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2� 17�2283 <br /> ASS��NI�ENT �]F RENTS <br /> Laan Na: �D�3�36�5 �Continued} Page 4 <br /> Adverse Change. A material ad�erse change occurs in �rantar's financial conditian, vr Lender he��e�es the <br /> prospect❑f payment ar per�ormance❑��he [ndebtedness is impaired. <br /> [nsecurity. Lender in good faith belie�es i�self insecure. <br /> Cure Prvvisions. lf any defaul�t, ather than a defau�t in payment, is curabfe and 3� Grantvr has not been given a <br /> no�ice v� a brea�h o�fihe same pro�ision �f this Assignment wi�hin �he preceding twel�e �1�� mvnths, it may be <br /> cured if Gran�vr, after Lender sends writ�en notice �0 6orrower demanding cure of such default: {1} cures �he <br /> dsfault w�thin�f�fkeen �15} days; or �2} if�he cure requires more than fif�teen {15} days, immediately ini�ia�es steps <br /> whi�h Lender deems in Lender's sole discre�kion �o be sufficient tv cure fihe defauft and thereafter continues and <br /> �omple�es aEf reasonable and necessary s�eps su��icien�to produce compliance as soon as r�asvnably practical. <br /> RIGHTS AND REMET�lES DN DEFAULT. Upon the❑c�urrence af any E�ent o�Defaul�and a�any time thereaf�er, Lender <br /> may exer�ise any❑ne ❑r more of�he fallawing rights and remedies, in additivn fiv any other rights vr remedies pro�ided <br /> �y[aw: <br /> A�celera#e lndehtedness. Lende�- shall haWe the right a� i�s �ptian ��r declare the entire f ndeb�edness �mm�dia�ely <br /> due and payable, including any prepaymenfi penalty�tha�Bo�rr-ower would be required tv pay. <br /> �o�iec� Rents. Lender shall ha�e the right, wi�hvut nofiice to Borrower or Grantor, to take possession �f the <br /> Properfiy and coll�c� �he R�n�s, including amvun�s past due and unpaid, and apply the ne� proceeds, ❑�er and <br /> aboWe L�nder`s costs, againsfi the lndebtedness. ln furthe�-ance a# thEs right, Lender shall haWe all fihe righ�s <br /> pra�ided far in �he Lender's Righ� t❑ Recei�e and Callect R�nts Sec�kian, abo�e. ff th� Ren�s are cvllected by <br /> Lender,then Granfivr ir�e�ocaE�fy designa�es Lender as Grantor's attvrney-in-fact to endorse instruments recei�ed �n <br /> paymen�t thereof in the name ��Granfivr and�o negvtiat��he same and co��ect�he proceeds. Payments by tenants <br /> ❑r ofiher users �a Lender in respvnse to Lender`s demand shall satisfy th� oh��gations far which�he paymen�s are <br /> made, whether or nvfi any proper grvunds far �he demand existed. Lender may exe�cEse its ri�hfis under �his <br /> subparagraph ei�her in person, by agen�, or through a rec�i�er. <br /> ��her Remedies. Lender shall ha�e all vther righfis and remedies provided in �his Assignment ❑r the Note a�- by <br /> law. <br /> Electian of Remedies. Election by Lender�❑ pursu� any remedy shall nvt exclude pursuit vf any v�her remedy, and <br /> an elec�ian�❑ make expend�tures or ta fiake acfiivn tv per�vrm an ❑bliga�ion of Gran�or und�r this Assignmen�, after <br /> Grantor's�ailure fiv perform, shall nat affect Lender's right�o declare a de�aul�and exercise its remedies. <br /> Attorneys' Fees; Expenses. I� Lender institutes any sui�or a�tion ta enforce any vf fihe�erms o�fihis Assignment, <br /> Lender shal� be en�i�led �o reco�er such sum as fihe court may adjudge reas�nable as attarneys' �ees at trial and <br /> upvn any appeal. VIlh��her ❑r not any c�ur� ac�ion �s in�olved, and ta �he extent not prohibited by law, a�� <br /> reasvnabEe expenses Lender incurs �hat in Lender's vpinion a�e necessary at any �ime fivr the prv�ect�on ❑f its <br /> int�rest or the enfarcemen�of its rights shall be�ame a part❑f�he lndebtedness payahle on demand and shall 1�ea�- <br /> interest afi the Nvte rate from the date❑f-�he expendEture until �epaid. Expenses coWered by this paragraph include, <br /> wi�hou�k limita�ion, h�weWer subje��to any limits under applicab�e law, Lender's attarneys' fees and Lender's legaf <br /> expenses, whether ❑r not there is a lawsuit, includEng atfivrneys' �ees and exp�nses for �aankruptcy proceedings <br /> �including effor-ks�o m�dify or�a�ate any au�vmatic s�tay or injunc�ion}, appeals, and any anticipated post-judgmen� <br /> cvllection ser�i�es, the cost ❑f searching r�cvrds, obtaining titie repvr�s {including foreclosure reports�, sur�eyors' <br /> rep�rts, and appraisal �ees, title insurance, and fees �or the Trustee, tn �he extent permitted }�y applicable law. <br /> Granfior afso will pay any court costs, in additian�o a[I v�her sums prv�ided by law. <br /> M15CELLANE�US PR�VlSIDNS. The follav►ring mis�ellanevus pro��s�ons are a par�❑f this Assignment: <br /> Amendments. This Assignment, �age�her with any Related Dacuments, consti�u�es the entire understanding and <br /> agreement of the parties as ta the matters set �Forth in �this Assignment. N❑ altera�ian of or amendment to this <br /> Assignm�nt sha[[ be effie��i�e un�ass giWen in writing and signed by �khe party or par�ies sought ta be charged vr <br /> bvund hy the alterativn❑r amendment. <br /> Captian H�adings. Caption headings in�his Assignment are for�anvenience purposes an�y and are na�t❑ be used <br /> ta interpret or de�f�n�the proWisions of�his Assignmen�. <br /> Go�erning Law. This Assignment wi�i he governed hy #ederal law applicahle to Lender and, tv the exfient nvt <br /> preemp�ed by federal law.the laws of the State o�Nebraska wi�hvu�regard to its ��nflicts v�law prvrrisions. This <br /> Ass�gnment has �een accep�ed by Lender in the Sta�e of Nehraska. <br /> Chaice vf Venue. �f�here is a �awsuit, Grantar agrees upon Lender's request to submit�❑ �he �urisdsction of the <br /> courts �f Hall Caun�y, 5tate at Neb�aska. <br /> Jvint and SeWeral Liab�li�y. All ❑bliga�ions at Barrower and Gran�or under fihis Assignmen� shall be �oin� and <br /> se�eral, and all references to Grantar shai� mean each and e��ry Grantar, and all re�eren�es to Bvrrower shall mean <br /> eaGh and e�ery Borrower. This means that each Grantor signing below i5 resp�nsilale for all ❑bliga�ions in th�s <br /> Assignmen�. Where any ane ❑r mare o�fihe parties is a corp�ration, partnership, �imi�ed liability company❑r similar <br /> entity, it is na�necessary�For Lender t❑ inquFre in�o the powers af any of the ofFicers, direc�ors, partners, members, <br /> or ❑�her agen�s a��ing or purpvrting ta act an �he entity's behalf, and any ❑bligations made ❑r created in reliance <br /> upon�he prv�essed �xercise❑�such powers shall be guaranteed under�his Assignment. <br />