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► <br /> ' ' � � ` 2� 17�2341 <br /> , <br /> Months Intcr�st Rate lntrr�st Rate 11�iontbly Princip�l Monthly T�tal Psymrnt <br /> Ch�ng�D�te and Intcrest P�yment Escrow l�anth�y Begins�a <br /> Payment Pa�ment* <br /> Amount* <br /> 36{� 4.4D��% �41�112d 17 $98.09 �154.1� $252.�Z 451�I12��� <br /> *After yae�r modification is compiete, escrow p�yments ad,�ust at least annuatl� in <br /> accordance with app�ieahle law therefare, the total monthly payrnent may change <br /> according�y. <br /> The abo�e terms st�a11 supersede any pro�isions to the contrary in the Loan Documents, including <br /> but n�t�imited to,pro�isians fo�an�djustable or step i�terest rate. <br /> I und�rstand that, if I have a pa� aption adjustable rat� mortgage loail, �pan modif�ati�n, t�e <br /> mii�imum monthly payment opti�n,the interest-only ar an�other payment flptio�is will no �onger 6e <br /> offer�d and t�at t2�e month7y payment� des�ribed in the abo�e payment schedu�e for rny modified <br /> l�an will be��� minim�im pay�l�ent that will be due eaeh month for the remaining term of the 1Qan. <br /> My modified loan will nat ��a�e a negat��e amartizatiQn feature that wQ��� all�w me to pa� �ess <br /> than th� interest due resulting ir� any unpaid interes� ta be added �o �h� outstanding principal <br /> bala��ce. <br /> D. I wi�l be �n default if I do not compl}r with the terrns vf tt�e Laan Documen#s, as madified by this <br /> Agreement. <br /> E, �f a default rate of ii�terest is permitted u��der the �.va�� D�cumer�ts, ther� in �he e�ent �f defat�lt <br /> und�r the Loa�Do�c�inents,as amended,the in�erest that will be due will be the rat�set far#h. <br /> 4. �d�fitional Agreemer�ts. <br /> I ag�ee to the follav�ing: <br /> A. That all persons w17a s�gned the Lc�an Dacuments or their autl�orized representatr�e�s}ha�e signed <br /> this Agreement,un�ess�i}a b�rr�r�er vr co-borrower is deceased; {ii}the borrower and co-borravver <br /> are di�arced and the property has been tra��sferred ta ane spouse in the di�orce decree, the spouse <br /> who na longer has an interest in the propeMy need not sign this Agreement �although the non- <br /> s�gning spouse may contin��e to be held liable f�r the o�ligatian under th�Laan Dacuments};or�iii} <br /> the Lender has wai�ed this require�nent in writing. <br /> B. That tl�is Agreement shall supersede the terms af any mo�ification, farbearance, Triat Feriod P�an <br /> or Mortgage�ssistance that I prer�ia�sly entered into�ifh Lender. <br /> �. Ta comp�y, except to tl�e extent t�at they are mod�fied by this Agreem�n�, with all co�enants, <br /> agreements,a��d requirements of L�an Dacuments in�luding my agreement to make all payments❑f <br /> taxes, insuran�e pr�miu�ns, assessments, Escrow Items, impounds, and a11 other payments, fhe <br /> a�ount of whi�h may change perivdically a��r the term of my Loan. <br /> D. That this Agreement constitutes i�otice that the Lend�r's waiver as ta paym�nt of Escraw Items, if <br /> `Ne11s Farga Custoin Fk�A Hnn�e Aftordable Mod�fication Agxeement 7�g`��B I�����������]�����ml��f�11 <br /> l 21�2�]b 4d 5 �� Al�l I 1� <br /> ~ Page 4 <br />