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, <br /> r <br /> 2� 17�233� <br /> DEED �F TRUST <br /> Loan No: 'l D'l 3�39'l 7 ���rltirlued� Page � <br /> absvlu�e or cantingent, [iquida�ed ❑r unliquidated, whether Trus�or may be liab[e indi�idually or jvintly wi�h others, <br /> wheth�r a�ligat�d as guaran�or, sur��y, accvmmadation party or othe�-wise, and whether reco�ery upan such amoun�ts <br /> may be vr hereafter may becom� barred by any s�katute at�imitatians, and whether fihe olai�gativn�v repay such amounts <br /> may be or hereafter may�ecame o�herwise unenforceab�e. <br /> FUTIJRE ADVANCES. ln addition�❑the Note,this Deed ❑f Trust secures all future advances made by Lender to Trustvr <br /> whether ❑r nvfi fihe ad�ances are made pursuant�o a commitment. Specifii�ally, with�ufi �imita�ivn, this ❑��d o�f Trus� <br /> secures, in additivn to the amvun�s specified in �he Nvte, aI� -�uture amoun�s Lender in its discretian may loan t❑ <br /> Trustor,t�ge�her with all in�eres�thereon. <br /> Trustor pr�sently assigns t❑ Lender �also known as 6eneficiary in �his ❑eed of Trus�} alf �� Trustor's right, tEtle, and <br /> interest in and t❑ all presen�k and future leases vf �he Property and all R�n�s �rom the Proper�y. ln addi�ion, Trustor <br /> grants t� Lender a �niform Gommercial Code securi�y in�erest in the Persanal Property and Rents. <br /> THlS DEED DF TRUST, INCLUI�ING THE A551GNMENT �F RENTS ANC�THE SECURITY iNTEREST IN THE RENTS AND <br /> PERS�NAL PR�PERTY, �5 G1VEN T� SECURE �A} PAYI�IIENT �F THE �N�EgTEDNESS AND {g} PERF�R1VlANCE DF <br /> ANY AND ALL �BLIGATI�NS UNDER THE NDTE, THE RELATED D�CIJMENTS, AND TH1S DEED DF TRUST. THIS � <br /> ❑EED�F TR[JST IS GiVEN AND A�CEPTED�N THE FDLLDININ�TERN[5: <br /> PAYMENT AND PERF�RMANCE. Exc�pt as o�herwise proWided in this Deed o�Trust, Trustor shall pay to Lender all <br /> amaun�s secured by this ❑eed of Trust as they become due, and sha�E stric�ly and in a timely manner perform a�� o� <br /> Trustor's�bl�gatEons under the No�e,�khis L�eed o�Trust, and th� Relat�d Documents. <br /> P�S5ES51DN AND MAlNTENANCE �F THE PR�PERTY. Trusfior agrees that Trustar's passession and use ❑f the <br /> Property shall be governed by the follow�ng pro�isians: <br /> Passession and Use. Un�il �he ❑ccurrence ❑f an E�ent af aefault, Trustor may ��} remain in passessivn and <br /> cvntr�l of�he Prvperty; ��� use, operat�❑r manage�he Praperty; and �3} callect the Renfis�rvm the Property. <br /> Duty �v Main�ain. Trus�or sha!! maintain the Pr�perty in ��nantable condition and promp�ly perfarm all repairs, <br /> repia�emen�s, and main�enance necessary�a preser�e its value. <br /> Compliance V�i#h Env�ronmental Laws, Trus�or represen�s and warran�s to Lender that: ��} During �the perivd ❑f <br /> Trus�or's own�rship af the Pr�perty,there has b��n no use, generation, manufacture, storage,�rea�men#, disp�sal, <br /> release or threatened reEease of any Hazardous 5ubs�an�e hy any p�rsvn on, und�r, about or �From the Praperty; <br /> {�} Trus�or has nv know�edge vf, vr reason t❑ be�ie�e that the�-e has been, except as previ�usly disc[vsed to and <br /> a�know�edged by Lender in writing, {a� any breach ar ��alatian of any En�iranmen�al Lavirs, �b} any use, <br /> genera�ion, manufacture, sto�-age, �reatment, disposal, reiease or threa�ened release vf any Hazardous Substan�e <br /> vn, under, about ar from the Proper�y by any p�ivr owners or ❑c�upants o� the Property, ❑r �c} any ac�ual ❑r <br /> �hreaten�d fitiga#ion or claims of any kind hy any person relating �a su�h mat�ers; and {3� Excep� as pre�ivusly <br /> discfosed�❑ and acknawledg�d by Lender in wri�ing, {ay nei�her Trustv�nor any�enant, contractor, ag�n�or❑ther <br /> au�hvrized user of the Prvperty shafl use, generate, manufacture, stare, tr�at, disp�se of or release any Hazardaus <br /> 5ubstance on, under, abvu�or from�he Property; and �b} any such acti�ity sha1� he conducted in complian�e wi�h <br /> all app�ica�le federal, sfia�e, and local �aws, reguEati�ns and ❑rdinances, including without l�mita�ion a!! <br /> EnWironmenta! Laws. Trust�r authorizes Lender and its agents t❑ enter upon the Proper�y t❑ make such <br /> inspections and tests, at T�usfior's exp�nse, as L�nder may deem appropriate �o de�ermine complEan�e ❑�F the <br /> Property with th�s sec�ion o#�he Deed ❑fi Trust. Any inspections or tes�ks made by Lender shall be for Lender's <br /> purposes anly and sha[i not be cons�rued t❑ create any respvnsE�i�ity or liability❑n�he part❑f Lender�o T�-usfior ar <br /> to any vther person. The representations and warran�ies contained herein are bas�d on Trustar's due diligence in <br /> in�es-�igating �he Proper�y for Hazardaus Substanc�s. Trus�or hereby {1} releases and wai�es any fu�kure claims <br /> agains� Lender �v�- indemni�y ❑r cantributian in fihe e�ent Trustar hecom�s liable -�flr cleanup or ❑ther C�5�5 under <br /> any such laws; and 42� agrees�o indemnify, de�end, and hold harmless Lender against any and all c[aims, losses, <br /> ��abili�ies, damages, pena[ties, and expenses whi�h Lender may directly or indi�e��ly sustain❑r suffer resulting from <br /> a brea�h v�F�his sectivn ❑f the Deed af Trust ar as a �onsequence of any EJS�r genera�ion, manu�ac�ure, stara�e, <br /> dispasal, re�ease�r threatened re�ease occurring priar t❑Trustor's ❑wnership or interest in the Property, whether or <br /> n�� the same was or shou�d ha�e been known to Trustar. The proW�sions of this sec�ian of the ❑eed o�F Trust, <br /> inGluding the abligation to indemni�y and defend, shall surv3�e the payment a�the Indeb�edness and the satisfacfiivn <br /> and recan�eyance ❑f the �ien of this ❑eed ��T�usfi and shall not be affected by Lender's acquisit�on o�any interest <br /> in�he Property, whether by forecfosure ar o�herwise. <br /> Nuisance, V1laste. Trustor shall nat cause, conduct ❑r p�rmit any nuisance nor commit, permit, or su-�fer any <br /> stripping ❑f or waste on ar �❑ �he Prope�ty ❑r any pvr�ivn of the Praperty. VVi�hout I�mi�ing fihe generality ❑f the <br /> �foregaing, Trus�or will nat remo�e, a� gran�t❑ any a�her party�he righ�t�❑ rema�e, any�im�er, minerals �includ;ng <br /> �il and gas}, coal, clay, scaria, soil, gra�el or rock praducfis withou�Lender's privr wri��en consen�. <br /> Remavaf vf[mprorremen�s. Trus�ar shall not demv�ish o�-remo�e any lmpro�ements fram�he Reaf Property without <br /> Lender's priar written �vnsenfi. As a condi�ian�❑�he remo�al af any Imprv�emen-�s, Lender may require Trusto�-tv <br /> make arrangements sa�isfactory to Lender fiv replace such Impro�ements with Impro�emen�s ❑f a� leas� equal <br /> �alue. <br /> Lender's Righ��v Enter. Lender and Lender's agents and rep�-esen�a�i�es may enter upon the Real Praper�y a� all <br /> reasonable �imes to attend �o Lender's inte��sts and to inspect �he Real Praper�y �or purposes ot Trus�ar's <br />