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2� 17�2282 <br /> �3EED �F TRUST <br /> Loan No: '1�'I 3�3�65 {Cantinued} Page � <br /> agreements, financing s�atements, continuation stafiements, instruments ❑� fur�her assurance, cer�ifica�kes, and <br /> o�her documents as may, in fihe sa�e vpinion o� Lender, be necessary or desirabl� in order t� effectuate, cample�e, <br /> perfec�, cantinue, or preser�e t1} Borrower's and Trustar's obligations under the Nate, fihis De�d ❑f Trust, and <br /> �he Reiated ❑ocuments, and {�} the liens and security interes�ks crea�ed by this Deed o�Trust as first and privr <br /> liens an the Property, whe�her naw owned or hereafter a�qui�ed by Trust�r. Llnless prohibi�ed by law or Lender <br /> agrees ta�he contrary in wri�ing, Trustor sha�� reimburse Lender�or all casts and expenses incurred in connectian <br /> with�he matters referred�to in this �aragraph. <br /> A�arney-in-Fact. �f Trus�or fails to do any �f the�hings re�er�-ed to in the preceding paragraph, Lender may d� so <br /> for and in �he name of Trus�or and at Trus�or`s e�pense. For such purposes, Trus�or h�reby irre��cably appoints <br /> Lend�r as Trustar's a�torney-in-fac�for�he purpose of rnaking, execufiing, deli�ering, �i�ing, recording, and doing all <br /> other things as may be necessary or desirable, in Lender's sole opinivn, �❑ accomplish the matters refe�red �o in <br /> the preceding paragraph. � <br /> FULL PERF�RMANCE. lf 6orrower and Trust�r pay all �he �ndebtedness when du�, and Trustor❑therwfse per�orms al! <br /> the obligafiivns impvsed upon Trustor under thEs ❑eed �f Trust, Lender shall execufie and deli�er t❑Trusfiee a request for <br /> full recon�eyance and shaff exe�ute and deii�e�-�❑Trustar suitable s�a�ements of�ermina�ion of any financing statemen� <br /> vn�ile e�idencing Lender's securi�ty inte�-es�in �he Rents and fihe Personal Praperty. Any recon�eyance fee required by <br /> law shall be paid �y Trus�or, �-�permi��ed hy app[icahfe [aw. <br /> EVENTS DF DEFAULT. Each o�the #vl�vwing, at Lender's vption, shall cvnstEtute an E�enfi o� De�ault under this Deed <br /> of Trus�: <br /> Paymenfi De�au[t. Borrawer-�aifs�o make any payment when due under the lndebtedness. <br /> ❑ther i]efaults. Borrower vr Trus�or fails to camply with ❑r �o �erform any other term, ❑bligat�an, �v�enant or <br /> condi�ion contained in�his ❑eed of Trust v�-in any of the Related ❑ocuments ❑r-�o comply wi�h or t� p�rfi�rm any <br /> fierm, obligatian, coWenant or condi�ian contained in any o�her a�reement between L�nder and gorrawer❑r Trustor. <br /> Cvmpliance Default. Faifure to �omply with any other term, ❑bligation, co�enan� �r conditi�n contained in this <br /> Deed ❑�F Trust,the No�e❑r in any of�he Relafied ❑ocumen�s. <br /> D�faul�on��her Payments. Failure❑f Trustar within the time required by�his Deed ❑�Trust to make any paymen� <br /> for�axes or insu�-ance, ❑r any other payment necessary tv preWenfi filing o�ar to efFect discha�-ge❑f any lien. <br /> False Sta�ements. Any warran�y, rep�-esen�ation or statemen�made or furnished fi❑ Lender by Bvrrvwer-ar Trus�ar <br /> or on gorrower's or Trus�or's beha[f under fihis Deed of Trust or the Re�ated Documen�s is fafse ar misleading in <br /> any ma�erial respect, e�ther now ❑r a� the �ime made or furnished ❑r becames �a�se or misleading at any time <br /> the�reafter. <br /> Defective Cvl�ateraliza�ivn. This �3eed n� Trus� �r an� af the Related Documents ceases to 1�e in full force and <br /> ef�e�t �inc[uding failure of any colla�era! dvcument to create a valid and perfec�ed security interest or lien} a� any <br /> time and�or any reasan. <br /> Dea�h ❑r Insvlvency. Th� dissalu��on or�ermination a� Barrower's ❑r Trus�or's ex�stence as a going business, �he <br /> insol�ency of Borrower❑r Trustvr, the appoin�ment o� a recei�er for any part❑f Borrower's or Trustor's property, <br /> any assignment-�or the laene-�Et❑�f creditors, any fiype a�credifivr workvut, or the commencemen�af any proceeding <br /> under any bankrup�cy�r insol�ency laws by ar agains�gorrower or Trustor. <br /> Creditvr vr Forfeiture Proceedings. Commencemen� o� �Fvrec�osure ❑r �or�eiture praceedings, wh�ther by judic�al <br /> proceeding, self-help, repvssession or any other method, by any c�-editor a-� Borrawer or Trus�ar or by any <br /> gv�ernmen�at agency agains� any property secur�ng the lndeh�edness. This in�ludes a garnishment o� any ❑� <br /> Borrvwer's or Trusfor's accounts, includtng depvsit accounts, with Lender. Howe�er, �his E�ent vf Defaul� shall <br /> not app�y if�here is a gvod faith dispute t�y ga�rower or Trustor as t❑ �he Walidi�ky or reasonableness o�th� claim <br /> which is the basis af the �redito�-or forfei�ure p�-viceeding and if Bflrrvwer or Trustvr gi�es Lender wrifi�en nafiice af <br /> the creditor or�or�ei�ure pr�ceeding and depos�ts with Lende�-mvni�s ar a surety band-�or�he creditor or forfeiture <br /> p�-aceeding, in an amvunfi determined by Lender, in its so�e discre�kion, as being an adequate reserWe❑r bond fvr�he <br /> dispute. <br /> grea�h of❑�her Agreement. Any breach 1ay Borrawer or Trustar under the terms of any other agreement between <br /> Barrvwer or Trusto� and Lender that is nat remedied within any grace period pro�ided fiherein, including withou� <br /> Iimitation any agreemen� concerning any indebfiedness or o�her obligation af Borraw�r or Trus�or to Lender, <br /> whether exis�ing naw vr la�er. <br /> Even�s A�ffecfing Guaranfior. Any o�the preceding e�ents �ccurs wi�h respect�fia any guaranfivr, endvrser, surety, <br /> �� accommodativn par�y �f any of the Indeb�edness ❑r any guarantor, endorser, sure�y, �r accommndati�n party <br /> dies ❑r becames incompe�ent, or re�vkes or dispu�es the �alidi�y a�, ❑r f�abili�y under, any Guaranfiy o� the <br /> lndebtedness. <br /> Adverse Change. A mafier�a! ad�e�se change ❑��urs in Barrvwer's ❑r T�us�or's financial �anditivn, or Lender <br /> �efie�es the prospect�f payment vr performance❑f�he Indeb�edness is impaired. <br /> �nsecurity, Lender in goad�aith belie�es itself insecure. <br /> Righ��o Cure. lf any de�aul�, other�han a defaul�in paymen�, is �urable and if Trustar has not�een giWen a nofiice <br />