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<br /> 9. Condemeatioc�.4he proceeds ot any award ar clairr�for damag�s,di�ect or consequentsa►. in connection with any
<br /> � -- , condemnationorothertakingatthaProperty,orpaRthereot,orforconveyanteintie�atcondemnatinn,arehereDyassign8d
<br /> � �an�s�30 be paid Eo Lender.
<br /> Y' br�T���ent at a tatat taking of tt;e Fro�ercy,tne procQeCS shatl De applieQto ttte syms secused my t�is Oeed of srusi wiu`�
<br /> • ;tt�ezc@ss,if any,paid to Bo�ower.In the event of a partia!taking af the Propeity,vniess Borrov�er and Lende►.otherwise
<br /> iagres iri aivriting,theresifatl beappli�d tot�esums secured byth�s DeedotTrustsuctn gropordan a4liteproceedsas isequa#to
<br /> �� th�t�rapartionwhichtheamountofthesumssecuredbytfilsOeedofTrcutlmrtiediatAiypriortats�erfateo}takingbears[othe
<br /> � faK market vatue of the prope�ty immed;atety prior to the date of taking,witti the•baE�nce of iHe pr�ceeds paid to Barrower.
<br /> ." If the Property is abandoned by Borrower,or�f,after notice by Lender to�arr.owec that the corr�iiiemnc►i atfers to make an
<br /> � award or settte a claim far damages.Borrower tails to respond to L'endEr wit�T►ir�30 4#Ys afier tt�e stat2 such notice is maited, .
<br /> Lertder is authorized to caltect and eppry the proceeds,at Lertder's optiae�,esther to restorakan or repair of the Property or to
<br /> the sums secured by this Deed ot Ttust
<br /> • : Unt�ssl,.enderandBoROwerotherwiseagreeinwritirtg,anysuchapplica'ionofproceedstaprirtcipalshallnotextendor
<br /> � postporte the due date a!the monthly irsstallments reterred to irt paragraphs t ana 2 hereof or change the amo�nt ot sucf►
<br /> ; •c fnstatlmenb_
<br /> 10. BoRawsrNotRal�as�d.Extensionafthet9metorpayrner�tormodificationotemartizationoftfiesumssecuredbythis
<br /> Deed o!Trust grant�d by Lender fo any succESSOr in interest of 8orro•r+er shatl not operate to retease,in any manner,the
<br /> iiability of the original Bnrrower and&srrower's successors interest Lend�r�hall not be required to comm�nce proceedings
<br /> against���ch successor or retuse to exisnd time for payrrzer*or ott►ervvise rt�odify amortization o}the sums secured by this
<br /> Deed cs F��st by reason of any d�^-and made by the origin�6 C�sarrower anc"BotroK�r's sucres�ors in interest
<br /> � 11. Fcarb�arsnca by l.erxisr[��a Waiv�r.Any forbeara^�s by Len�sr���exerc.��Cr�anp ig, 'or re. pdy hereunder,flr
<br /> ' otherwise afforded by appticable:aw.Shatl not be a waiver of or preclude tt►e exerc:=n flf any s���h right or remedy.The
<br /> •• procurertrsntofinsuranceofthepaymentoltaxesorotherliensorchargesbyLendershsllnatbeawcaiverofLender'snghtto
<br /> � _ acceterate tne maturiry of the indeatedness secured by this Deed of Trust
<br /> 12. R�m�di�s CumulaBve All remedies pravided in this Deed of Trust are distinct�.s3 Cvmulative to any other right or
<br /> _ � remecty under this Oeed of Trus3 ar afforded by lauu or equiry, a�d may be exer��concurrently, independently or
<br /> " . . sucCessively.
<br /> . , , 13. Suceessors and Asstans B.�und; Joint and Ssveral Uab3lfty; Capttons. Tt.���_►�^sn�and agreemenLs herein
<br /> contained shall bind,andthe rights herei�nder�r•.?'f ir�ureto,the respectiveslccessors��3ass:����t Lenderand Bonow�r,
<br /> subjact to the provisions of paragrapt►1?here�f,�"covenants and agre�;�-�=nts of Borrowat sh�:I`.n_joint and several.The
<br /> captionsandheadingsoftheparagraphsoftr����ofTrustareforco���:enceontyandarenai°abeusedtointerpretor
<br /> defrne the provisions hereof.
<br /> " 1+/. Notis�.Exceptforanynoticerequ+redu-::.Lfappts;,�:��a•:awtob=c•�:aninana:;}o�manner,ja)anynotic���L�orrawer
<br /> providedforinthisDeedofTrustshall6egiventy�^ai;�n�su�r��r�aticeb�c:�sfiedm�a:�dressedto�orrowerattFteProperty '
<br /> Address or at suc�r other addrsss as Borrowe;•-.1�dssrgnate by notice�_3�nder as�rovided he�G�n,and{b)any notice to - .'.
<br /> lender shall be given by ceRified mait,return rec�i�t requested,to Lender'sa�dress s a�sC herein arto such other address as '
<br /> � I.endermaydesignatebynoticetoBorroweras��-a�ridedherein.AnynoticeprovidedfoF��this�eeOofTrustshallbedeemed
<br /> to have been given to Borrower or Lender when g�von in th�nnanner designated her;-:�r. � .
<br /> 15. UnMorm OMd M TruN;Gortmtn�Law:S�vsrabildry.The form oi deed of°�-�t combines uniform covenants tor . ;
<br /> nationat use and non-uniform covenants with Ilmited variati�ns by�urisdiction to corrs+:`itute a uniform securi1y instrument , � •
<br /> cavering real property.This Oeed of Trust shall De governed by the law of the Jurisdiction in which the Properry is located.In
<br /> the event that any pravision or clause of this Deed otTrust or the Note confticts with applice�le law,such contlict shall not
<br /> aftect other provf3ions of thisDeedof Trustor tDe Note which can be given efiect without the conflio4ing provisi�nns,and to this
<br /> end the provisidns of the Deed'otTrusCand tha Note ara declared to be severable. • •
<br /> 1 B. Barrewer's Copy.6orrow�er shall be furnlshed a conformed capy ot the Note and of this Oeed of Trust aithe time of -
<br /> execution or atter recordation hereoL � r
<br /> 17. Tr�nsfer of th�P�op��ty;Assumntfon.It al!or any part of the property or an interest thereln is sold ar trans4erred by -
<br /> Borrower without Lender's prior wr�tten c�nsent,excluding(a)the creatian of a lien or encumbrance subardinate to�his Deed -_
<br /> � ot Trust,(b)the creation of a Durchase muney security interest tor household appliances,(c)a transfer by devise descentor tiy � �
<br /> operation p}law upanthe death of a joint tenant or(d)the grant of any leasehold interestof three years or less not containing an
<br /> optton ti�iurci�ase.Lertder may,at Lender's o�tian,declare all the sums secured by this Deed of Trustto be immediatoly due
<br /> and pay�le.Lendsr shatl have waived such option to acceterate if,prior to the sale or transter,Lender end the peraon to
<br /> • whom the P►oRerty is to be sold or transferred reach agreement in writing that the credit of such person is sBtlsiactory to
<br /> Lenderandthattheinterestpayableonthesumasecuredbythis0eedofTrustshallbeateuch�ateasLendershallrequestlf � ,
<br /> Lender has waived the option to accelorate providad in this paregreph 19,and if Borrower's successor in interest has ` �.
<br /> executed a w►itten assumption agreement accepted in writing by Lender,Lender shall release Borrowerlrom all obfigations ;�;�'
<br /> under this Oeed o!Truat and the Note.
<br /> If Lender exercises suCh option to aCCeferate.Lender shall mail Borrower notice ot acc�leration in accordance with
<br /> paragraphl4hereot.Suchnoiiceshallprpvideaperiodofnotlesslhan30daystromthedatethenoticeismaileclwithinwhich � 4
<br /> Borrower may pay the sums declared due.If Borrower taits to pay such sums prior to the expiratton o1 such period,Lender .; .#
<br /> may,without further r�ytiae or demand an Borrower,invoke any remedies r..��mitted by paragraph 18 hereof. '
<br /> NON•UNIFORM CdVENANTS.Borrower and Lend�r tuAhRr cov�na:.¢�r.d a9ne as tollows:
<br /> 18. �tNnNon;R�tn�din.Except as provided in paragraph 17 herz*f,�:�c° ��rrower's breach o!any�::;;9nant or
<br /> agr�rrerr*.o!Borrower in this Deed of 7rust,includin�J the covenants to p�y r�:�er.d4z a�y suma secured by this m�c.y of Trust,
<br /> Lenderpriortoacce`r,-?tionshallmailnotic�toBotrowerasprovldedinpar.L�;�'apinl4�ereofspeci1yinQ:(1)thebreach;(2)the
<br /> actlon required to cu���:�uch breach;(3)a date.-:�t less than 30 days irorr t:-r��a2e the notice is mailed to Borrower,by w�tciT.
<br /> suchbreachmust6ecured;and(4)thattaitur����vresuchbreachonorbt!��rethodat�apecitisdinthenoticgmayresut�ir:�
<br /> acceteration otthe sums secured by this Dee�c�.'"rustand sale of ihe Praperty.The noi'ae shaii turther inform Borrower of t;�e
<br /> right tc��inatate after eeceleratia+r�^d the ric�ht to bring a court action to esseri the r�a^+•�xistencs o1 o defau:t r,���ny other
<br /> detense�38o�rower to ecceler�iian��;�d sale.If the breach is not cured on or betore Er?,��,•,?e specilied in the na.�c��Lender at
<br /> Lender's option may dealare a!t ct`t�.8 Eums secured by this Deed of Tnistto be immEC?;=^�iyduo and payabto v�:•µiaut tuRher
<br />, demand and may im-,1<e the power of sale e+��any other remedies perPr.�n.ed by epp�icabte Iaw.La.der ahall be entltled tcc
<br /> oollect ell reaaonabr�sr.��sts and oxpeases inc�rrrcd in pursuing the remeC:•�s provlCed in tha paragr��;�18,inctuding,but rta:•
<br /> limited to,reaaonabie attorney's tees.
<br /> 1!the Qower ot sale is invoke�"rustee shall record a notice o1 detault in each cour.*�In which the Property or some part
<br /> thereof:: �catedandshallmailc���iesoisuchnoticeinthemannerpfescribedbyappNcablolawtogorrowerandtotheother
<br /> perscn�a�argscribed by applicabte law.After the lapse ot such time es may be required by appllcable law,Trusteeshall g�ve
<br /> pu�:tc;r.�:::cH ot sa�sT,�ihe persons and in the manner prBSCribed by applicable taw.Trustoe,with��.�demand on Borrower. %-°-�_—
<br /> shaii 5z,:'the Propest��C�t publlc auction to the highest bldderat the time and place end under the tarrra de9iynated In the nor^r-
<br /> � of sale:�^one or more parcets end in such arder as Trustee mey determine.Trustee may postpone�J�:fl.a11 or any parcei o:
<br /> — the Pra�.�rry by public anno�ncemen!al tho time and place ot any previously scheduled salv.londor or��s.drr';�esignee
<br /> may purvyase the PropeRy at�rn�sate. �
<br /> Uponreceiptof paymentol".?«5�ziceb►d,Trusteesha�ldelivertothepurchaserTrustee'sdeedconveyingthsrircr�ertysotd. �
<br /> - T!s°fsC':talals�!!se Tcssvt�s'a�s��°.t�.�!!b��cimafac�;Cvkl;,nc^cs!thc trut�attts�stat�t��ada tharsin.7��„�o s#att sp�sly j
<br /> _ theprc�ceedsOfthesateinthefoltowingorder:(e)toallreasonabtecostsandexpensesofthesate,inctudin�,butnotlimitedto, . �
<br /> - Trustae'etee�pin.otmorelhan %otthe grosssaleprice,reasonableattorney'steesartdcostsoffitieevidence:
<br /> ` � (b)to a11 sums secured by this Oeed ol Trust anQ(c)the excess,it any,to the person ar persans Iegally entitted thereto. �
<br /> 1!. �orrow�r'�Ri�IM fo RNn�tat�.IVotwithstanding lender's acCetelation of the sums secured by thls Deed of Trus� �
<br /> Boriowarahallhavetherlghttohaveany proceedings0eyunbylendertoeniorcetheDeedofT►ustdiscontinuedatanytim9 �
<br /> priorto the eartior to occur of(i)the fiHh day belbre the sete oliho Property pursuant to the power ot salecontained in ths Oeod �
<br /> of T�ust(�i)entry ot a Ju�gment ontorcing lhis Dead pf Trust if:(��Botrower pays Lender all sums whiCh w.ould bo then dve ���
<br /> •- under tMa Doed of Trust,the Note and notes securing Future Advences.d any,had nb accgloration oGCUrad�(b)Borrower ,
<br /> , cures all bru�chas of any other covenants or eflreements ot Borrowar co�tainod��tnis beed of Yrust(c?B�rrower pays ni� -
<br /> --- reasanablaexpensesincurred by Ler�dor t�nd Trustoa untoresn�trie cavenants�nd�igreyments bf 80:rower e;or�t�irtecf in this "
<br /> DaedufTrusk�4r�din 6nforcir�g�on9ar'stirid 1'ruste�'s rE�medit3s�►sprov�cfad�n paragrbph f 6f�er�ot,�ncludincJ,butnot lim�fed
<br /> t�,rE�ason8bltr:�flornpy'g fQa9;nnd(d)Borrqwot tak�s such tlCbpn�5 Londur rnt�y rE:�sun�Gty r��u�re tOns5uie thgttht�l�gn��}
<br /> " r�f� th�g pe�d of Trust,��ndgr's mtort�st�n th�i vroperry und Eiarrov�er's obligaUot�to pay tn�sums securEtd L��tt�.s De�d o}7iust
<br /> �'�;' shrfif contmuoun�ra0a�rad llpurfsucl�p;ymur�l;�r.efcuret�yFitirrovrer.lhi;,D�:ed ot trustardt���•oht�c�ihv��5�:i�cure<f hpreby
<br /> ���.f S11Jit YUin�in�to 1uq tVr(:�,�nd oflect ns�f r�t�ti�G�lFlr,�1�Gn h�ld tx s;tniG3 �
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