2� 17�2342
<br /> The Fu�ds sha�l be held �n an institution whase deposYts are insur�d b��fedexal ag�nGy, instrumentality,or
<br /> entity�inc�uding Lender, if Lender is an institution tivhose deposits are sa insured}ar in any Federal Hame
<br /> Loan Ban�.Lender shal�apply th�Funds to pay the Escrow Items no la�er than the time specif ed under
<br /> RESPA. L�nder shall not char�e Borrower for halding and applying the Funds, annually�nalyzing the
<br /> escrow account,�r verifying the Eseraw It�m�,unless Lende�pays Barrower interest an the Funds and
<br /> Applicable Law permits Lender to make such a charge.U'nless an agreement is made in writing or
<br /> Applicable Law requires interest to be paid on#he�unds,Lender sha�1 nat be required to pay Borr��er any
<br /> i�terest or earnings 4n the Funds. Borr�wer an�Lender can agree in�riting,howe�er,t�iat intere�t shatl be
<br /> paid on the Funds. Lender shall give to Borrower,vwithout c�aarge,an an�nual account�ng of the Funds as
<br /> requir�d by RE�PA.
<br /> If ther�is a surplus of Funds held in escrow,as defined under RESPA,Lender shall ac�ount to Borrower for
<br /> the exc�ss funds�n accardance w�th RESPA. If th�r�is a shortage of Funds h��d in escraw,as d�fne�und�r
<br /> RESPA,Lender shall no�ify�orrot�ver as required by RESPA,and Borrower sha�l pay to Lender the amaunt
<br /> necessary to make up the shor�age in accordance�ith RESPA,�ut in no more than 12 rx�onthly payments. If
<br /> th�re�s a deficiency of Funds he��l in escr�w,as d�fined under RESPA,Lender shall na�ify Borr�wer as
<br /> required by RESpA,and Barrawer sha11 pay to Lender the amount necessary ta mal�e up the deficiency in
<br /> accordance with RESPA,but in no more than 12 month�y payment�.
<br /> L3p�n paymer�t in fu�1 af a���ums se�ured by this Se�urity Instrument, Lender shal�pramptly refund to
<br /> Borr�wer any Funds held by L�nder,
<br /> 4. Charges;Liens.�orrower shall pay a�l�axes, assessments, charges, fnes, and impositions attributahle to
<br /> the Property which can attain priori�y aver thi�Secur�ty�ns�rument, �easeh�ld payments or graun�r�nts on
<br /> the Praperty, if any,and Community Association Dues,Fees,and Ass�ssmen�s, if any.Ta the extent that
<br /> �hese items are Escrow I�ems,Borrawer shall pay them in the manner pravided in Seetian�.
<br /> Borr�wer shalt promptly discharge any lien wh�ich has priority over this�ecurity Instrument��less
<br /> Borrawer: �a}agrees in vvriting to the payment Qf the obliga�ion secured by the tien in a manner accepta.�le
<br /> ta Lenderi�ut oniy so�ang a�Borro�ver is p�r�forn�ing such�greement;�b�co�tests the lien in�aod faith by,
<br /> or defends against enforcement of the lien in, lega�proceed�ngs which in Lender's apinion operate to prevent
<br /> th.e enforcemer�t Qf the lien�vhxle those proceedings are pending,bu�on1�unt�l su�ch�ra�eedi��s are
<br /> concluded;or(c}secures from th�halder af the�ien an agre�ment satisfactory to Le�der subord�na�ing th�
<br /> lien to this Security Instrument.I#'Lender deter�ines�hat a�y�art of�he Pra��rty is subj ect�o a lien whicl�
<br /> �an attain priority aver this Securrty Ir�strument,Lender may give Borro�er a notice iden�ifying the lien,
<br /> 'LlVithin 1 U day�of tbe dat�an�r�ich that r�otice is gi�en,Borrovwer sha�l satisfy the lien�r take one ar mare
<br /> o f the actions��t forth above in th�s Section 4.
<br /> Lender may require Barrower to pay a�ne-time charge for a real estate tax veriFcation andlor reporting
<br /> servi�e used by Lender in eonr�ect�on with this L�an,
<br /> 5. Property tnsurance.Barro�er shall keep the improvements no�u existing or�ereaf�er erected on the
<br /> Prope�y insured against loss b��"ire,�iazards included v�ithin the tern�"�xtended coverage,"and any other
<br /> hazards including,but n�t limited to, ear�hquakes and flo�ds,far which Lender requires ir�surance.This
<br /> in�surance shall b�e mainta�ined in the amaunts tin�luding deductible levels}an�for the periods tl�at Lender
<br /> requires. What Lender r��uires pursuant to the pr�ceding sentences can change during the term of the Laan.
<br /> The insurance carri�r pr��idir�g the insurance sha�1�e chose�by Borrar�er sub�ect to i.ender�s right to
<br /> disapprove Borrower's choic�,which right sha�l�ot be exer��sed�nreasonably.Lender may require
<br /> Banvv�er to pay,in connection with thi�Laan,eith�r; �a}a one-time charge for f�aod�vn�determin�tion,
<br /> certiFicatian and tracking services;or(b)a one-time charge far flaod�or�e determination and�ertifi�a�ian
<br /> NEBR►4SItA�ln�fe Famity-Fannie MaelFreddie Mac UNIFQRM INSTRUMENT WITH MERS Form 30281l49
<br /> VMP� VMP6A�NE}�1302}.�4
<br /> Wolt�rs k(iuwer F�nancial Seniices Page�vf 97
<br /> q 74 168�7 U 3 376 0�17
<br />