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<br /> �- --_ - - -- ut�'�roi����fi�l��il F��1�`�����tt...�-'.a'�iilc�:. �A����j � - -- - --
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<br /> !
<br /> $+�- t�U 4�'�$` ' ` � .
<br /> _ . 90. . 101152
<br /> 3. The aso�rtgagor cati�enaute and agrees that ii he eho!!fail to�ay�nid indebtedne�s ar an} part thereof when
<br /> duq or eha11'fail to perform an}covenant or agreement of thie insttument or ihe promiesnrv natP eecured herehy.the
<br /> �-----°— � eaii�e:,-��ebteda�hereb}'eecured ehall immeaiately btcomc due, pavable, anil callertiblp withaut nnti�P, as thP •
<br /> option oi:,4e rnortgagce or asai�cne.regzrdless of maturity,and the mortqagee or hia aceifinr inay hefore or after entr�
<br /> ae11 eaid property without appraiaemrnt �tfie martga�or having wa'tved 'd�)1� :1P31y;flk't��A tI1C t}iflT=(.''i�2?8I�EI�Ft�o Gf
<br /> appraiiemtnt):
<br /> 1 e) at judicial eale pureivant to!he provieione of 28 U.�.C.2U�1 �a!;ur ,
<br /> (tt) at the option of the mortga�eG either by auctioa or bq eolicitation of xaled bid�,Eor th�hi6hat aad �
<br /> bat hid wmplyins with the termi of ule and manner of payment epecified in the publiehed notice of eale,6sat
<br /> giving faur weeke` notice of the time, temis, and place oi euch nate,bc adserti,�emenl not IeFb tban uncr
<br /> dutin6 eac6 of eaid four wtek+�in a newspaper pnblisherl or diatributed in the coanty in which eaid properiy
<br /> is�ituated,all other notice being henbp waived by the mortgagor (and eaid mortgagEa or any pereon on
<br /> i 6d�alf of aaid mort�ageG may bid witt�tht nnpaid indebtedneab evidenced by eaid note).Said eale�h�ll be
<br /> � held at or on the Qroperty to ba eold or at the Federal,caunty,or city courthouse ior the county in which the
<br /> . pmpezty is locaterl:Tlie mortgagee is hereby authorized to ezecute for attd on behalf of tlie mortgagor aad to
<br /> deiiver to the pnrchaser ai aueh�ale a eu�cient convepaace ai e�id property,which conbeyance ehall contain
<br /> �.. t � redtaL as!s tkt happmiag of the defanit upon KIuc6 the ezecution of the power oi eale herein granted
<br /> � de d �r.�ai�.qnort�gox herelsy conatitaue�nd appainta the mortgagee o:any�gent or attorney of the •
<br /> ::.: 'f. � . . ��•�
<br /> mo � �g,�at st�d�attorney in iact of eaid mortgagar to make euch recitals aad to execute eaid
<br /> coav `� ' i � �coreaanb and �gnee that the recitala eo made e6a11 be effectual to bu all equity or •
<br /> ri�ht of sedemptian. homeatead, dowtr, and all other exemptions of the mortKaAor,all of which:�re hereb�
<br />.� . eapreaily waived and conveyed to the mortgagee; or
<br /> i
<br /> ' (nt) take ��z� other appropriate acti�an pursuant to �tate ur Neder�i e[utute Nithre in �latr or Ne�letal � �
<br /> court or othPt�r`.se for the di�poeition of the property. � `�
<br /> Ia the event of a c�e aa hez�zn'before provided,the mottgagor or any pereons in poaaes�i�n under the mort- ` �' �'.`"`""
<br /> gs�gor ehall thea►becomg and be tenante holding over and shall forthwith delives paesession ro the purchaaer at �� ,
<br /> such eale nr be eummarily diapoesessed,in accordance with the proviaiane of laK applicahle to tenanta hol�lin�: over. -
<br /> ' The power and 4aency hereby gr�rted are coupled with an enteseet and nre irrevocable bv deatF�or oihc.�i.:je.:+nd , _
<br /> f are girantcd se cumulative to the rea2edies[or collection oi��:d indebtedness provided bc laK•. .
<br /> � ; 4. The proceeaL of any sa2e of said prope�:n aceordance with the preceding paragraphs�i�:all be a��lied firet �;,!
<br /> ', to pay the co�t�aad ezpenees of eaid eale,the espen�te incuned by the mortgagee fos the purpose af�rotxcti��os main- ��
<br /> � lauuag eAid property,aad reaaonaLte attorneya'teea; eecondly,to pay tl�e iudrb4ednPES aecured tze�rets�:.�ui:r.i�irdly,
<br /> ; �n pay any eurplue or exceee do the pereon os perxons legally entided thereto.
<br /> f
<br /> � �. In tltt avent said property is eold at a judici�l foreclo�ure eale or purauant tu the power of aale hertiu�Iwve !
<br /> � granted,aa�the proceede are not eu}6cient to pay the tota] indebtedntss aecured by thie inetrnment and evidenced by , �
<br /> , �aid promi�wry note.�.h�e mostgagee will be eatitled to a deficiency judgment far the amount of the deficiency without
<br /> :���
<br /> : re�wd to app►aiaerriar.� .
<br /> ; 6. In the event the anortgagor faile to pip any Federal,etate, ur local tax aayesement. Anconto tax or utlier tua
<br /> lltn,charge,fee.or oltnec eapenee chaxged sa�i.ccet tl�t property tht inortgagee ie hereby authm�i�ed i+t hie option tu
<br /> pay the eame.Any eu�s eo paid by the martgagpe eha11 be added to and become n paM of ihe principal an�o�int oi tlic
<br /> indebtednarr�.��rdcnced by eaid note, eubjeet to the eunr �erms and eonditione. lt the mortgsgor �Lalr psy and
<br /> diteharge t�e�ndebstdntee evidenced by eaia promieeory nr,2e, und ehall pay �uch eume ond ehell diecAarge a1D
<br />' ' taxes and liens and t1�s�eb,feee,and e:peneee of makin�,entoruing,aa3 executiag thie mortgage,then thie mortg�ge
<br /> �hvl be cancekd�ad s�endered.
<br /> ?. The�oven�nv herain cant�ined ehap bind and tlu t�aufiu aad udvaintu��.s.���nll inure tu �he rehprclivr, eae-
<br /> ceMOr�aad��iaw ot tbe pastie�r htreto.�/henever mcd.the ein6ular number��:�P include the plural,the plura]the
<br /> ; � �in�uLr,ansi the nse�i�ny 6ender�hall:�ctnde all �ender�, ____
<br /> :------- --
<br /> ` 8. Nm rrraiaer oi any covennnt 6ercin or ui the obli�atian secured hereby eh�l! ut c+n� limc thereHtle� br hel�! ;
<br /> to be��r�e+er oI the term�hereof or ot the note eecured hereb��. '
<br /> i
<br /> � ,
<br /> «.,.� , 9. A jndicid decree.ordee,or judament holili��any prnvieiuu a�r purtion at thi� iuetrumeni inv�liJ ur w��u• �
<br /> � toreeabk ihaU ao!in any wiy imp�ir ar preciudt the enfurcemsnt�ui�the rem�ining ��rovi�iane or ��ortione ot thie
<br /> in�irua�.
<br /> ti
<br /> 10 Aor wtitttn notice tu be is�utd tu thG enortg�gat pur�nat�1•td tlte �mviiicae of this inetrurrtent aball be�d• ��
<br /> ° drerea tar th�aowrt�a�or�e '
<br /> attA�nr a►ritten eotice to be ie�ued to 1hd mort��Xee�hR1t ` �•
<br /> � �.aa�a ta�men�a�d.t
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