.-j�. . � ct�.���� . . . �.,��t
<br /> '°�:�..e `..�`�.os:��i:�.�ir','s�Sd�t�..��•• "r'.�` ��V`��v�l� �'='•.�LkF �iA1"sir N.:l;t i�4�5 l '+��SS°.�i:�i'�.�.w�:l° C,,,.:y.::.:• } �..-, t' +".`�` .ra:._ ,.iY��i;;:i*c:i]�:r.�-4�2SSCVE _ -_
<br /> � ,'� ��'c�����i14�i�fi�ii�`E��t�`? s 5�� _
<br /> —�z -—=��'-`-=--=
<br /> _ 1 �
<br /> $�-- �C�41�3 �
<br /> � �p�01152
<br /> Said promi�sory note was givra to eecure a loan in which the 5ma11 Buyiaesa Adminiatratioa, aa aaenep of ths
<br /> _ � United Stata oi Ameri¢a.hse nutic;n�it�: � �r!i�_::;. R::L�:icr� i�j.F(d} of ihe Rulei �nd �eaulations ef _
<br /> the S�a118uainas Administntioa [13 GF.R.101.1(d)�. thia inatrlinteat is 4o be conatnied oad enfoiced ia acCOra-
<br /> -` �ace�vith�yplicable Feden�taw
<br /> t. ����.�r���u.aa.��rona,..:
<br /> a He�viII pmmptly pay tha iadebtedaas evidcaced by eaid promiswry note nt tlie timea aad ia the �
<br /> - maaner t6tzeia provided.
<br /> —` 6. He wrill pay a]I tszes,aweasmtat�,w�te�•r�tes�.and other goveramental oi�tu:itipa�.charsea�Sa�es,or
<br /> impo�itione.foz wtuch provi�io,a$as aet beea made hereiabeloz�and will promptly ddiver tl:e o8ieia]rec�;gL
<br /> therefor t�t1�e uid mortga�x,
<br /> � He �ri1Z pay �nch ezpemea aad feea ae may be incurred in the protection and maintenaace of eaid
<br /> • psop�rty; i�Iix�#.arg t� fees of any ationtep employed by the mortgaaee for the conectioa of anp o:alI of
<br /> the iadeh�:�rIueES°�e�eby aecuaed, or forecloaure by mortgagee'a eaYe, nr eoart proceediti8s, or ia rsny Qther
<br /> litigation ae aTOCcedin�q at�ectin�aaid ptopert3.Attorriece'fees reasnnabh•incarred in anv other wav sfcall be
<br /> paid by the mortgaRoz .
<br /> � , d. For better c�tr.�i3y of the indebteci:�c� ttere�sy secured. upon the requeat of tne niort�agee. ite
<br /> aucce�aora or aseigna, It,e �hali ear�ute actd d��cer � :-u�plemental mort�;a�:e or ntortKaRea covering an}•
<br /> additiona, improcements, or 6eL�r7ienta mude to the �roperty hereinabo�•e .ilescri6ed und all propeat}�
<br /> acquired by it after the date�e,:;Af (all in iorm satiafactory to martgabee 1.Furtl�ernio�e,siiould n�ostgagor
<br /> fail to cure any default,in the payment of a prior or inferior encumbrarice ou itie pro��erty descri6ed h�•
<br /> � this inatrument, mnrep�r hece�y agreea to permit mort,r_a�;ee to rure surE� rIr-.yault, but mort�;u�ee t9 not •
<br /> obligated to do so; and auch 3��ances ehall become �,1�.h: of the indebtrdncr��-rured 6}• thiF inetrument�
<br /> aubject to tlte same terme and canWirions. " ' '
<br /> e. The rights cre�*e�rl by thie conveyancr_ <fi+o2) remain iu ful) force uuJ r.lie�t dure»}t»n} �uetpunr�urnt
<br /> ot extension oF the t%�:�af the payment of t1't�a Ec��lebfe.'neES evidenceil b}• t�id pra�mi��or�+ u�;te ur an� part
<br /> thereof eecured hereby.
<br /> f. $e will contin�ou�ly maintain hazard inausance. of euch type or types aud in 6IICIL amouate aa the "
<br /> r.xort�a�ee may fronF tir;.? to tiaee require �»> Ihe in�prove�nent�. n.r,. nr lirreaft�r on rx.i�.� pro�,c•rt��, .�nd �
<br /> will pay promptly �r.Pd aue any premiume therelor.All inaur�nce s��all be caz�ied in companiee acceptable - -
<br /> ' to mortgagee and the policiea s��.a renewals thereof ehaib be held by mortg���e and liave attached tlieroto -
<br /> f loaa paymt�I:e ctaueea in favor oi snd in form acceptable r_�2he mortgagee,In eveu�i of losa,mortgagos will give �
<br /> - . � immediate r,atice in writing to mortgagee,and mortgagee may make proof of loas if not made promptly by i
<br /> ! mortgagor.and each insurance company cone�>r.n.ed is hereby anthorized and directed to make�ayment for euch �
<br /> loea directly to mortgagee inetead oi to maar,f;a�or and .r_ortgagee jointly�and the inaurance proceeda. ar any � •F
<br /> _ � pari theec-ef, may be applied by mortgagee at ita opticz either to the reductia�of the indebtedneee hereby
<br /> � secured o� to the reatoration or re�air of the properiy dam�ged or destroyed. C�event of forecloeuse oi this
<br /> ; rraartgage.or oiher tran9ter oi titte�2o Aaid property in extinguishmeni oi the indehiednees aecured hereby,all -
<br /> k ri�,zt�4. title, and intereat of the zaortgagor in aad to any inaurance policiea then in forco ehall paxe to the
<br /> � p'urcba�ee or morig�ger ar. at t':►c.optiou oP the mortFa,:ee, �ua} he�u�rt•���lt�rc�.! fur a reiunil. ..�.�,
<br /> �
<br /> _ ; R. Ne will keep aU buildingd and other improve�nee�tw a� naid ��r��prrt�� iu �;ooil rrpuir aud ew�dilio:�: `�-�.
<br /> ' wiU pennit. commit. or auf�er no waste, impairment, deteri�rinior► of sai�) propertr nr any part thereof: �.;..,,;
<br /> in tl�e event of failurr oi tl�e moriga�os to kee�z the buildinKe un �wi�t pr���nisey anil Ihn��� rrFrterl on eaid : �"
<br /> ; premisee, or im�,rovementa thereon, in �;ooc3 re�air,tlie c.r.�r�{�a�;Pe n�ay u�ake aueh rrpuira a4 in ita discretion •
<br /> tit may deem tteceesary fur the p.rc�per preeervatlun tt�e��co(; a�Td the P��ll a�uount of F�aeh :�n�l �•vrr�� �ucl�
<br /> ; paymen� el�r�ll be immerliAtely �ti,i�� a��cF pa}�bte: A111J BFIAI) IIP, gQCUiP�!b. th� lir-�ii r,P Ihi�o�ort�a�;��.
<br /> - , h. He will not voluntarily creaee at per.nz;a to be rreated againat tltA ,�cc��zerYy aubject to this mortgage any
<br /> lien or liens interior ar euperior to r,'.�e iitn of t}�is mort�age without the writtea cc�sent of the mottgagee; antl
<br /> iorthrr. tltat hr• wil) �CCep ana'1 TnE:lI1�L111 die ;�aa�e iree fro�n �hr cl�iu� uf'::�i ,;>�rra�v rup��lyina lubur ur
<br /> � material9 Cor ronstructiun oi any anil alJ buildin�;s or improvrm�•ntw iu>�v bc�iu�; �•rr�•tr�l or lo hE� pr�•��ted nn
<br /> . said premises.
<br /> i. Nc will no1 re:�t ut �nsi�;n uny �rart nf the rent of�aid murt�;u�r�l pruperh ��r d��i�ia;i+lt, ur ��t�mu�c,
<br /> , ur+ub=t;lc2CcaUy alte�auy hnildit��withnut Nic�writtr•h runFrut of t6r. mortku�er•.
<br /> �_..._.
<br /> j. Alt •rwarda of duma�e�in rcuuectiun witl� ai�y ru�uiemu,�liu�� fur public ir>tr<::' <,r ivijur� �u��y of 11��• ' -�
<br /> ; �uo�urty y��bject to tLis n►urt�;a�e �re hereby assigne•d �nd yl�all be ��aiil tu tnort;;a,:;ee, �C7a ma� t�pp1) Ilic ,
<br /> •�unf• tu pa}o�vnt ��f tl�e in4tallmanty lu.t due under H8I(� nutt�. an�l mur�ga�;�e i• herrb� a�iflr��tiLe�l. in Ihr �
<br /> .--. : t:ss::r<=f t!u':s:us.�agot.io cxrcuEc arri�.�eii�•er vaiid�equittanre3 thNrNOI' an�l tir app�•aI frutn.111� N11fI1:ro.aor�,�. � . '
<br /> k. '1'ha n�nrt�a�;eN�bal)l�av�Ihf�ri�:ht to in.��e���t 11u'Illlll'I�:J�„f��)prNn�i•i��:��;�u} n•.+�nnabl�•tim�•. �
<br /> � � 2. Detault in any of the roveuunta or cunditions oi this insttument ur uf the note or �Oatl D��P.CII1Ntl� serured �
<br /> firrrby sl�all termiaate the mort�;a�;or a ri�;ht fo pussessiUn. uae. and FnjuyrnF•nt of t1�e prnperty. at the option af tiis �
<br /> � morf{;a�;ee t►T his ausikna lit bein� a�;reNd thot 1he mort�;a�;dr shall ha�e kucti riy,ht antil de�faulli. Upon any euch ��
<br /> IIPEJUII. Ihc� n�urt�a�;e�• sl�al) bFenmF� thr owner of c�11 of the rents and E�rnfit4 a��•ntin� aftet defnult ua ar�uritv � ��_
<br /> � kfr thr ir�JeUteclness ercurE'/I IIPFFEli. witb t6a. rir.EtL tv en�ar u urt aait! rn erty fur the ��
<br /> ' N p �► purpas� af cniteetin�; eurh �
<br /> _ rputa a��r1 profits. '1'hi.inetrumeut eha11 opernte ae en�seianra�eni o1 any r��ritalA�en said ErropPrty to that pxtent.
<br /> � j` � . .. � t
<br /> +�' ' '.f:0 L�.t�rAl.(!1 !t-If{ �
<br /> - F r��: ,
<br /> ,�;tib�..i
<br /> �.
<br /> �. .�r.
<br /> -�i
<br />