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2� 17�2473 <br /> Inspection. Lender or��s agent may make reasonable en�r�es upan and inspections of�he Prap�rty. Lender sha�l <br /> gzve Barrower na�ice a�the time of ar prior ta an inspec#ion sp��zfy�ng reasanable cause f�r tihe�nspection. <br /> �ondemnat�on. The proceeds of any award or c�aim far damages, d�rec�ar consequentia�, in cannec�ian wi�h any <br /> candemnation or��her tak�ng of ar�y par�af�he pr�perty, or for conveyance x�.�zeu of candemna�ion, are here�y <br /> assigned and sha�l be paid to Lender. <br /> In �he even� of a �a�al taking of�he Property, �he praceeds shall�e appli�d to �he sums secured�y this Security <br /> �nstru.m�nt, whether or no� then due, vvith any excess pa�d �o B�rrovver. �n �he eve�zt of a partial ta�ing af the <br /> Property �n v�hich �he fair marke�value �f�he Praper�y imrnedia�e�y befare�he �aking i� equa� �o or great�r�han <br /> the amoun� of the sums secured by this Securi�y Instrumen� �mumedia�e�y bef�re the tak�ng, unless Borro�er and <br /> Lender atherwise agree�.n�r�tzng, the sums secured by�his Security�ns�rument sha��be reduced by�he amount of <br /> the pra�eeds multiplied by�h� follow�ng frac�ion: �a}the tota�amount nf�he surns secured immedia�ely before�he <br /> taking, divided by �b} the fair market value af�he Prapez-�y �mrned�a�e�y befare the tak�ng. Ar�y balar�c� shall be <br /> paid �o Borrvvver. In the event of a par�zal takzng af�he Pr��erty in urhich �he fair market �alue of�he Praperty <br /> immedza��iy befare �he �aki�a.g is less tha��he amotu�� �f�he sums secured irnmedzatel�r bef�re �he �aking, unless <br /> B�rro�rer and Lender atherwzse agree �n wr�ting or unl�ss App��cable Lavv a�h�rv�rzse provi�es,�he praceeds sha�� <br /> be appl�ed ta th�sums secured by this Security�nstrume��whether or n�t the sums are then due. <br /> zf the Praper�y is abandoned�y Barraurer, ar�f, after no��ce by Lender�o Borravver tha�the co�demnor offers�� <br /> rnake an award or se��le a�Iaim for damages, Borro�ver fa��s to respo�.d to Lender wi�h�n the min�mum r�umber of <br /> days es�ablished by Appiicab�e Lavv after�he da�e the n�tice is g�ver�,Lender is au�horized��co�le�t a�d apply th� <br /> praceeds, at ��s op���n, ezther to r�s�ora�ion ❑r repair �f�he Property ar ta �he sums secured by th�s S e�urity <br /> �ns�rumen�.,u�he�her or not�herz due. <br /> U�.less Lender and Barravver otherwzse agree in v�r�ting, any appl�ca��on of proceeds�o prin�ipal shall nnt�xtend <br /> or postpflne the due date of�he payme�ts du�under�he Co�.�rac�ar change the amount�f such paymexzts. <br /> Borrovver Nat RexeaSed; Forbearance By Lender Not a �a�ver. E�tension of �he ��me for paymex�� ar <br /> madif cation af amor��zation af the sums secured b�this Se�uri�ty Instrument gran�ed by Lender�o B�rrower or <br /> any successar ��a znteres� of Borrower sha�� no� operate �o release �he �iabili�}r af the or�g�na� B�rraWer or <br /> Borrawer's suGcessars �n zn�eres�. Lend�r shall no�be requ�red�o c�mme�ce proceed�ngs against any successor zn <br /> interes� ar refus� �o ex�end �zme far pa�rmen� or a�herw�se madify arnar�izat�on of �he sums secured by �h�s <br /> Secur�ty�ns�ru.ment by reason af any dernand m.ade by the original Borraw�r or Borrower's successors�r�in�erest. <br /> Any forbearance�y Lender in exerc�sxng any right or remedy sha�1 not be a vvaiver of or preclude the exerc�se af <br /> an�r�gh�vr rernedy. <br /> Successars and A�s�gns �3ound; Joxnt and Severa� L�ab�lity; Ac�omm�dation Signers. The covenants and <br /> agreements of this Securi�y�ns�rument sha�l bind and ber�ef��he su�cessors and ass�gns of Lender ar�d Borrawer, <br /> subjec� �o �he provisxons of sectian ����ed Transfer of the Property or a Benefi�ial Interest in Borrower. <br /> Barrotiver's covenants and agreexnen�s sha�� be j air�� and severa�. Any person vvho co-signs �h�s 5e�urity <br /> �ns�rumer�� hu� has no persanal l�ah�lity ur�der �he Co�tract �"AGcommadatian Signer"�: �a} is co-s�gn�ng �his <br /> Security �nstrumex�t on�y �� m�r�gage, grant and conve� �hat Accomrnada�ion 5�gner's in�erest zn the Property <br /> tuad�r the terms of�ae Security�nstrument; �b}is nat persona�ly ob��ga�ed�o pay the sums secured by�.hzs Security <br /> �ns�rumen�; and�c�agrees �hat Lender and any�ther�3orrawer may agree�o ex�end, m.odify, forb�ar or make any <br /> accommoda�ians w�.�h regard t�the�erms af�his Security Instrument or��e�anxract w��hou��ha�Accammodation <br /> Signer's consen�. <br /> Loan �harges. If th� �oan secured by �h�s Security ��.strument is su�j ec� to a �aw wh�ch sets m.a�imum I�an <br /> charges, and�hat �ayv is�na��y in�erpreted so that the interes��r ather��an charges c���ec�ed ar ta�e colle��ed�n <br /> c�nnectifln v�rx�h �he loa�. exceed �he permi��ed �imi�s, then: �a} any such Ioan charge sha�I be reduced by �he <br /> amaun� necessazy t� reduce the charge �a the permit�ed��mi�� and �b� any sums already c�llected from Borrovver <br /> whzch exce�ded permztted limi�s wil� �e refunded �o Borro�wer. Lender may choose �o make this refund �y <br /> reducir�g �he pr�ncipal avved under the �antrac� ar by making a d�rect paymen� �o B�rravver. �f a refund reduces <br /> pr�ncipal,�he reduc�ian u�i��be�rea�ed as a partial prepaymer��under�he�ontract. <br /> N�t�ces. Any no�ice to Borrower prQvid�d for i.n this Securxty �ns�rume�x� shall be g�ven by de��vering i� or by <br /> rnailing �t by firs�class mail unless Appl�cab��Law requires us�of anoth�r me�hod. The notice sha�X be direc�ed�a <br /> �he praperty.�ddress or a�.y n�her address Borrower designa�es by notice ti� Lender. BorroWer agrees �o prov�de <br /> Lender wi�h Borro,wer's mast curren�mai�ing address, as zt may change frnm�ime�tow�ime. Any natice�o Lender <br /> shall be g�ven by f rs� c�ass mai� t� Lender's address sta�ed here�n or any other address Lender des�gmates by <br /> natice ta Borrower. Any notice pr�v�d�d for xn �his Secur�ty Instrument shall be deemed �o have been given �� <br /> Borrower ar Lender when g�ven as pravzded in t�.is paragraph. <br /> �overn�ng Law; Severab��ity. Th�s Securi�y ��.strument shal� b� governed b�r federal Iaw ar�d �he laws af the <br /> state af Nebraska. �xz �he even� �hat any provision or c�ause of this Securz�y I�s�rument �r�he �on�ract canfl�cts <br /> wi�h Applicable Lav�r, su�h conflic� shall not affec� ather pr�visions af�his 5ecurity �nstrument or �he Con�rac� <br /> whi�h �an be g�ven effec�vvi�haut the confl.i��ing pro�isi�n. To�h�s end�he prov�sions of�h�s Securzty�nstrument <br /> and the��ntrac�are declared to be severab�e. <br /> Barrower's Copy.B�rrov�er shall be given ane�apy af�h�s Secur�ty�ns�rum.en�. <br /> Transfer of the Pr�perty or a Benef cia�Interest�n Borrower.If ail or any pazt of�he Property ar any iriteres� <br /> in it �s sold or �ransf�rred �ar if a benef�ial �n�eres� �n Borrower is sold ar �ransferred arid Borrower as r�ot a <br /> natural pers�n} �vxthou� Lenderts pr�or wri��e�. �ansent, Lender may, a� i�s option, requ�re �mmedia�e payment in. <br /> full of al� sums secured by thzs Securzty �ns�rume�t. How��er, thzs op�ion shall not be exercised by Le�der if <br /> exerc�se is prflh��bi��d by federal lavv as of�he da�e flf th�s Security�ns�.rument. <br /> Q 20a4-2alb Cornp3iance Systems,Inc.cdbfc77c-22eS7&55-2015.23D.4.8 <br /> Cvnsumer Rea!Estate-Security Instn.iment DL2d36 Pa$e 3 of 5 <br />