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<br /> 9.Cro�tds[or Accekntba ot Debt. 94'�' �O j i�O
<br /> ' t�)Defi�if.l.euder m�y.txcept as limited by regetladons issued by t�e Secretary in the case of payment defavlts.reqvire
<br /> immediate payment in full of all sums secured by this Savrity Instrument�S': ,
<br /> (�Botrowes defaults by failing to pay in fuD any monthly payme$t required by this Security Instrumsni ptior to or on
<br /> � the dus date of the next monthfy paymens.or �
<br /> ('u7 Boaower deSautts by failing.for a periad oF thirty days.to perform any other obligations eontained in this Securlty
<br /> Instrument.
<br /> (b)Saie Wil�oat Credk Appruval.I�endet s�ll.if P���Y ePP�irab�e Iaw aad vvith the prinr appmval of the Secretacy.�quin
<br /> „ immediate prymeat in fuII of all the soms secuced by chis Sec�ity Lurumeat i£ . .
<br /> ()AU or put of the Pnoperty is dLerwise traasferted(ahea thao by devise or dtscent)by tbe Borrower,and
<br /> (�1�e Propetty is aot oocupiod by dse p�uchazer or gtantee as his ar her primary or s�eoondary resideooe.or the pnm.t�aser or .
<br /> g�nme aoes so oa�py the Propaty bue.bis or her Qedic l�aa noc eaen�n+oa in aeoo�nx vrid,the requiiairwrs of the sea�tuy.
<br /> (cy No W�r If circumstaaces occvr that would permit Lender to reqnin immaliate payment in fnll,but Lender does not
<br /> require such payments,Lender does not waive its rights with respect to subsequent events.
<br /> id�Rephtioas ot NiJD Secretary.In many circumstaaces regulations issued by the Secretary w�il!limit l.ender's rights,in
<br /> the case of payment defaulu�to require immediate payr.�ent in full and forerlose if aot paid.This Scsuriry Instrument daes ` �
<br /> � not Authoriu acceleration or foreclosure if noi permiited by regulations of the Secretary. •
<br /> !�. Bdt�teieat. Bonower has a right to be reinstated if Lender has«quired immediate payment ia ftill bxause of
<br /> . Baaower's fa�ure to pay an amount due unda tho Note oz this Security Instrument.This right applies even after foreclosure
<br /> � . � greascdings an insnituted.To reinctatc the Sec�uity Insenc�t,Borrower shall tender in a Iump sum all amounts requiral to
<br /> bri�g Bonower's account current incIading,to the extrst ti::y are obligadons of Borrower under this Savrity Instrumeint, •
<br /> fureclosure cosu and reasonable aad customary attore.�s fas and cupenses properly associated with t�� forectosure .
<br /> proccsding.Upon reinstateatent by Borrower.this Security t:strument and the obligations that it secures shall remain in effect as
<br /> if Leader had not required immediate payment in fulf.Howrver,Leader is not required to permit reinstatement if:(7 I.ender has
<br /> ; acc�t=d reinstaicmeat afta the commersctment of fa�-',:.�sure proceedings within two years immediately praxding the
<br /> � cas,�acement of a sunent fonclosure procecding,(u7.r.��statemrnt wiU preclude��rcclosure on different grounds in the
<br /> fute.:,or('iu7 rcinstatement will adversely affect the pric�i��of the lien created by t�"sa Securiiy Instrument_
<br /> � 11.Borrowa Not Rdaaed;ForbRaraotx By Lendu Not i Wdver. Eaeension of the time of payment or modification of
<br /> amorcizaaon of the sums sceured by shis Sec��i.�,hisuument granted by Lender to any successor in interess of Borrower shall not
<br /> c;�'�::e to release the liabillty of the ori�T'aarrowe-c.;. 3onower's successor in interest. Leader shafl aot be required to
<br /> � cx-....�race praxedings againsc�q successos~.�intues�a_-rn."-ase to extend time for�ayment or otherwise modi�7 a�nort'vadon � �
<br /> • a�f�: sums secured by this 5e:�uity Instr,��t by r:�a3 of any demand made 5y the original Bonower�,^�Borrower's
<br /> : s�cr�saTS in int�z. My forbtarance by�e-:.�:tz in exe;;,"ssing any right cr remedy shall not be a waiver of ac p�clude the � '�i,
<br /> ea[trc:.�of any rg�t or remMy.
<br /> !�Saccesson asd A�slta.+Hoand;Jofnt wad Severa!II.::�a�ity;Co•Sigaers.The caveaants and agreements o�this Secarity �_
<br /> Instrument shaU bind and benefit the successors and assig-s�[�.ender and Borrowa,�.:'�Iect to the Drovisions oEparagraph 9.b. "• `s�
<br /> Bonower's cavenants and agreements shaU be joint aad sec;�ra1.Any Boaower who co-signs this Security Instrument but does -
<br /> not execute the Note:(�)is co-signing this Security Instrument only to mongage,grant and convty tIzut Borrawer's interest in
<br /> ' the ProDerty under the terms oF this Security Instrument;(b)is noi psrsonally obligated to pay the s-.��s secured by this Security
<br /> I Lnsuumeat: and (c) agrees that [.eader and any ather Borrower m�y agee to extend, mnd_�r, forbear or make ang � -
<br /> , acsommodations witb regard to the term of this Security Insuument or the Nate without that Bo:°ower's consent. , .
<br /> ' 13.Notka.Any nOtice to Borrower provided for in this Security Insttr�msnt shall be given by deGvering it or by mailing it by .�.._
<br /> � first cl�ss mail unles,apDlicable law requires usG of anothet methad.The notice shall be directed to the Proptrty Address or an5� .
<br /> other address Borcr�wer designates by notice cu 1"�s9er.Any notice to Le�der shall be given by�rst c�ss mail to Lender's addres�-
<br /> sts►ted herein or��y address Lender desi�ates�:�notice to Borrower.,?,iy notice provided for ln t�is Security Instrument sh�iT � �
<br /> � be damed to have ban given to Borrower or LenQer when given as pravided In this paragraph. �,
<br /> U.Go�erdi=Iaw;&verabWty.This Security lnstrument shall be govemed by Federal law and the law of the jurisdiction in �
<br /> which the ProDerty ls located.In the event that any provisidn or cDause oi this Securtty Instrument or the Note conflicts wIth ap-
<br /> pltcable law.such conflict shalt not affect as;a.:�. provisions of this Sceurity Instrument or the Nate which can be given effect �'
<br /> without the con€licting pravision. To this ai�the provisions of this Secudty Instrument and tl;s �lote are declazed to be ��
<br /> severable.
<br /> � .�',
<br /> ' LS.BorraRer's Copy.Borrowei shall be given one conformed copy of this Security Instrument. ,
<br /> 16.A�lprert�t Rav.Borrower unconditionally assigns and tranyfc:-s to Lender all►he cents and revenues of the I'ropem:.
<br /> Borrower authc�riz�s LenQer or Lender's agents to colfect the rents aad res�nuos and hereby directs each cenant of the Prope�-?
<br /> � to Day the rents to,"..ender o�11.e,��Ser's agents.However.prior to Lender's notice to P�h:aer aP Borrower's brea:�of any ce��:-
<br /> nant or agrament in the Securi;:���.�strument,Borrower sha?1 collect and receive ali r�W��+nd revenues of the Prar'�"tY as uustc�
<br /> � for the 6enefit of Lender and IIc�•ower.This assignment af rents constitutes an absojatc assignment and not an assignment Ecr
<br /> additional aecurlty only. �
<br /> 1PLender gives iiotia of breach to Barm�xc::{a)all rents received by Borrower shaU be held by Borrower�s trustce for benefi.t
<br /> of Ltnder oniy,to be applied tu 2h�sums se�:��red by thc Seeurity Instrument;(b)Lendcr sha!!be entitled to coltect and receive�li
<br />� of tlre rent�of the Property;anti(c)each tenant of the Property shal!pay all rents duc and unpaid to Lcr.der or Lcnder's agent
<br />- on C.c�tder's wdtten demand i.rt the tenant.
<br /> Borrower ha9 na3 eaecuted a:.y prior assignment of the rents and has npt and wili not perform any act�hat would prevent
<br /> Lender ftom exeeti:ssing its rights under tlus►.aragraph 16.
<br /> Lender shall not be re�uired ta enter upon,take centrol of or maintvn the Property before or after giviag notice nf breach to
<br /> Borrower.However,l.ender at a judicially aDpolnted receiver may do so at eny time there is a breach.Any apylicution of tents :=_ _— _-_
<br /> sh�ll not cure or waive any default or invalidate any othsr right or remedy of Lender.Thic assignment of rents of the Propeny
<br /> shall termin�te when the debt secured by the 5ecurity lnstrument is paid in fu11.
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