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2� 17�231 � <br /> I]EED �F TRUST <br /> . <br /> �Con�t�nu�d} Pa�e 4 <br /> a�ter Trustor's �ailure ta d❑ sa, �hat decis�on by Lender will not affect Lender's right to deClare Trus�or 'rn default <br /> and ta exercise Lender's remedies. <br /> Request fvr Nvtics. Trustor, an �ehalf of Trustvr and Lender, hereby reques�s�ha�a copy of any Notice of Default <br /> � � and a capy�.o�any Notice af Sa�e under this Deed of Trust be m�iled t❑them a��he addresses set fvr�h in the first' <br /> paragraph v��his Deed af Trust. <br /> Attorneys' Fees: Expenses. I� Lender institutes any su�t or a�ti�n t� enfor�e any of the �erms ❑� thES ❑eed o� <br /> Trust, Lender sha[I be entitled to recv�er such sum as the court may adjud�e reasvnable as att�rneys' �ees a�C trial <br /> and upon any appeal. Vllhether or nat any �vurt a�tian is in�ol�ed, and to the ex�ent na� prohi,bitsd by [aw, a�i <br /> reasvnahle expenses Lender inGurs tha� in Lender`s o�Enion are necessary a� any �ime �o�r tha prvtectivn �f its <br /> Enfierest or the enforcement of its rEghts shall becom� a part af�fihe ]ndebtedness payable�vn demand and shall bear <br /> interest at the Note rate�ram the date vf the expenditure until repaid. Expenses c��ered hy�his paragraph include, <br /> v►ri�hvut limi�a�ivn, however sub�ect t� any limi�s under applicable law, Lender's attarneys' �ees and Lend�r's legal <br /> expenses, whether or nat there is a lawsuit� including attorneys' fees and expenses �or bankruptcy prviceedings <br /> �includin� effvrts�v madi�y or�acate any autamatic s�ay❑r injunction}, appea[s, and any anticipated pvst-judgment <br /> cvllection ser�ices, the c�st vf searching records, obtaining ti�le reporfis �including forecEosure reports}� SLICVB�1�1'S� <br /> reports, and appraisal �fees. �itle insurance, and fees �or the Trustee, tv the extent permitted by applicable �aw, <br /> ' Trustor als❑wiil pay any caurt cvs�s. in additian�o all a�her sums pro�ided by law. <br /> IV[15�ELLANE�US PR�VI5I�NS. The following miscellaneaus pro�isions are a part af this ❑eed af Trust: <br /> Governing Law. This Deed o# Trust wi�� he go�er.ned by federal law app�icable #u Lender and, to the exfient not <br /> preempted by federai iaw,the �av►►s vf the State vf Nebraska without regard to its confli�ts of law pra�isivns. This <br /> Deed ofi Trus�has been accepted by L�nder in the 5�ate of N�hraska. <br /> T�me is v�the Essence. Time is ❑f�he essence in the perf�rmance vf this D�ed ❑f Trust. • <br /> 1Nairrer of Hom�stead Exemption. Trustor herel�y releases and wai�es all rfghts and benefits of the homestead <br /> exempfiian laws af the 5tate af Nebraska as�a all �ndebtedness se�ured by�his Deed of Trust. <br /> �DEFIN�TIaNS.-The follawin� words sha[� have the follov�ring meanings when used in this Q�ed ❑f Trust: <br /> Benefic�ary. The word "B�nefi�iary" means PiNNACLE BANK, and its successars and assigns. - <br /> Bor�vwer. The. �rvord "Borrvwer" means R�CHARD J�R�3AN BURTWISTLE,and RICHARD S B[JRTVIlISTLE and <br /> � Encludes all ca-signers and co-makers s�gning�he No�e and ai!their successors and assigns. <br /> � ,, Deed of Trust. The wards "De�d a� Trust" mean �this �3eed of Trus� among Trustvr, Lender, and Trustee, and <br /> � includes without limitafivn all assignmen�k and �curifiy interest pro�isions relating to the Personal Property and <br /> Rents. ` '� <br /> Environmen�al Laws. The wvrds "EnWiranmenta! Laws" mean any and al{ s�ate, federal and lacal s�a�utes, <br /> , regu�ativns and ordinances relating to the prvte��ian af human h�alth ar �he en�ironment, including without <br /> lim�ta�ion �he ��mprehensi�� En�ironmen�al R�s�anse, Comp�nsation, and Liabili�y Ac� af 198D, as amended, 4� <br /> U.S.C. Sectian 95��, et s�q. �"CER�LA"�, the 5uperfund Amendments and Reau�hori�atian Act o� �986, Pub. L. <br /> No. 99-499 �"SARA"}, �he Hazardous Materials Transportati�n A�t, 49 U.S.C. Se�ti�n 18�'1; �t seq.,the Resource <br /> ConserWation and Reco�ery Act. 42 U.S.C. Section G9(�1, et seq.. or a�her appiicable s�ate or federal laws, rules, <br /> v�regufativns adapted pursuant there�o. ' <br /> E�ent of DefauEt. The words "E�ent v�Default" mean any af�he e�ents a�de�ault s�� this.Deed o�Trus�in <br /> the e�ents o�default sect�on�f�his ❑eed af Trust. <br /> Guaranty. The word "Guaranty" means the guaran�y��am guarantor, endvrser, surety, ar accommodation�par�y to <br /> Lender, including without limitatian a guaranty of all vr par�of the Note. � <br /> �mprovements, The ward "Impr��ements" means all existing and future �mprorrements, �uildings, struc�ures, <br /> ._ mvbile homes affixed an the Real Propert�, �Facilities, additivns, replac�m�nts and ather constru�tion on �he Real <br /> Prvperty. � <br /> lndehtedness. The word "lndebtedness" means aE� principal, interest, and o�her amaunts; casfis and expenses <br /> payabl� under the Nvte or Re�ated 1�vcumen�Cs; together with al� renewals ❑fi, extensi�ns af� modificatians ❑f, <br /> cvnsolidations af and sulas�itut�ons for the No�e or Rslat�d Dvcuments and any amounts expended ❑r ad�anced by <br /> Lender ta discha�ge Trustor's ohligations ar expenses incurred by Trustee ar L�nder to enforce Trustor's � <br /> obfigations under this Deed a� Trus�, together with interest an such amaunts as prv�id�d in �his Deed ot Trus�. <br /> . Speci-Fically, withaut limitativn, lndebt�dness includes th� futur� ad�ances set ��r�h in the Fu�u�e Ad�ances <br /> pro�isian of this Deed of Trust,togeth�r with all interes��herevn, <br /> Lender. The word "Lender" means PINNACLE BANK, its successors and. assigns. The words "successors vr <br /> assigns" mean any person ar company thafi acquira�any in�erest in fihe Nvt�. <br /> Nate. The word "Note" means the pramiss�ry no�Ce dated April �2, �D�7, [n the orig�nal principal amount <br /> of $7��rD�a.QD from Bvrrower �o Lender, t�ge�her with af[ renewals af, extensians o�� modi�i�a�ians of, <br /> re�inancings of, �vnsolidations af, and subs�i�u�ions�or the.promissory note or a�reement. <br /> . Persvnal Pro�erty. The wvrds "Persanal Praper�y" mean all equipmen�; �Fixtures, and v�her ar�i�les a� persvnal <br /> property n�w or hereafter owned by:Trustor, and nvw ar hereafter at�a� aff�xed ta the Real Property; <br /> together with all accessivns� parts, and additions to. a�i replacements ❑f, and all substitutions for, any a� such <br /> property; and �together irvith all proceeds �including without IimE�ation ai! insurance praceeds and re�unds of <br /> premiums} from any sale or other dispasitian af�he Praperty. � <br /> � Property. The word "Property" means co��e�tive�y the.Real Praperty and�he Personal Prvper�y. <br /> Real Property.�Th�w�rds "Real Proper�y" mean the real �prvperty,�interests and righ�s, as fur�her described in thss <br /> �eed of Trust, � <br /> Rela�ed DvGuments. The wvrds ."Related Documents" mean all pramissvey notes, credit agreemen�s, loan <br /> -. agreements, en�iranmental agreements, guarantEes,� security ag�eements. mor�rgages, d�eds ,of trust, securi�y � <br /> d��ds, �a�lateral mvrtgages, and all o�her instrumen�s, .a�reemenfis and documents, whether now ar hereafter <br /> existing, executed in cannec�ion vvith�he fndebtedness. � <br /> Rents. The wvrd "Rents" means all present and future ren�s, re�enues. income, issues, r�yafties� profits, and <br /> ❑�ther�enefi�s deri�ed �ram the Property. <br /> Trustee. The word "Trus�ee" means PINNACLE BANK,.whose address is P� BDX 47�, D'NE1LL, NE fi8763 and <br /> any suhstitu�e or�uccessar trus�ees. , , <br /> Trustvr. The word "Trustar" means RI�HARD JURDAN �URTV�115TLE, � <br />