<br /> ' � � ' ' 2� 17�2341
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<br /> e��ct not to sign ar�y su�l� �orrect�� Agreeme��t, th� terms of t�1e original Loan DQcuments �ha11
<br /> continue in full force and effect, su�h terms wi1�not�e �nodified by this Agr�ement, and �v��ll ��ot
<br /> �e eiigib�e for a i�nodification L�nder�he FHA Home AffQrdable Mvdificatian Program.
<br /> M. That Lender wvill �ol�ect and recor� persanal informativn, including, but r�at limited to, my na��e,
<br /> �ddr�ss, tele�hoi�e number, sociai se�urit�y number, �redit score, in�onae, payment history,
<br /> go�emment r�onitor�ng inforn�ation, and informat�on about account balances and acti�it}�. Irt�
<br /> add�tion,I understand and c�nsent to the disclosure of niy personal information and the t�rms of fhe
<br /> Tr�al Peri�d P�ati and tllis Agreement by Lender ta �a} any in�estor, insur��-, guarantor�r ser�icer
<br /> that nw��s, insures, guara�ztees or ser�ices my first lien or subordiiiate liet� (if app�icable} mortgage
<br /> loan{s}; �b} cornpani�s that pe�form support ser�ices fnr the FHA Horne �ffordab�e Madif catian
<br /> Program;and�c}any HUD certifie�housing counse�or.
<br /> N. I agree, that if any dacument re�ated to th� Loan Doct�ments andlflr this Agreement is lvst,
<br /> misplaced, �is�tated, ir�accurately reflects th�tru�and corr�c� t�rms and �ondi�io�ls of the laan as
<br /> rtnadified,ar is atherwise missing,I �ri�l comply with the Lender's request to execute,acknowledge,
<br /> in�tial and deli�er to the Lender an� dacumentation the Lender deems n�c�ssary. if the �riginal
<br /> promissvey not� is replaced, the L�nder hereby indemnifies me against an}� loss associated vE►ith a
<br /> d�mand on tl�e origitzal i1�te. A 11 �vcum�nts the Lender requ�sts �f ine under this section shal! �e
<br /> referred to as "Documents." I agree t� del��er the Documents ��ithin fi�teen �15} days af�er �
<br /> recei�e the Lender's written req uest for such replacement.
<br /> �. That �he mortgage insurance premiums on my Loan, if applicable, may increase as a result af the
<br /> capitalization v►rhich will result iii a higher total moi�thly pay�nent. Furt��ennar�,the date on which I
<br /> may request cance�lation of mor�gage insurance ma� change as a result of the New Princ�pal
<br /> Salance.
<br /> P. C�RRE�TI�IrI AGREEMENT: �Th� undersigned �Qrrvwerts}, for and ir� consideration of the
<br /> approval, clasit�g and funding of t��is madificati�n,her�by gra«ts Wells Farg�Home Mortgage, as
<br /> le��der, limited pawer af attorne}� to correct andlnr €nitial all typographica� or ���ri�a� errvrs
<br /> discovered in the Agreement required ta be signed. I� the event th�s limite� power�f attorne� is
<br /> exercised,the undersigned will be notified and receive a copy of the docurnent e�cecuted or initia�ed
<br /> on their be��a�f.This pro�ision ma�not be used ta modify the interest ra�e,�r►odi�'y the term,m�dify
<br /> the outstanding principal halance or modify the undersigned's monthl� principal an� interest
<br /> payments as mod�fied by this Agreement.Any of these speeified changes rnust be executed directly
<br /> by the ��nd�rsigned. This limited p�w��-of attorney shaIl autamatically terminate in 12U days from
<br /> the closing date�f the undersigned's modification.Borrower agrees to mak�and execute such other
<br /> documents or papers as necessary or required to effectuate the terms and conditions of t11is
<br /> Agreement v►r�ic�1, if apprn�ed and accept�d by Lender, sha�l bind and inure to their heirs,
<br /> exec«tors,adrriinis�ratars,and assigns�f the Borrower.
<br /> �. Borrawer must deli��r to W�lls Fargo Home Mortgage a properly signed 1�Iodifcatian Agreement
<br /> b� M�1R�I-� 3�4, 2�17. If Borrov�v�r does nat returr� a �roperly signed Mo�ificatian Agr�eme��t by
<br /> tlzis date a��d t�ake all payYnents pursuanr to the tria! p�an agreement ar any Qther required �re-
<br /> m�dification payments, Wells Far�a Home Mortgage may deny or cance� the modificati4n. If
<br /> Borrower returrts the properly signe� 1Vlodifi�ation Agreement by said date, payments pursuant to
<br /> t��e laan Modif�at�on A�reement ar� due as out�ined i�this Modificati����greement. Wells F�.rgo
<br /> Hame Mortgage may deny or ca���el this �oan Modificat�an Agreement if Borrvwer fails to make
<br /> the f rst payment dL�e pur�uant to this loan Madificati�n Agreement.
<br /> W�lls Far�o Custom FHA Horne Afforciable Mocl�F�at�on Agreement 7pS�'�FB��I�II�I,���I���JI���������1�11
<br /> 12152�15 445
<br /> Page 7
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