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2� 17�2342 <br /> services and subsequent char�es each tirne remappings or sirnilar changes occur whrch reasor�a�ly might <br /> a�'fect such deterrninati�n ar certificatian.Borrawer sha�l also�e re�p�nsibie for the payment of any f�es <br /> impased by the Federal Emergency Management Agency in�or�nection with�he revie�v of any flQod zone <br /> determinatian resu�ting from an o�jection by Borrower. <br /> If Barrawer fails to maintain an�of�he Goverages described abn��,Lender may obtain insurance coverage, <br /> at Lender's o�tion and Bo�'rovver's expens�.Lender is under no ab�igatian to purchase a�y particular type or <br /> axnount of coverage. Therefare, such cov�rage shali caver Lender,but nzight or might no�protec�Borrower, <br /> �orrow�r's e�uity rn the Prope�ty,ar th�contents of t�e Praper�y,agains��ny�isl�,ha�ard or�iability and <br /> might provide gr�ater or��sser co�erage than was pre�iously in effect. I-�orrow�r ackn�wledges that th�cast <br /> af the insurance coverage so Q�tained might significantly�xceed�he cost of insurance that BorroUver c�uld <br /> have obtaxned.Any amoun�s disbursed by Lender under this Section 5 shall become additionat debt of <br /> Barr�wer s�cured�y this Se�urity Instrument.Thes�amvunts shal��ear interest a�the N�te rate from�he <br /> date of disbursemen�and shall be payable,�vith such ir�terest,u�on notice from Lender to Borrawer <br /> requesting pa�rmen�. <br /> Ail ins�rance policies required by Lender and renewals of such pa�icies shali be subject to Lender`s r�ght ta <br /> disapprove suc�poiicies, s1�all include a standard mortgage ctause�and sha11 name�...erider as rnor�gagee <br /> andl�r as an additional�oss payee. Lender shall ha�e t��right t�hold�he palicies and renewal certi�cates. <br /> If Lender requires,Borrower�ha��promptly gi�e to Lender all r�eeipts of paid premiums and renewal <br /> n�ti�es. �f Borrower obtains any farm of insurance coverage,nat atherwise required b�Lender, for damage <br /> to,or d�structi�n of,the�'r�perty, su�h policy sh�ll tn��.ude a st�.n�ard�o�tg�.ge c�ause a�d sh�.11 name <br /> Lender as martgagee andlor as an additional loss payee. <br /> I❑the���nt of Ios�,Borrower shall gi�e prompt notice�o the insuranc�caniet and Lend�r. Lend�r rnay <br /> make proof of lass if not made prampt�y by Borrower. Unless Lender and�orro�ver otherwise agree in <br /> writing,any insurance proceeds,whether or no�the underlying insuranee was required by Lender,shail be <br /> appli�d to restaratiQn or repair of the Prap�rty, if th�restaration or r�pair�s�conomical�y feasible an�i <br /> Len�er's security is not lessened, During such repair an�restoratian period,Lender shall have the right to <br /> hold such�nsurance proceeds until Lender has had an oppar�unity to inspect such Praperty to ensure the <br /> worl�has been�ompleted to Lender's sat�sfaction,pravided tha�such inspection shall be undertaken <br /> promptly. Lender may disburse proceeds for the repairs and restorat�on in a sing�e payment or rn a se��es of <br /> progress paym�nts as the work is compl���d.LTn�ess an agreement is made in�vriting or Applica�le La�v <br /> requires in�erest to be paid an such insurance prticeeds, L�nder shall not be requir�d to pay Borro�ver any <br /> i�.terest ar earnings an such proceeds. Fees for public adjust�rs,or other third parties,retained by Bor�ra�ver <br /> shall nat be pa�d au�af the i�suran�e�r�ceeds and shall be the sa1�abligatian�of Bnrro�ver. If the re�torati�n <br /> or repair is n�t ecanomica�ly feasible ar Lender's secu�ity would be lessened,the in�urance praceeds shall be <br /> applied to the sums secured by this S�curit�I�nstrument,�vhether or not then due,w�th the excess, if any, <br /> �aid to F�orrower. Such insurance praceeds sha11 be applied in the order provided�or in Section 2. <br /> If S�rrawer abandons the Praperty,Lender may file,negotiate and sett�e any available insuranc�clai�rn and <br /> related matters. If Borrower do��not respond within 3a days to a natice from Lend�r�hat th�insr�ran�� <br /> carrier has affered to sett�e a claim,then Lender may negotiate and�ettle the claim, The 3Q-day period wilt <br /> �egin�vhen the notice is given. In either e�ent,ar if Lender acquire�the Property under Sectia�22 or <br /> atherwise,Borrovver hereby assigns to Lender(a)Bonower's right�to any insurance proce�ds in an amount <br /> not to ex�eed the amounts unpaid under the Not�or this Security Instrument,and�b)any o�her of <br /> BQrr4wer's rights�vther than the rigbt�o any r�fu�d of�nearned p�'erx�i�zns pa�d by�orrower}under a11 <br /> insurance policies cover�ng the Property,insofar as�uch rights are applicable to the ca�erage of the <br /> Property. Lender may use the insurance proceeds either to repair or re�tore the Property or to pay amaunt� <br /> unpaid under�he N�te or this Security�nstrument,wh�ther�r n�t then due. <br /> N�9R►4SKA-5fngle Family-Fann�e M�e1Fr+eddie Ma�UNIFQf�M 1NSTRUMENT WiTH MER5 FoRn 3Q28 11�1 <br /> VMP� VMP6A(NE)(13�2].44 <br /> Waiters'�Cluwer Financial 5ervi��s Pa�e 7 of 1 T <br /> q 33747168�7 �33 376 Q717 <br />