2� 17�2458
<br /> L�AN#: �sozog$�2
<br /> ' tD� "lTrustee" �s FIRST A11riER1CAN T�TLE INSURANCE ��MPANY.
<br /> �E� "NiERS" is Mortgage Ei�ctranic Reg�strati�n Systems, I nc. MERS �s a separat�corpora�ion that is
<br /> acting solel�r as a nominee for Lender and L�nd�r's succ�ssors and assigns. 11AERS is the beneficiary
<br /> under this Secur�ty�nstrum�nt.1VIERS is organized and existing under th��aws of Delaware, and has
<br /> an address and telephone number of P.�. Box ZD�S, Ffint, Ml 485U1-2Q�fi, tel. �888} �79-MERS.
<br /> �F� "Note'" means the promissory note s�gned by Borrower and dated April 4, 2��7.
<br /> The Nvte states that Sorrowe�o�►es Lender SEVENTY EIGHT TH�USAND SIX HUNDRED FrFTY
<br /> AND N�1�1��*,�**��*** *** ******* *** **** * ****** *** *�********** ********** *
<br /> *********� �*,� �*** ***�**** ** ******�******* ********** ********* ***❑ollars
<br /> �U.S. $78,�5�.�� } plus inter�st. Borrower has promised ta pa}�this debt in regular Perivdic
<br /> Payments and to pay the debt in full not�ater than f�lay 1, ��3?.
<br /> �G� "Property" means �he property that �s d�scribed be�ow under the head�ng "Transfer of Righ#s in
<br /> �he Praperty."
<br /> �Hj "Loan" means the debt ev�denced by the Note, plus interest, any prepayment charges and late
<br /> charges due under#he Not�, and al� sums due under�his Security Instrument, p�us interest.
<br /> �I) "Riders" means al�R�ders ta this Security�nstrument that are executed by Borrower.Th�follawing
<br /> Riders are to be execu#ed by Borrower[check box as app�icable]:
<br /> ❑ Adjustable Rate Rider ❑ Condominium Rtder ❑ SecandHomeRider
<br /> ❑ Ballaon Rider ❑ P�anned Unit Development Rider ❑ ��her�s} [spec�fy]
<br /> ❑ '�-� Famiiy Rider ❑ Biweekly Pa}�ment Rider
<br /> ❑ V.A. Rider
<br /> �J� "A�plicable Law" means al� controliing applicable federal, state and local statutes, reguiatians,
<br /> ordinances and adrnin�strative ru�es and orders �that have the effe�t of law} as we�l as all applicabl�
<br /> finai, nan-appeafable judic�al aptni�ns.
<br /> �K� "Community Assoc�ation Dues,Fees,and Assessments"means all dues,fee�,assessments and
<br /> other charges that are imposed on Borrower�r the Propert�b}�a condominium association,hameowners
<br /> assoc�a�ion �r��milar arganization.
<br /> �L� "Electronic Funds Transfer" means any transf�r vf funds, �ther than a transac#ion origina�ed by
<br /> Gheck, draft, or similar paper instrument, which �s ini�ia�ed through an electranic terminal, telephonie
<br /> ins�rument,comput�r, or magnetic tape so as to order,instruct, or au�horiz�a f nancial inst�tutfvn ta debi#
<br /> ar cred�t an account. Such term �ncludes, but is not limited tv, pa�nt�of-saEe transfers, automated tel�er
<br /> machine transactions, transfer� initiated by tel�phone, v►rire �ransfers, and automated clearin�house
<br /> �ransfers.
<br /> �M� "Escra�nr Items" mean��hose i�ems that are des�rib�d in Section 3.
<br /> �Ny "Miscelianeous Praceeds"m�ans any campensation,settfement,arrvard of damages,or proceeds
<br /> paid by any third part� �other than insurance praceeds paid under th� coverages described in Section
<br /> 5}far: �i} damage to, or des�ruction �f, the Praperty; �ii� candemnation or other taking vf a�l or any part
<br /> of the Praperty; �iii� conveyance �n lieu of cond�mnatfon; or�fv} misrepresen#ations of, vr omissions as
<br /> ta, the vafue andlar c�nd'[tian of�he Prop�rty.
<br /> �Dy "Martgage Insurance" means �nsur�nce protecting Lender against the nanpaym�nt of, ar default
<br /> on, th� Loan.
<br /> �P� "Periodic Payment"means the regular�y scheduled am�unt due fvr�i} principa�and interest under
<br /> the N��e, plus �ii} any amaunts under Sect�vn 3 of fihis Secur��y Instrument.
<br /> �Q� "RESPA" means the Reai Estate Sett�ement Pracedures Act �12 U.S.C. §26�'� et seq.} and �ts
<br /> implem�nting regula�ion, Regulation X �12 C.F.R, Part 1024}, as th�� m�ght be amended fram tirn� t�
<br /> t�me, or any add�tional or successor legislation or regulation #hat governs fhe same subject matter. As
<br /> used in this 5�curity lnstrumen�, "RESPA" refers t� al� requirements and restri�tians that are imposed
<br /> in regard to a"federal�y re�ated mortgage laan" e�ren if the Laan dves n�t qua�'rfy as a"fed�ra�ly r�lated
<br /> mortgage Ioan" under RESPA.
<br /> �R� "Successar in Interest of Barrawer"means any party that has taken#itle to the Praperty,whether
<br /> or no�thafi party has assumed Borrower's abliga��ons under the No�e andl�r this Security lnstrument.
<br /> The beneficiar}� af th�s Securi�y �nstrumen� is MERS �sorely a� nominee for Lender and Lend�r's
<br /> successars and assigns} and �he successars and assigns of NiERS. Th+s S�curi�y �n�trum�nt secures
<br /> to Lend�r: ��} th� repayment of the Loan, and all renewals, �xtensians and modificati�ns of the Note;
<br /> and ��i� the p�rformance �f Borrawer's co�enants and agreements und�r this Secur��y Ins�rument and
<br /> the Note. Fvr this purpase, Borrower irreWocably grants and canveys to Trust�e, �n trust, with pawer of
<br /> Initials: �
<br /> �
<br /> NEBRASKA--Single Family-�Fannie NlaelFreddie Mac UNIFaRN't�NSTRU�IENT Form 3028'�101
<br /> Ellie Mae,Inc. Page �of'�� NEE�EED �315
<br /> 03/23120�7 12:16 PM PST
<br />