req�ired by Applicab��
<br /> Law, Trus���e ahall give p�u��ic not�ce of sale tfl the p�r�on� ��d in the manner prescribed b� App��.cable
<br /> Law. Truste�e, vvithout d�mand o� Borrower,shall se�l the PrQ�ae��y at pu��ic auction to the highest�idder
<br /> at the�ime ��r�d�place and under the ter°ms des�gnated i�the n�t�c�of sale in one ar mor�par�el�a��d�n an�
<br /> order Tru�t�e d��ermines.. Truste� m�y p��tp�ne saie qf all or any parcel of the Pxvperty �y pub�ic
<br /> annaunceme�a�t at the time and place of any p�re��ouslg�schedui�c� �ale,Lender ar xts des�gn�e may purchas�
<br /> the Proper�r a1:�.ny sale.
<br /> Upon re�eipt of payment af the pr�ce bfd, T�u�tee sha�l d�Iiv�r t� th� purchaser Trust��'s deec� c�vnveyin�
<br /> the Fr�pert�T, 7�he rec�tals in the Truste�'s d��d Shall be prirna fa�ie evide�.ce of the truth of the statement�
<br /> made ther�in. Trustee shall apply the pr�c�eds of �he sale �n �h� fo�lvvving arder: �a} �� a�I �ost� an�
<br /> exp��ses of e��;r�ising the power Q�5ale� an�i the 5ale, �ncluding the payment of the Trust�e's fees actually
<br /> in�urred ar��d r�asonab�e at�orneys' fee� as permitt�c� b� App����b�� La,w; �b} to a�I sums secure�3 by thi�
<br /> Security Ins�t�u�nent; and tc)any excess�.o the person�r p�r�on�I�galiy entit�ed to it.
<br /> R�eonveyan��e. Upon pa�m.en� �f a�l sums secured by tl�is Secur�ty �ns�rument and �erm�nation of Barr�wer`s
<br /> right to obtaiin .further advaz�G�s under the Contract, Lender shall r�s�uest Truste� t� reconvey the Pro��erty and
<br /> shal� surrend�er�this 5ecuritsr ��.s�rumen� an.d a�� can�ract� evidenci�zg debt secured by th�s Security �r���rumen� ��
<br /> 9 2�D�-2Qt5 Compliance Systems,Inc.cdbf�77c-22e57855-�Q16.230.4.8
<br /> Cansumer Real Estate-Security Instrument DL2�36 Pa�e 4 ti�'S www.carrcpIiancesystems.carn
<br />