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<br /> � UfViFORM COUENANT&Bo�rower end Lender covenant and agree as taltaws:
<br /> 1. PaymMt o1 Principal,and Int�rasL Barrower sMall prompUy pay when due the principai.ot an� interesi on lhe
<br /> inde6tednessevidencedbytheNate,prepa mentendlatechar�esasprov[dedintheNote,endtheprtncipalotendiniereston
<br /> any Future A�vances securad by the�ot Trust
<br /> ?. FundslorTars�andlnwnnc�.SubjecttoappticabfetawartoewrittenwalyeibyLender,Bonowershatipaytolender
<br /> � on the day manthl�installmenta af principal and interest are payabte under the Note,unti!the Note is p�id in tull,a sum(herein
<br /> "Funds")equal to one-tw81Rh mf the yearly taxes end assessments whic7�ri�ay attain priority over Mis Oeed cf Trust,end
<br /> ground rents on the Pruperty,if any,ptus orte-twalfth atyearty premlum inataltments far hazard Insura�ce,ptua one-twaltth ot
<br /> yea�ty pr�niursi instaRments for mortgage insurance,d any.ali as reasonabty estimated initiatly and from time to ttme by -
<br /> _ tender on!t►e basis of assessments and bifts end reasonaGte estlmates thsreof.
<br /> The Fundsshap heh�fld!n an institut(on the depositsoraccounts of which ereinsured or guarant�ed,by a Federai orstate
<br /> age�rcy(inc'uding lender if Lertde�is such an institution}.Lende�shall apply the tuncls to pay safd tsxes,assessments,
<br /> insurancepremfums and grou�d rents.Lender may notcharge forsohotding andapplyirsg the Funds,anaty�ingsaid account
<br /> orverityin�anQcompitingsa36assessmentsan�bills,unles�LenderpaysBorrowerinterestonthoFundsandepp1icablalaw
<br /> permits Lenderto makeaucha charge.Bortowerand Lendermay egreein writing atthetimeof execution otthis beed ot�nest
<br /> that interest an the Funds shali be paid to Borrower,and untess auch agreement is made or applicalbe law requires such
<br /> interest to be paid,Lender shalt not be required to pay Borrower any interestor earnings on 3he Funds.Lender shall givs to
<br /> � Borrower,wilhou9 chatqe.en anrtuat accounting of the Funats shawtn credits and debits to the Funds and lhe purpose Ior '
<br /> which each debitto the Funda was made.The Fundsare pledgedes a�ditio.�'a!securiry fortha aums aecured by this Deed oi
<br /> 7rust
<br /> I1 the amount of the tunda hetd by Ler��er.ta�ether with the tut�..�manthly instettments of Funda payabte p�ior to the�e
<br /> dates ot taxes,assessments,in�urance C.�r.�mtums and ground re+jis,shsll sxceed!he amount required to pay eaid�. _
<br /> assesaments,insurance premiums anct;�rae�nd rents as they lall due,such excess ahat!�at Horrowe�s optien,��Q�tar
<br /> promptly repaid to Borrower or creditesf to Ba�rowar on monthty installme�ta o1 Funds.lf the amount of the Funds heid by
<br /> Lendershal1notbeauHicienttopaytaxes,assesamenta,insurancepremiumsandgroundreatsastheyfaUdue.Borroweraha11
<br /> pay to Lendar any amount necessary t2 make up the deticiency within 30 daya trom the date notice is ma�led by Lertziar to
<br /> Bor►ower requesung paymeni thereaL
<br /> Upon payment in tull 01 all sums sec�J by thls Dee�of Trust,L,r,der shall p romptly retund to Bo�owar any Funds fsF�ir�t�y
<br /> Lender.Itunderparagraphl8hereofti���coperty issatdarthePratarty isotherwiseacqulredbyLender.Lendereh��Ja}��ply.
<br /> no tater Ihan immadlately prior to the sa:a of tRe Properry or ita acquisition by Lender,and Funda held by Lender atthe��.e ot
<br /> appticalion as a credit ageirst the sums secured by this Qeed of Trust
<br /> � • 3. AppNeation of Pa�n�nts.Untess applicable law provides otherwise,all payments received by Lender under the(Vote
<br /> and peragraphs 1 and 2 hereoi shat!be::,yplied Dy Lender fltst in payment of amounts payabte to Lender by Barrawer under
<br /> . para9raph 2 Rr�af,then to interest pay�i�on the Note,then to tF�:principal o!the Note,artd r.�sen to interest and princi�al on •
<br /> any Future IldSC�nces.
<br /> �1. Ch�rp�s;U�na.Bor�owersshall�ar�alltaxes,assessmentsan�othercharges,finesan��mpositionsattributabletothe
<br /> Property which may ettain a priority aver this Deed af Trust,and leasehold payments or ground rents,if any,in the manner
<br /> prov�ded under paragraph 2 hereof or,if aot pafd in�urr`.manner.by Borrower makiag psyment,whecr c!sce,directty to the
<br /> payee thereof.Bor�ower ahaU promptly t�rnish to Lec���a:olf�at'.ce9 of amounts 0ue under thi�paragra��,and fo the event ; �
<br /> Borrawer shall make payme�t directl�, Q�srrower sha1� pro��::y F.csnish to Lender receipts evidencing such pay:nents. "��
<br /> Borrower shall promptty cSi9cherge any b:¢rn whtch has prlority a�c-f tnis Deed ot T�ust prov�ded,thal Borrower sha:.�;at be
<br /> requiredtodischargeany suchliensolo���asBorruwerahallagreei�writingtolhep�ymentoltheobligationsecure���s�sch
<br /> lien in a manner acceptable to Lender,or shall in good{aith contest such Iten by,or defend enforcement ot such lic:��z,���gal
<br /> proceedIngs which operete to prevent the enforcement of the lien or torfelture of the Property or any paat 2 u�reo� ' .
<br /> 5. Ha=srd Insurartc�.Borrower shail keep the improvements now exisGng or hereafter erected on EhQ'�r,��yarry��sured
<br /> against loss by lire,hazards Inctuded within the term"extended coverege".artd auch ather hezerds as l.e:,�mr mEy c3�uire
<br /> �_ an�in ssi�h emoUnt�end for such perlods as Lender mey require�provided,thatlender shell npt reg uire thrat tt►e ern;,.:.�t o1
<br /> such caverege exceed that amount o{coverage required to pay the suma secured by this Deed o!Trusi. :
<br /> This lnsurance cerrter providing the insura�ceshall be chosen by Borrower�ubjeci to approval by Lender,providsd,that � ' �
<br /> � such approval shaQ not be anreasonably withheld.All premlums Qn msurance policles shell be peid in th:snanner provided
<br /> under paragraph 2 hereot a�,l3 not peid in such mare�ar,by Borrower making paym@nt,when due,dire��t'�to th�insurance
<br /> aarrier.
<br /> All insuranca poticiea end renewels thereot ahall be in(orm acceptebte to Lender and shall include a standard mortgage '.
<br /> clause in lavor ot and in form acceptable to Lender.Lender shail have the rtght to hotd the policies and renewala Ihereof,end ;
<br /> Bor�owersh311prompt�ylurniahtoLenderellrenewalnoticesandallreceiptsofpaidpremiums.intheeventotloss.Borrower
<br /> shaligiveprompinoticetotheinsurancecarrierandLender.LendermaymakeproofoltossifnotmadepromptlybyBorrower. '
<br /> UnlessLenderandBorroweroiherwiseagreeinwriting,insurance proceedsahatlbeapplledtoresiorettonarrepairofthe ;' •
<br /> Property damaged.provide�such restoratlon or repsir is economically teasibte and tha securiry of thia Oeed ot Trust ts not
<br /> theroby impaired.if such restaratlon or repair is no1 economicaity teasibte or d the securlty of this Deed of Trust would be �
<br /> impaired,the insurance proceeds shall be applled ta the aums secured by lhis Oeed ol Trust,with ihe excesa,if any.;,ald to
<br /> Borrower.if 1he Properry i�ebandoned by Borrower,or if Borrower laits to respond to Len aer wlthin 30 days trorrs a;�date �
<br /> �otice is maited by Lender to Borrower that the Insurence carrier oHers to settle e claicn��r insurance 6eneflts,C.a:+�or Is
<br /> authorized to collect and eppty the insurance proceeds at Lender's option eithei to restorat,on or repair c!tt�e Property ot to
<br /> the sums secured by this Deed o1 Trust.
<br /> Untesa Lender and Borrower otherwise agree lre�xr°ing,anq such appltcaticiot proceeds to princi�:w�all no�extend or
<br /> postpone the due date of the monthty instaliments c�✓rrred to io►�aragraphs 1 and 2 herect or change^he amount c1 such
<br /> jnstaliments.r,1 mnder paragraph 18 hereot the Properr�is acquire,��ay Lender,ali rtght,litie ar.��Interest o1 Bor�owe�in,;�n�to
<br /> anyinsurance�oUciasandinandtofhe�troceedalhereofresulAn�tr�mdamagetothePro�c���priortothesal8orac�usL�.�on
<br /> ahell pass to tender to the extent of the sums secured by this Deed oi Trust immedlately pnor to�uch sale or ecq��•:i��S,�n.
<br /> d. Pnstrvallon and A��t�nanc�ot Proptdy;L�as�holds;Condomtniums;Pfann�d Unif D�vNop�t��els.8onower shall
<br /> h eep the Property in goad ropair and shall no!commit waata or permil impairmenf ot deterioration ot tt:�t�c�perry and shall
<br /> compt�wilh the proviscar��tany lease If this Deed ot Trust is on a leasehold.N this Deed af 7rust is on a ur:�i��e condaminlum
<br /> or a p onne��rit davotopment,Borrawer shall peHorm eil ot Borrawer's obligations und•?r the dec:==�`�n or caver.an;s
<br /> croafing or�c•.roming t�e condominiu,° or ptanned unit development,the by-laws and r�;u'alions of":`:��ortdominiiim ot
<br /> '° planned un�t Cevetopment,artd consi.:��ent documenta.H a condominlum or ptanned un:~�:;:velopme,-.".rider Is exc�lt�:by
<br /> �iotrower a-l�recotded together with this�eed ol TrusL the covenanls and a reements oi such rlder�--�:I Ge incorp�rated
<br /> �.�:'o and shail amend a.�d s:.�pplement fhe covenants and agreem�nts of this�eea o1 Trust as it the riC�:,vere a part hereof.
<br /> 7. Prot�ctian ol Lte4,sd'�Stcurity.If Bor�ower fails to peNo�m the covonen's and agrec�ments contained in this Deed of
<br /> T'rust,or it any action or�icr�ceeding is commenced wifh meterlalty aftects len6er's interest In the Proporty,lnctuding but nol
<br /> limitedto,eminontdoma�n,insolvency,cadeentorcementorarrangementsorpraceedingsinvolvingabankruplordecedent, _.- - ---_
<br /> then Lender et Lender's option,upon noNce to Borrower,may make such appearances,dlsbursa such sums and take auch " �T�
<br /> actionasisnecessarytoprotectLender'sinterest,inctuding,butnotlimitedto,disbursementotroasonabteattorney'steesend �
<br /> . entryuponthePrr.+;nnr►yr.�rnekerepairs.11Lenderrequl�edmortgagelnsuranceasaconditionolmakingthetoansecuredby
<br /> the Deed o1 Trua�Hcn•c�.�rer ahatl pay the premiums required ta maintain such lnsurence in etfect until such time as the
<br /> requiremen/foraucb;reiu�anceterminate�ineccordartcewlth8orrower'sendLender'awrittenegresmeMorappIlcalbelaw.
<br /> 8orrower ahall pay tt�e�rt;��unt ot at!mbrtg8ge ia�suranGe permium9 in the ma�ner provided undee oarag�aph 2 hereot.
<br /> kny amour�:;di&r3rlr,^;ed by LenQer puisuam tb tftis p8regIaph 7, witti interest Iherean, 5 ett become addittonat -
<br /> indebtedness cf'r'.crt.�cMSr secured by fhis Deed ol Trust.Untess Borrower and Lender agroe to othe�tQrms ol peyment,such t
<br /> - amounis nhatl be pa�l�'�e upon notice from Lender to�orrower requesting paym�nt hereof,and sSiall bear interest hom the �
<br /> r � datv of disbursoment o�t:^s rate payable from time to Nme on autstanding princ�pAl under thd Note unldss pnyment of intar�st o�
<br /> at such rate wau�d be�bntrary to applicabte Saw,ln which evenl such amounts shbli b�rar interest et the highdst rate
<br /> p�rrNss►ble under appitcable la�v Nolhingcontained in IMs paragr�ph 7 shall require t.ender to in�ur 8ny dMpense or fekea�y �t
<br /> � bchon haraun�iot. h.
<br /> d. Intp�efbn.Lender may make or cbuse 10 bd made reas�neb)e enUees u�on and ir�ypeetwns of Ihc�f�roperty,providExf ���
<br /> � Utal Landet sheit�►ve Botr�iwer noUct�priur to any such inspect�on spdcitying reason�,bte ceusetheretar�relatad tu Lcrnd�r's
<br /> �_-j�. tntESresl in Ihe proporty . # _ . -
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