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2� 17�231 � <br /> . <br /> DEED �F TRUST <br /> ��ontinu�d� Rage 3 <br /> creditor workout, or the commencemen�t❑f any prace�d�ng under any bankruptcy or insol�ency� laws by or against <br /> Borrower or Trustvr. <br /> E�ents Af�ecting Guaran#ar. Any of th� preceding e�ents ❑ccurs with respec�t❑ any guarantar, endorser, surety, <br /> � , or a�commvdativn party of any o�F the �ndebtedn�ss or any guaranto�, �ndorser, surety, or accommodation party <br /> dies or ��comes incampe�en�, ar rev�kes or disputes the �afidifiy o�F, ❑r liabiii�y under, any Guaranty af �he <br /> �ndebtedness. � <br /> Insecurity. Lender in govd faith belieues itse�#insecure. <br /> Right to Cure. f�any detault, other�han a�lefault in paymen�tr is curab[e and if Trustor has not been gi�en a notic� <br /> afi a breaGh af the sarne pravision of this ❑eed ❑f Trus�within the preceding twel�e ���) months; it may b��ured if <br /> Trustor, after Lender sends writ#en notice to Borrower demanding cure afi such default: {1} cures the defaul� <br /> within#wenty {��y days;or {2� ifi the cure requires more than tw�nty �20} days, immediately initiafi�s steps which <br /> Lender deems in Lender's saie discreti�n �to be sufficient ta cur� the defauft and thereafter continues and <br /> complet�s all reasonable and necessary s�teps suf�ic��n��❑ produce complian�e as soon as reasanably practical. <br /> RiGHTS AND REMED[E5 QN DEFAULT. Upon the occurren�e �f any E�ent of ❑efaul�t under any indebtedness, or <br /> shauld 6vrrouver or Trustor faif to �omp�y wi�h any of Borrower's or Trustor's ob[iga�ions under fihis ❑eed of Trustf <br /> Trustee or Lender may exercise any one ar more nf�the foElowing rights and remedies: <br /> Acce[eration Upvn Defau�t;Addi�ivnal Remedies. [�F any E�ent of Default❑ccurs as per the terms ❑f�he No#e <br /> secured hereby, Lender may declare a11 Indebtsdness secured by this ❑�ed of Trus#�v be due and payable and <br /> the same shaf!�hereupon be�ame due and payab�e withou�any presen�ment, demand f protest or natice of any <br /> kind. Thereaffier, Lender may: -- <br /> �a} Either in persan or by agent, wi�h or wi�hout bringing any action vr praceeding, or by a reeei�er <br /> appointed by a caurt and without regard.�to�he adequacy af i�s security,�enfier upon and �ake passessi�n <br /> of the Prvp�r�Cy, or any part ther�ofi, in Efis own name ar in the name o�Trustee, and da any acts which i� <br /> deems necessary or d�sirabfe to preserve th� �alu�, marketability❑r rentability a#�he Pr�perty,or part of <br /> fihe Property or interest in the Prapertyr in�rease the incam� tr�m the Pr�perty or protect the security of <br /> _ ' th�e Proper�y; and; with �r w�thvu� taking possession of the Proper�ty, sue far or ofih�rwise callect the <br /> rents, issues and profits afi�he Prvperfiy, including those past due and unpaid, and apply the same, less . <br /> costs and expenses of apera#ian and col[ectian attorneys` fees,�a any indebtedness secured by�his Qeed <br /> of Trus�, aE� in such order as Lender may determine. The en�ering upon and taking possessian af the <br /> _ � Properfiy, the callection of such rents, issues and profits, and fihe app[ication fih�reo�F shal� not cure or <br /> wai�e any defau[�❑r no�i�e of d��aul� under this �eed of Trust or in�alidate any aGt dane in respvnse t❑ <br /> ��"y . such default or pursuant t❑ such nofice ot:de�ault; and, n�twEthstanding the continuance in passessian of <br /> the Property vr the c�IEectian, receipt ar��app[ication ❑f rents, issues ar profits, Trus�ee or Lender shall <br /> be �nti�fed tv exercise e�ery right proWided for in the Note vr the Related Dacuments or by law upon the <br /> accurrence af any e�enfi of d�fiauft, inciuding�th� right t❑ exercis�the power of sale; <br /> {by Commence an a�tion�o farec�os��his De�d ❑t Trust as a martgage, appoin#a recei�er ar specifi�ally <br /> en�arce any o�F fih�cavenan�s hereof; and <br /> �cy Deli�er fv T�ustee a wrifi�en declaratian ofi default and demand far sale and a written n�tice�f de�ault <br /> and election to�cause Trus�o�'s interesfi in the Property�tv be sold, which no�tice Trus�kee shall cause to be <br /> duEy fifed�Far record�n th�app�opriate offices of the County in which the Property is lacated; and' <br /> �d� 1Ni�th respec�fi❑ a!! ❑r any part af�he Personal Property, Lender shafi ha�e a[[the righ�s and r�medies <br /> of a secur�d party under�he Nebraska Uniform Cvmmercia[ Cvde. <br /> Foreclosure�y Power of Sale.- [f Lender e�ects to forecfose !�y exereise afi the Pow�r of 5ale herein cantained, <br /> Lende�-shall no�ify Truste� and shall deposit with Trustee this Deed flf Trus� and the Not� and su�h receipts <br /> and e��dence vf expenditures rnade and secured by this Deed o�Trust as Trustee may requi�e, . <br /> _. �a) Up�n receip�of such notice frq.m Lender, Trustee shall cause�� be recarded, published and delivered <br /> to Trusfior such 1Vatice ofi D�fault and Natice of Safe as then r�quired by iaw and by this �eed ❑f Trust. <br /> Trustee shalf.-without demand on Trustar, after such �ime as may then b� required by �aw and after <br /> recardation afi such N�tice of Defauft and after Notice ot Sale ha�ing been giWen as requ�red by law, se!! <br /> the Praperty at the time an� pEa�e of sale �Fixed by it in su�h N�tice af Sale, eithe� as a whofe, or in <br /> sepa�a�e [ofis or parcels vr items as T�ustee shal� deern expedient, an� in such order as.i� may determin�, <br /> at publi� aucfiion to the highest bidder fivr �ash in [awfuE maney o�F�he United States payable at the �im� <br /> af sale. Trustee shalf del��er tv such purchaser ar purchasers th�reaf its good and sufficient deed or <br /> deeds �onWey�ng �he prnper�y so sflld, �ut without any coWenan� or v►rarranty. express �r implied. Th� <br /> recitals in such d�ed of any matters or fac�s shall be canclusiWe proof af the trufihfiu[ness thereo�. Any <br /> persan, including withaut limi�atian Trustar,Trustee, or Lender, may purchase at such sale. <br /> �b} As may be permitted by [aw, afx�r deducting all costs, f�es and expenses af Trustee and of this <br /> � Trust, including�osts ❑f evidence of titte in connecfion with sa1e,Trustee shall app�y�he praceeds�f sale <br /> ta paym�nt of �i� af f sums s�cpended under the terms o��his Deed of Trust or undgr�he�fierms ofi�he Note <br /> not then repaid, incfuding but not limited fiv accrued in�terest and late charges, {ii} all vther sums then <br /> . se�ured hereby, and �iii� the remainder, if any,to the person❑r persflns fegally entitfed ther�to. <br /> �c} Trustee may in tFie manner pro�ided by law postpone sale of aff❑r any partinn af the Praperty. <br /> Remed�es Nv� Exclusi�e. Trustee and Lender, and each af th�m, shalf be entitled tv enforce payment and <br /> performance af any indebtedness ❑r obfigatians secured by this Deed o�Trust an� �o exercise a�� righ�s and powers <br /> under �his Deed of Trus�k, under the Nate, under any o�F the Rela�ed Do�um�nts. ar under any vther agreement or <br /> any laws narrv ❑r h�rea�ter in tor��; no��rvithstanding, svme or a11 of such indebtedness and ❑bligations secured by <br /> this Deed ot Trus�r may naw ar hereafter be otherwise secured, whether by m�rtgage, deed ofi trust, pfedge,.lien, <br /> assignment or o�herwise. Neither the acceptance of this Deed ot Trus# nor its en�vr�ement, whether by cour� <br /> act�on �r pursuant to the power of sale or❑ther powers contained in this D�ed o�Trust. shall prejudice ar in any <br /> manner�afi#ect Trustee's or Lender's righ� to reali�e upon or enfarce any vther security now or hereaf�er he�d by <br /> Trustee or Lender, �t being agreed�hat Trustee and Lende�, and each of them, shaf I be entitled t❑ enfvrce this Deed �` <br /> of Trust and any ather security now flr hereaf�rer he[d by Lender ❑r Trustee in such vrder and manner as they ar <br /> either vf them may in their abso[ute dis�retion determine. No remedy �onf�rred upon ar reser�ed tv Trustee ar <br /> Lender, is intended to be exc�usive af any v�her remedy�n this Deed af Trust vr by law provided �r permitted, bu�t <br /> each shall be cumulative and shafl be in addition to e�ery afher rem�dy gi�en in this Deed ofi Trus� or naw or. <br /> hereaf��r existing at[aw❑r in equity�r by-statute. E�ery power or remedy gi��n by fihe Note vr any❑�the R�Iated <br /> Documents to Trustee flr Lender or to wh�ch ei�her of them may be otherwise ent�filed, may be exercised, <br /> . cancurrently nr independent�y, #ram time t❑ �ime and as a��en as rnay be deem�d expedient by Trustee or Lender, <br /> and either �f them may pursue inconsistent remedies. Nothing in this Deed of T�-ust shall be canst�u�d as <br /> prahibiting Lender from seeking a defi�iency judgment against the Trust�r to the extent such a�tion is permitted by <br /> law. <br /> Elec�ivn ❑� Remedies. All ❑f Lender's rights and remedies will be cumulati�e and may be exercised alone flr <br /> tagether, ifi Lender decides to sp�nd mvney �r to perfiorm any of Trustor's obligafi�ons under this Deed of Trusfi, <br />