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2� 17�2334 <br /> aEED �F TF�UST ` <br /> L�an Nv: ���3�39�� �C�ntim�ued} Page � <br /> CR�SS-C�LLATERALIZATI�N. In addi�ivn tv fihe Nv�e, �his aeed af Trus�secures all obligativns, debts and liahilities, <br /> plus in�eres�the�-evn, ��f Trus�or�o Lender, or any ❑ne ❑r mvre ❑��hem, as well as all claims by L�nder agains�Trustar <br /> ❑r any ❑ne or mar� af fihem, whether now exis�ing vr hereafter arising, whether related o�- unrelated �o the purpose �f <br /> the No�e, whether vvlun�ary ❑r ❑therwise, whethe�- due or no� due, dire�t or indirect, det��mined ❑r undetermined, <br /> abso�ute or con�ingent, liquidated or unliquidated, whether T�ustor may be liable �ndi�idually vr join�ly with ofihers, <br /> whether obliga�ed as �uaranfior, surety, acc�mmadatian par�y ❑r v�herwise, and whe�her recv�ery upvn su�h amounts <br /> may be or herea-�ker may become barred 1ay any statu�e❑f limita�ions, and whe�her the obligation t❑ repay such amounts <br /> may 1ae ❑r hereafter may hecvme❑therwise unentor�eable. <br /> FUTURE ADVANCES. !n addition t��he Note,this L�eed of Trust secures ali�ufiure ad�ances made by Lender t❑Trustor <br /> whe�her vr no�the ad�ances are mad� pursuant ta a commitment. Specifically, withou� fimita�ion, this Deed ❑�f Trust <br /> secures, in addition �o �he amaunts specified in the Na�e, af[ �uture amaunts Lender in its discr�fiion may loan to <br /> Trus�or,tv�ether wi�h al[ interes��he�-e�n. <br /> Trustar presently assigns fio Lender �a�so known as gene�f�ciary in �his Deed ❑f Trus�� al� v� Trus�or's righ�, fii�le, and <br /> �nte�est in and to all present and future Ieases of fihe Property and all Ren�s �rom fihe Prvperty. In additivn, Trus�or <br /> grants�o Lende�-a Uniform Commercial Cvde securi�y interest in the Pe�sonal Property and Ren�s. <br /> TH15 DEED �F TRUST, [N�LUDING THE A551GNMENT flF F�ENTS AND THE SECUR[TY 1NTEREST IN THE RENTS AND <br /> PERS�NAL PR�PERTY, IS G1VEN T❑ SE�URE �A} PAYMENT OF THE [NDEBTE�NE�S AND �B} PERF�RMANCE DF <br /> ANY AND ALL �SLIGATI�NS UNDER THE N�TE, THE RE�ATED DDCUMENTS. AND THES �EED DF TRUST. TH15 <br /> DEED �F TRIJST fS GlVEN AND ACCEPTED DN THE F�LL�W�NG TERMS: <br /> PAYMENT AN❑ PERF�RMANCE. Excep� as ❑therwise pro�ided in this ❑eed o�Trust, Trustor shall pay fio Lend�r all <br /> amvunts se�ured by this ❑eed ❑�F Trust as �hey becvme due, and sha[� s�ri�tly and in a time�y manner per#orm all of <br /> Trus�or's ob[iga�ions unde�-th� No�e,thEs ❑eed❑f Trust, and the Rela�ed ❑ocumen�s. <br /> PD55E5510N AND MAINTENANCE ❑F THE PRaPERTY, Trusfior agrees �hafi Trustor's passession and use �f the <br /> Praperty sha�i be ga�erned 1ay the follawing pro�isions: <br /> P055G55101'1 and Use. Until �he occurrence o� an Even� of �efau��, Trus�or may ��} remain 11l p055B551�11 and <br /> �vn�ral ❑f�he Prvper�y; ��} use, operate or manage the Pr-aperty; and �3} coll�c�the Rents fram�he Prop�rty. <br /> Duty to 1Vlain�ain. Trus�v�- sha�! maintain the Praperty in tenantable conditivn and prvm�tly perform afl repairsf <br /> replacemen�s, and main�enance ne�essary ta preser�e i�s�alue. <br /> Compliance 11Vith Envirvnmental Laws. Trustvr represents and warrants tv Lender fiha�: {�} Durin� �he perivd o� <br /> Trus�or`s ownership of the Property,there has been no use, generati�n, manufacture, starage, �reatmen�, disposal, <br /> �eEease ar threatened re�ease a� any Hazardous Substance by any persan an, under, abQut ar fram �he Prape�ty; <br /> �2} Trus�vr has no �now�edge ❑f, ❑r reason t� belie�e �hat there has been, except as pre�iously disclosed t❑ and <br /> acknow[edged by Lender in wrifiing, �a� any breach or Wiolat�on of any Enviranmen�al Laws, {b} any use, <br /> genera�Ean, manufacture, storage, tr�atment, dEspasal, release or threatened re�ease of any Hazardous Substance <br /> vn, under, about or �rvm the Prvperty by any privr ovrrners or occupants vf fihe Prvper�y, ❑r {�� any aCtual ar <br /> �hreatened ��tigation or claims o� any kind by any person rela�king to such matters; and {3� Except as p�eviausly <br /> disclosed fi❑ and acknawledged by Lender in writing, �a� neithe�Trus�or nor any tenan�, contrac��r, agen��r vther <br /> au�horized user n��he Property shalf use, genera�e, manufacture, s�ore, �reat, dispase o-�❑r release any Hazardous <br /> 5ubs�ance on, under, abou-�❑r from�he Prflperty; and {b� any such actiWity shall be condu�ted in campliance wi�h <br /> all appli�able �edera�, sfiate, and lvca� laws, regulatians and ordinances, includ3ng wi�h�ufi �imifia�ion all <br /> En�ironmen�al Laws. Trustar authorizes Lender and its agen�s ta enter upon the Proper�y �a make such <br /> inspec�fiivns and fies�s, a�t Trustor's expense, as Lender may deem apprapria�e to determine cvmpiiance ❑f the <br /> Property wi�h fihis section ❑f the Deed vf T�ust. Any inspections ❑r tes�rs made by Lender shall 1ae fvr Lender's <br /> purpases an�y and shall nofi be consfirued to create any responsibi�ity�r liab��ity ❑n the part of Lender to T�usfior or <br /> fio any ❑�her persan. The rep�esentations and warranties contained herein are 1�ased an Trustor's due diligence in <br /> investiga�ing the Property �or Hazardaus Subs�ances. Trust�r hereby {1} r�leases and wai�es any fu�ur� c�aims <br /> against Lender for indemni�ky ❑r con�k�ibution in the e�en�Trus�or becomes [iable for c[eanup or other �osts under <br /> any such laws; and {2} agr�es tv Endemni�y, defend, and hold harmless Lender agains� any and all ��aims, losses, <br /> iiabilities, damages, penal�ies, and expenses whi�h L�nder may direct�y❑r indirec�ly sustain ar su�fer resulting from <br /> a brea�h o-�this section ❑f the Deed a�Trust or as a consequence ❑f any use, genera�ivn, manu-�acture, storage, <br /> disposal, release�r�hreatened release occurring privr�o Trus�ar's ownership vr interest in the Property, whe�her�r <br /> not the same was or should have heen known to Trus�or. The praWisions af �his section vf the Deed of Trust, <br /> inc[uding�he abliga�ian�❑ indemni�fy and defend, shall surWive the payment of�he lndeb�edness and�he satisfaction <br /> and recon�eyance ❑f the lien vf this ❑eed ❑f Trust and shall na� be a��fec�ed by Lende�'s acquisi�ivn o�any interest <br /> in the Praperty, whether by foreclosure or a�herwise. <br /> Nuisance. Vllasfe. Trusfior shall nat cause, cvnduct or permifi any nuisance nor commit, permit, �r suffer any <br /> s�ripping of or waste on ❑r t❑ the Proper�y ar any portion of the Praper�y. VVi�hout �imi�t�ng the gsnerality o��he <br /> foregoing, Trus��r wili not remv�e, ar gran�to any a�her party the right to r�mv�e, any fiimher, mine�als tincluding <br /> oil and gas�, caai, c�ay, s�oria, soil, gra�e!or roGk praducts withvut Lender's prior wri��en consent. <br /> Removal of Impro�ements. Trustor shall not demo�ish or remove any Imprv�ements from the Real Proper�y withou�k <br /> Lender's prior written consen�. As a condi�ion�❑�he remo�al �f any �mproWemen�s, L�nder may require Trus�ar t❑ <br /> make arrangements satistactory tv Lender �o replace such lmpro�emen�s with lmpro�ements of a� least equal <br />