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2� 17�2282 <br /> DEED �F TRUST <br /> L�an Nv; '1 D�3�3��5 ���nt�rlued} Page 7 <br /> ❑f a breach o�the same pr���sian ❑f�his Deed of Trus�wi�hin the preceding�wel�e �12} mon�hs, i�may be cured if <br /> Trus�or, a�Fter Lender sends wri��en no�ice �o B�rrower demanding cure ❑f such default: ��� �ures the defaulfi <br /> wi�hin �ifkeen {15} days; ❑r ��� if the cure requirss more �han fi�teen {�5� days, immedia�ely inFfiiates steps which <br /> Lender deems in Lender's svle discre�ion t❑ be su�fiicient ta cure the de�ault and thereaf�er �ontinues and <br /> comple�es all reasonable and necessary s�eps su��icfent to produce c�mp�iance as soon as reasonably pract�cal. <br /> RIGHTS AND REMEDIES ❑N DEFAULT, 1�an E�ent o� Befault occurs under this ❑eed ❑f Trust, at any�ime the�-eafker, <br /> Trustee or Lender may exercise any❑ne vr more of the fvllowing righ�ts and remedies: <br /> Acce�eratian Upon DefauEt; Additional Remedies. �f any E�en�❑�f Default vccurs as per the t�rms ❑f�he Note <br /> secured herehy, Lender may declare all Indebtedness secu�-ed by fihis �eed �f Trus�to be due and payabfe and <br /> �h�same shal!thereupon become due and payable without any presentment, demand, protes�or nvtice vf any <br /> kind. Thereafter, Lender may: <br /> �a� Either in person or by agent, wifih o�- wi�hout bringing any action o�- proceeding, vr by a receiver <br /> appoin�ed by a court and without regard �❑ �he adequacy a� i�s securi�y, ente�upan and take passession <br /> ❑f fihe Property, ar any pa��therevf, in i�s awn name or in the name of Trustee, and d� any acts which it <br /> deems necessary vr desirable ta preser�e fihe�a�ue, marke�ability or rentabili�y of the Property, �r part of <br /> the Property or interest in fih� Property; increase the income from the Proper�y ar protect�he security o� <br /> the Proper�y; and, wifih ❑r W[th�[ faklClg �]�55E551�n af the Prvperty, sue tor ar otherwise coliect �he <br /> rents, issu�s and proti�s ❑fi the Property, including �hase pas� due and unpaid, and apply fihe same, less <br /> costs and expenses of opera�ion and collec�ion attorneys' fees,�to any inde�tedness s��ured by�his D�ed <br /> ❑f Trust, all in such order as Lender may de�ermine. The entering upon and taking p�ssession o� �he <br /> Praperty, the col�ection o# su�h rents, 1551.f@S and prvfits, and �he appli�afiion �herea� shall nvt cure vr <br /> wai�e any defiault❑r natice of defaul� under�his ❑eed of Trust❑r in�alida�e any acfi dan� in response to <br /> such de�Faul�or pursuant to such notice of de�ault; and, natwtths�anding the con�inuance in pvssession vf <br /> the Praperty vr the collec�tion, receipt and application o� rents, issues vr profifis, Trus�ee ❑r Lender shall <br /> be enfiitled �o exercise e�ery right pro�ided for in the No�e �r�he Re�ated ❑acuments or by law upan the <br /> vccurrence o�any even�of de�au�t, including the right�o exercise the powe�of sale; <br /> �b} Cammence an a��ian t❑f�reclase this Deed v�Trust as a mor�gage, appain�a receiver or specifically <br /> enforce any o�the ca�enants herev�; and <br /> �c� Deli�er t❑Trustee a written de�laration of defaulfi and demand for sale and a written notice vf defiault <br /> and elec�ian to cause Trus�or's interest in the Property to be sold, which notic�Trustee shall cause to be <br /> duly filed for recvrd in�he appropriate offices ❑�F�he Coun�y in which�he Prvperty is located; and <br /> {d} Vllifih respec��❑ all or any part of the Persanal Proper�y, Lender shall ha�e afl the rights and remedies <br /> of a se�ured par�y under the Nebraska L]nifarm Commercial Code. <br /> Fvreclosure hy Pvwer v�Sale. Ef Lender elects t❑f�reclose hy exer�ise❑��he Pawer of 5ale herein cantained, <br /> Lende�- shall nvtify Trustee and shall depvsit wi�h Trustee�his Deed of Trust and the No�e and such r�ceip�s <br /> and e�id�nce❑f expendi�ures made and secured by�his �eed of Trust as Trusfiee may require. <br /> {a} LJpon receipt❑�such notice fram Lender,Trustee shali cause fiv be recorded, published and deli�ered <br /> �o Trus�or su�h Notice ❑f Defaul� and Notice of Sa[e as �hen required �y law and by this Deed ❑f Trust. <br /> Trustee shall, withou� demand on Trustor, after su�h �ime as may then be required by �aw and af#er <br /> recv�-dation ❑f such Nvtice vf ❑e�ault and af-ter Nvtice o� Saie ha�ing been gi�en as required by law, s�ll <br /> the Property at the �ime and place o# sare fixed by it in such Nv�ice ❑� 5ale, either as a whole, or in <br /> separa�e Eots or parcels vr items as Trustee shall deem expedEent, and in su�h ❑rder as i�may determine, <br /> a� pulalic auction t❑�he highest bidder for cash in Eaw�uE money o�the Uni�ed S�a�es paya�le at the time <br /> of sale. Trus�ee shall deli�e�- �o such purchaser or purchasers thereo-� ifis govd and sufficien� deed ar <br /> deeds conveying �he property so svld, bu� w�thout any co�enan� o�- warran�y, express or implied. Th� <br /> reci�als in such deed ❑f any mat�ers ❑r �acts shal! be c�nclusive proof vf�he tru�hfulness thereof. Any <br /> persvn, inc�uding without[imitafiion Trust��,Trus�ee, ❑r Lender, may purchase at such sale. <br /> �b} As may be permi�k�ed by law, after deduct�ng a!f cas�ks, f��s and expenses ❑f Trustee and �f this <br /> Trust, including costs of e�idence vf�itle in conn�ctian w�th sale,Trus�kee shall app�y the praceeds o�sale <br /> t❑ payment vf �i� all sums expended under the�erms ❑f�his Deed v�Trust❑r under the terms af th� Note <br /> n�� �hen repaid, including bu� na� limited to accrued in�erest and la�e charges, {ii� all o�her sums then <br /> secured hereby, and �i�i� �he remainder, i-�any,���he persan vr persons legally entitled�h�reto. <br /> �c} Trus�ee may in the manner prvWided by law pas�pvne sale�f all or any par�ivn o�the Praperty. <br /> Remedies Nv� Exclusi�e. Trus�ee and Lender, and each of �hem, shall �e en�i��ed ta enfarce payment and <br /> performance ❑�any indebtedness ar abliga�ions secured by this ❑eed ❑�Trus�and�❑ exe�cise all righ�s and pawers <br /> under�this ❑eed of Trus�, under fihe Note, under any o�f the Related ❑�cuments, or under any ofih�r agreement or <br /> any laws now ❑r hereafter in force; no�wi�hstand�ng, some ❑r all of such indebtedness and ❑bligafiians secured by <br /> this Deed of Trust may now ❑r hereafter be ❑�herwise se�ured, whe�her hy martgage, de�d �f trust, pledge, �ien, <br /> assignment ar otherwise. Neither �he acceptance ❑� �his Deed of Trus� nor its en�orGement, whe�her by caurt � <br /> a��ian ❑r pursuan�t to the pawer o� saIe or ❑ther pawers contained in �his ❑eed of Trus�, shall prejudice ar in any <br /> manner a�fec� Trustee's ar Lender's righ� t❑ rea��ze upon or enforce any ❑ther security now or hereafter held by <br />