. . .
<br /> v E�ka�s.�r 1 °.C.c�;yti, � ��. i��•,o ti .i.��� c!`- 'ai �sC4n ��1^ ,r.�:. `��r i� .s4'��:;a,r•'..��.{� t�ciL,_ ° a., .?�xz � •�,F^'q: �t�� .5�� � c•�•' _
<br /> �kY±3�E�-f�7':2i�tS �'"=.: 4`t .�� �e�~�'� N� t}", n �; •i �.'•,�y,i .��•P �#' -S .
<br />- __�e� \ t ; �1�ri`�' �F �iy 'c5.,..,, !�;'�
<br /> -___ _ -_ U[#F9 r�/.' �`Y \ 1S¢�" �£ ,�'J�rr,,J�i���'�S'.�'a +T\ s^ t�' �
<br /> - - � `.:�4:t$ir;���� i "�'���"k�,���'yfir�z'��'.��-.'u��' ��S—� �� �.5�����������as��F``
<br /> - '�—" ..E � - ,
<br /> _.__ _ �_.__-_- _ _«� _ �r-�.-___.«...- - ----- -- ....�.., - __ _
<br /> ---------- �- _ �.�ei�..c -- - .�-�.. .---
<br /> � • �
<br /> �._ �
<br /> � NON-UMFORM G'OVENANTS.�������a��fo�,�: s� ioi i�o
<br /> 17.Forecdo�t Prooedmr.If Leader cequites immediate pfym�t in full uader p,arag�apL 9,l.endts tnag Itnalca thc powu of s�I�
<br /> . ud�ny atber remodies Pennitte6 bY�ppiic�ble(aw. Lepder si�l be aYitkd ta oolkct all tape�incutrai in pursuing the nmod�e�
<br /> �avida!ia t�isp�rag� 17,i�IudinEg,Mrt oot limitQd to. reuoo�bk attomeys'fees aad caats of Iitit evi3�.�o.
<br /> If t�epower a�saie is tn�ated.TraAee sh�Y reoor+d s dat�ae d ddauk in acb caoity te wLlch anp ptxt ad'the Piroperty k iocatesi
<br /> �d sioQ mafl c,opies a(wde notke in tlte mamer p��by appiica6le htv W Borlowe�aud t0lhC dher P�P�
<br /> 6p appiicabie Itw.ARer ffie time�qsired 6Y appile�Die Isw.9YaRee s�Y give pel�ic�tioe ad s�e tt+t6ic peieons�ad ia tbe
<br /> � � �Q Pt�r�ed i�'�:�;..1i.�iee,witLaat d�d ve�a�sawer,ei�i se�i d�e Pra�esty sN niic a�iva to tne h+6irest - - ---
<br /> 6idder ac t�e time aod pi�a and�der t�e tar�m de�mted is tte notLoe d s�ie ie arc os moa�e��d in�y ar+def'l�v�ee
<br /> dsterm�es.l�aeter po�p�e s�k d aa ar a�p�i d t�e P�o r�p�a�M•aA tt�e t[nre�!ptece of�
<br /> ' preriody acreiied�IRad�er ifs daipee may p��ire tl�e t�sde.
<br /> vP���P�J�ot tbe p�ke 6id.T�'a�tu s�delFver to tbe p�+el�Temfet'�tbted aoe�►�ryinE tiie Pt+opaty.Tl�e ,
<br /> recihis is ti�e'I'n�etee's deed�u9 be prtma bcje evSdmae attrd6 t�We statemed.s m�de dkr�..11rnrtte id�aN apptp tht pro�ud�s .
<br /> af t�e sY�i�tLe fofo�vf�onder:(a)to a�ezpei�d tltt�le.ioduds6,�t nd itmit�d tW,'�wtee's feea as permitted by ao-
<br /> " pia6ie Yw sd�ea�o�bie attae�aays'tas:(b>to a�s�as�e�cd try this Sa9rity Ia�eid3�+�d t�j.any:ac,es�to tbe pe�o
<br /> ar pa�kply�to i� •�
<br /> la.Bm�aa�a�oe.UP�PaY�of�sums scctued by Wis Sa�tiry Instn�ens,I1ader s6oll ra}��:st'l'�u.vee to raconvey the Ptapetty
<br /> ' aad sbaali sr�readar das Sec�ty Iastn�e�aad all m�tes e+,•idmcmg debt seciued by this ��ttumait to.TnLStee.Trusme s�al�
<br /> , . � necnavty tLe P�operty ara6art wdrranly s�witharrt durge W We person or peF.,ans kgaUy�d�tfl i�.5�getson or ptrsons shaii
<br /> � �' i�Y aaY rec.o�d�tion ca�s. �
<br /> � 1�.�te Tra�tr�Leadrs,at its aption.may from timc tn time remove Ttustoe and ape+�ci�a�tmstx to any Trustoc
<br /> � i'�reuoder by aa iastnuneat ceooaded�n the owrny in which dus Ser.urity IastnunerC�cas;xde�.Without aonve�rwx of tis�
<br /> � . .y,;,`�i4�suecessor�.�tee shall succeed to aU the au�.power and duties ca+.fesrM upom'��e fss�ein and by applicabEe taw. �
<br /> . ���4or 1Yotio�s Borrower ceq�sts that capies of tbe nd'sces of�&c!t�d sate be sCnt to Borrower's address which is ti�
<br /> Ptnp�rty Addttiss. . .
<br /> ; :•Bormwer agraes that stfould this Securiry Inwuir,ent z.�+�.e aat saured tAenby tx�t be elig�'!�fdr.iraarar�ve wader the National Housing �
<br /> � • Acc vvithin ninetY �1ays from the dace he�f,�.ender may.ac ics opeon aM not�vi�hsrud4ng anyttung in Paragraph 9,require _
<br /> ' • immediare m full of all sums secund b this .
<br /> ;.,.' : . PaY��� Y �Y Inswment.A wriaen sdtemeaG'afarry authorize3 agent of the Secretary
<br /> '� :,dar�subsec�ucnc to ninety days fram Eiie date hereof,declining w insure tAa�5e�auity tnan,,,,�a�the note soc�ued ..
<br /> � • theieby,sh�3 be deemai v�nclusivt proof of such ine3�pL•-:itY.Nathwithstanding the foregair.�;t�aption may�ft�,aec�.:�cised Isy I�ader
<br /> whea the�is�':ailabflity oF insurdnce is solely due to L°.►�der s fuTru�to remit a mortgag�ies�ance preiaieia u1��=�T�nz�+.
<br />; � • . . .
<br /> , ; Wd�r.o t6is Security Imtmmear.If one or mcrr si��c�s ar.��°?cuted b}i3orrov�er•an�C'.r����+rded Yv+�ctner with titiG 5�curity : '
<br /> �� i , lnsirumer.t, the covenants af each s��,+�rider shat.'te :r,ccr�Q,r-�� into and shall�arnen�ar�suppler-�:nt the covezants and �
<br /> .�
<br /> agreements of this Security Instiument as if the ri�:.�rt,�/�svyre i:3�,art of ths S�utity.Inst[ument.[Ch.r's applicable box(es)].
<br /> .� ,,:.-_-.
<br /> ';r,;';`•_
<br /> � � ❑ Conclominiurn Rider � Adjustable R:ite R�der � Growing Equity Rider °°''' `��'
<br /> ' i
<br /> � .-
<br /> ❑ Planned Unit Devetopment Rider � Graduatcd P�ayment Rider � Other .
<br /> ,
<br /> � BY SIGNING BELOW,Borrower accepts and agree�to the rerms contained ic;tb;.i Security inairumene and in any riderls) ' __
<br /> t executed by Borrower and rocorded with it. -
<br /> ,j • ' '��
<br /> 1 --
<br /> i
<br /> � i�l[RCSS:
<br /> i ����� � (Seal) �:
<br /> � C � �� Burr�n�cr
<br /> �
<br /> lare m. Krup�ki.
<br /> ,�.
<br /> 1 -_ -._ _ ..__._.. .���(Scal) -.
<br /> i eorn„�cr - �~.
<br /> ' �
<br /> --- ---- �----- —•---- - --- (Seal)
<br /> Is„rroacr �,
<br /> , ! -------_ .�. ---•--- ------ ---•._-tSeall
<br /> It:�rn���cr
<br /> ; STA7'E OF NEBRASKA. Ma_?1 Crwnry ss:
<br /> ; On this Sth Aay ot march . 19 90 . befon me.cbe�dcreig�od. a Naary public
<br /> � dvty commissioaed and quatifiod for said counry,persa�auy c�rne Clase m. Krupski, a single persora
<br /> , to mc knoKn to be the
<br /> . identic�l person(s)whose a�ax(s)�re snbscribed to tbe foregoing insWment and acknowtedgod the esecutiwxc�:crcof to be
<br /> he� voiunlaty act and doed. =`-'--_
<br /> wimes.c my hud and nocu;at seal at Grand Island, Nsbraska in said counry.che �
<br /> d�te afaesaid. ;
<br /> �.� , I
<br /> MY `-"'-'"-�� ��' `�j'� - ' �-- ' _
<br /> �
<br /> ��M�o(�►��a� N�tary Public �
<br /> � Wlllbl�l L MCt£1Lr r; .
<br /> Mlt QdMn�f�p AuR 17 �, .
<br /> --�-�-•..•.....,"� REQUEST FOR RECY);�JVEYAPICI� h
<br /> Tb'[RUSf�E: ..- �
<br /> The undersignod is thc hoider of the�wte or notes securcri by this Dted of 7'nist.Said ncKe or rwtes,tugcthcr with u1Ci�ld:er in�txedness
<br /> secured by this[7�eed of Ttust,h•r��e 6etn paid io full. Y�u:tte hereby dirccted to catuel said ncxe or wtes and Ihis Ak�uf T�usl,which
<br /> nre dehvcred heizby.midu>rei�jne�y,witt�ut u:ur.vit}:.alt the cstatc rx�w hekt by you u�xter this Deed of 7'rust tvQ:e�.rnirn nr perwn:; �
<br /> f�g�Ity [tRfL'Cd 111tfttU. '"• °
<br /> �1d(C
<br /> --- ---- -��_.. --- - �
<br />_ )' � � ,� t
<br />