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2� 17�2283 <br /> ASS��N1�lIENT �F RENTS <br /> Lvan Nv: ��'I 3D3��5 ��ont�hued} Page 5 <br /> Nlerger. There shall be no merger o��he in�erest or estate crea�ed by this Assignment with any othe�- in�eres� ❑r <br /> esta�e €n�he Prvperty at any t�me held by or-�ar�he bene�Fit o�F Lender in any �apaci�y, wi�hout�he writ�en consenfi <br /> o�Lender. <br /> Interpre�a�ion. �'i} �n all cases where fihere is more than ❑ne 6orrowe�- ❑r Grantvr-, �hen a�l words used in th�s <br /> Assignmen� in�the singular shall be d�emed ta have been used tn�he plural where the cvn�ex� and ��nstructian s❑ <br /> require. �2� I-�more�han one person signs this Assignmen�as "Gran�ar," the obligations of each Gran�or are join� <br /> and se�eral. This means that if Lender brings a lawsuit, Lender may sue any ❑ne ❑r more ❑f the Grantors. If <br /> Bvrrvw�r and Grantar are nat the same person, Lender ne�d nv�sue F3orrower�first, and tha� Borrawgr need not be <br /> jained in any lawsuit. �3} The names gi�en �❑ paragraphs or sec�ions in fihis Assignment are far con�enience <br /> purposes only.They are no��o be used t❑interpret vr define�he pro�isions of�this Assignm�nfi. <br /> Nv Wai►rer hy Lender. Lender sha�� no� he deem�d fo ha�e wai�ed any �-igh�s unde�-�his Assignment unless such <br /> wai�er is gi�en in v►rri�ing and signed by Lender. N❑ delay or❑missian on the part❑f Lender in exercising any righ� <br /> shall vperate as a wai��r o�such right or any ❑�her righ�. A wai�er by Lender ❑f a proWision of�his Assignmen� <br /> shall no� prejudice or consti�u�e a wai�er ❑f Lender's right ❑therwise �❑ demand s�rict comp[iance with �hat <br /> pra�ision �r any❑ther prv�ision ❑�fihis Assignment. No priv�-wai�er by Lender, nor any course��dealing between <br /> Lender and Gran�or, shall cons�itute a wai�er of any❑f Lender's rights or of any of Grantor's ❑b��gations as�k❑ any <br /> future transactions. Vllhene�er the consent of Lender is required under �hf5 Assignment, th� granting ❑f such <br /> cansen� hy Lender in any ins�ance shall not cvnstitu�e con�inuing consent �v subsequent instances where such <br /> �onsen�is required and in all �ases such consent may be�ranted�r withheld in�he sole dis�retian af Lender. <br /> Notices. Any no�ice required �❑ b� gi�en under this Assignmen� shall be gi�en in wri�ing, and shall be effecti�e <br /> when a�tualiy deliv�red, when a�tuaily receiWed �y tefefacsimile �unless a�herwise required by �aw}, when <br /> depasited with a nationafly recvgnized ❑�ernigh�c�urier, ar, i�mailed, when deposi�ed in the United S�a�es maiE, as <br /> firs�class, cer�ified or �egister�d mail pos�age prepaid, direct�d t❑�he addresses sh�wn nea�-�he be�inning ���his <br /> Assignment. Any party may change its address far notices under this Assignment by gEWing formal wri��en notEce <br /> to �he ❑�her parties, specifying �ha� the purpose o� �he nvtice is �o change fihe party's address. For no�i�e <br /> purpases, Grantor agrees �❑ keep Lender intarmed a� a�i times o� Gran�vr's current address. lJnless �therwise <br /> pro�ided ❑r required hy iaw, i�F �here is mflre than ane Grantor, any notice giW�n by Lend�r �o any Gran�or is <br /> deemed�o be notice gE�en�o a1� Grant�rs. <br /> Rvwers of At�orney. The Wariaus agencies and powers ❑f at�orn�y can�eyed ❑n Lender under this Assignmen�t are <br /> gran�ed for purposes a�securi�y and may no�be re�aked by Grantvr un�il such time as the same a�-e renounc�d by <br /> Lender. <br /> Se►rerabiiEfiy. 1� a �our� of compefient jurisdi�tian �inds any pro�isian of this Assignment �❑ �e illegal, �nvafid, or <br /> unenforceaf��e as �� any circumstance, fiha� fiinding shall nat make fihe offending proWision illegal, in�alid, nr <br /> unenforceable as �❑ any ofiher circumstance. lf �easible, �he ❑ffending pra�ision shall �e considered modi#ied so <br /> thafi ifi becomes legal, �alid and enforceahfe. I# �he ❑ffending prv�ision cannat be sv m�difiied, it sha1� be <br /> cvnsidered deleted firvm �his Assignmen�. Unless otherwise required by law, �he illegali�ty, in�a[idifiy, or <br /> unenfvr�eahi��ty vf any pro�ision of fihis Assignment shal� no� affect �he legaEEty, validi�y or enfvrceability ❑f any <br /> oth�r pro�ision of this Assignment. <br /> 5uc�essors and Assigns. Subject to any lim�tations stated in this Assignmen�an trans�er o�Grantor's in�erest,th�s <br /> Ass��nment shall be binding upon and �nure tv the benefit of �he par�ies, the�r successars and assigns. if <br /> ownership of�he Property be�omes �est�d in a person ather fihan Gran�or, Lender, without nv�ice�ko Gran�or, may <br /> deal wi�h Gran�or's successars with re�Ference t❑ this Assignment and �he Indebtedness by way vf forbearance �r <br /> extensivn wi�hou�releasing Gran�or from the obligations o#this Assignment�r�iability under the lndeb�edness. <br /> Time is o�the Essence. Time is ❑f�he essence in�he per�ormance of�his Assignment. <br /> 1Naiver v# Hom�stead Exemp�ian. Grantor hereby releases and wai��s a�l righfis and benefits o� �he hames�ead <br /> exemp�ion laws vf�he 5ta�e❑f Nebraska as t❑all Inde��edness secured by this Assignmen�, <br /> VtiTaiver of Righfi o� Redemption. NDTVIIITHSTAND�NG ANY �F THE PR�V�Sf�NS T� THE CDNTRARY <br /> C�NTAINED �N TH�S A551GNMENT, GRANT�R HEREBY VVAIVES ANY AND ALL RIGHTS �F RE�3EMPTl�N FRDIVI <br /> SALE UNDER ANY �RDER �R JUDGMENT �F FDRE�L�SIJRE DN GRANTDR'S BEHALF AND �N BEHALF �F <br /> EACH AND EVERY PERSDN, Ei�CEPT J�DGMENT CREDIT�RS DF GRANTDR, ACQL]1R1NG ANY INTEREST IN DR <br /> TlTLE TD THE PRflPERTY SUBSEQUENT TD THE DATE�F THIS ASSI�NIIIIENT. <br /> DEFlNITIaNS. The �Fo��owing capitalized words and terms shaIl ha�e �he �oflawing meanings when used in �his <br /> Assignment. Unl�ss specifica�jy s�at�d �� �he �ontrary, aIi references t� dollar amoun�s shall mean amaun�s in �aw�ul <br /> maney ❑f the United States v� Amer�ca. Words and terms used in �he singular shali include the plural, and the plural <br /> shall in�lude �he singular, as �he contex�may require. Words and �erms not❑therwise de��ned in �his Assignment shal! <br /> ha�e�he meanings afifiribu�ed�o such terms in the Uniform Commercial Cade: <br /> Assignmen�. The word "Assignment" means �his ASSIGNMENT OF RENTS, as�his ASSiGNMENT �F RENTS may <br /> be amended or modified from �ime to time, fio�ether with aI] exhibi�s and schedules attached to�his AS5IGNMENT <br /> DF RENTS from�ime�a�ime. <br /> gorrower. The word "Borrawer" means STARDSTKA G R�U P U NLi M ITED I NC. <br />