. . , . .. ;�� L.
<br /> -��vr51': ..� �::`� `�` '� `c i�-»_ \ ��_ �o-�� tf� :�yD.��€�El+;'3}r� .:t°_ �'�c�cS�.c'���'+x��Yl�3't`�SS�i�r�Y�Ca�,�a�^+��'ec:��S�iff� �-.
<br /> ����Y�i. c<< -
<br /> . ���.-,«.� � � � . . ' -� •�
<br /> � .
<br /> �bJi1ST�BLE RA1`E RIDER gO� 1 Qi�Q 4
<br /> � . p Y�ar rreaswy[naex•Ratc c,2ps)
<br /> • THiS�1DJiJ5't'ABEE RA'F'�RJDER is made this 23Td day of f ebTU3Ty ,19 9� ,
<br /> � , ats�is Inctxperaud.into and shaD be damed to atne2tQ and supplement tlx Martg�e, Dee�i of'Tzust, oa Secari:p IIccii(the'°Socuaity
<br /> Ouuv�rnt")of tbe same date gven by the undersigned(the"8arrower")to securc Borrawer•s Adj�sstable RaYe Nate(the"Noit")to H�ME
<br /> �ERAt S�AVINt3S�l.OAN ASSOClATION OF QMND[�l.AHD NEBRASiU(ti�e"Lendu")aS tha,am�e due and covsrin�We.
<br /> " psoPcs't�desr�tbcd�n t�Seattity Insinmiem and tocated ar.
<br /> 3506 East Gregory, Grand Islancl, �!ebrasfca 6880't
<br /> (Propaty Address)
<br /> : 7'W �ote coitahu provida� �owi� ta �� � rR iuennt rak aM �y �tiy
<br /> • p�y�nta.7'ifs aote aLo IWh tle ano�st sY Iaterest rate cas cis��e st aq o�r ti�e aM
<br /> d!o t6e��a�d tie�w�afe 1 s�st p�s. .
<br /> i , .
<br /> ; ADDITIONl1L COVENAM'S.ta addition to the covenants and agreemeats made in Ihe Secnrity Instrument,gorroyvrr and Lender
<br /> ; Purther c�veaant aad a�ree as follows: • .
<br /> �.The Note provide,c for�n initial interat rate of 11.50 qa,�on 4 of the Note pr�vid�s foi chwges in the qaterest rate a�W the
<br /> ��Y P�Y�ts.zs follows:
<br /> ' (A1 Cl�e D�ta
<br /> ' The intuest te I wiU�av r,:ay change on the Hrst +c�or �tarch .
<br /> �melve (?2� � ,t9 91 ,ana on chac day every : . .
<br /> months thereafter:�ach date on whi�'��yy interes:rate could change is called a"Change Date." , �
<br /> , (S) Tie Ires .
<br /> Begennin8 with We first Change Bate,my interest rate will be based an an Index.The"Index"is the weckly avera�s yrield an Uniteci Stata
<br /> 'L'r�sury secuaities adjusted to z constant maturity of 1 year.as made available by the Federa!Reserve Board.7'�.:e:�,c,st rerent Index figure �
<br /> �xnilable as of the dak 4S days before each Change Daie is calted the"Current Ind�." '
<br /> If the Indez is rto longer availabtr,tw.e Vote Holder wiU choose a��index w�.i;h is based u�a^ca��arable information.The Note ° .
<br /> , Holder will give me notice of this choice. � � , �
<br /> (�7 Gkaatlw ot Ci�Kea .� � • . .Y._'.
<br /> Befae each Clunge Date,tt�e Note Holder will ca:cu:ate my new Interest rate by adding thTee and one-half • • ��'�`"` .
<br /> percent�ge � «,:.,.,,
<br /> �.�.�
<br /> �• po��� 3.50 y��to the Curreet Index and rounding 4o the nearest Il8th nf 1%i.subjtct to the limits stated in Section 4{D)below. -
<br /> ThIs ronndcd amount will be my rtew interest rate until the next Change Dua -
<br /> ` The Note Holder will then dctcrmiae the amount of the monthly yayment th�t would be sufficient to rcpay in full the principal 1 am '
<br /> ' expected to owe on that Change Datc in substantialiy equal pay�nents by the maturity date at my new interest rate.The result of this calculation
<br /> will be the new amount of my monthly payment. -
<br /> ' (D) W�its o�Iueast Rsk Cia�es . T
<br /> . . , The interat rate I am required to � �c the first Cbange Date witl not be greater than ^ 13.50 qe or 1�ss than
<br /> ! 9'SQ �i.ThereAfter.my interat r�:�ra�;�ever�increased or decreased tin any single Chu�ge D�te by mote than tWO t 2� • • �
<br /> ; �2TCent from the rate of interest 1 have bs�az�-�;;,�Z�f_r�tL�;:preceding twelve months.The minl�rsum interest rate on this loan wil!ncwrr be' , �
<br /> tess than 9•00 __hi and the maaimum;ia,:rest ru:xwill rtever begreater than 16.00 %_ � �:i�
<br /> ` lL� Etfeetlte DRte ot Cia�
<br /> ' My nerv interat rate will become effective an each Change Date.I wiU pay the amonnt of my now monthly payment txginning on the frrst
<br /> monthly p�yAtent daie after the Changt Date unt91 the anount aP my monthly payment changes again.
<br /> (� Notloe ot Clqi�es '""°
<br /> • The Note Holder wiA mail or ddiver to me a notice before each Chang:Datc.The notice will advlse me of: :,"1!L
<br /> (i) the new interest rpte on my loan as of the Change Date; � •
<br /> (ii) the amount of my monthly payment follawi,r,�the Change Date;
<br /> Ui�) �Y�dditlon�!rrTatters whicb the Note HQI�.cr�3 required to disclose;and
<br /> � (lv) the address of the association you could corr.act regardir.g z�;y questions about the adjustment notice.
<br /> : S. Cl1ARCl;S;LIENS
<br /> Uniform Covenan4 4 of the Secucriy 2astrumrnt ls amendeQ cra-�ad as Pollows:
<br /> �• Clar�e�:IJe�.Bottower sha::pay a1!taaes,assessmer.c�and other charges,fines,an�im�ositions attributabk tc�-tLe Properry which may
<br /> attain a priority ovet this Secur�ty Instrumentd�_�3lcasehold payments af ground rents,iP any.in the manner pravided under paragr�l�2 herrnf
<br /> , ot.iP not paid in such manner�by Borrawer raki�g p�,ymen�,when due,dlrectly to the yayec thereof.Borrowtr shal)promptty furqA�i�Lender
<br /> �11 notkes of amounts clue under this pu�raDh,and in the event Horrower shall make payment directly,Borrower!i;�promptly funtish to
<br /> Let�den'recelpts evidencing such payments. 8orrower s2:af.1.�:-omptly discha�ge any tien which has priority avc.*. c:`.,�; Security Instrument; �
<br /> how�:`rr, Borrower sha11 not bc rcquired to dlsrharge a:.; •v.ch lien so tong�s Borrower: (a)shall agrec in wria,3�a tfie payment of the
<br /> obllption secured by such licn i�the manner aca�7table t�Lender;(b)shall in gvod faith contest such lien by.or defer.�against enforcemeret of •' �'��
<br /> avch lien iQ.leaal proceediags which in the opi-.�s;�,�}'i,e^der operate ta prevent the enforcement of the lien or forPeit;::-ot the Praperty or ar�y �
<br /> p4rt thereof:or(c)shall saure from the hote�*, �f sa;�i�,:,�y�n agrecment in a form satisfaccory to Lcnder subo:�.�ating such lien to thls �
<br /> Sccr,�rity Instrument. � ,
<br /> If Lender cletermines that a11 or any part;,.1 the Praperty is subject to a lien which may attain a priotity over this Seco�r�ty Instr�lmQt, �
<br /> - ' �'s���t:!=BitE�Burrvwer a rtorice identifyin3 sucfl lien.Bonnwer shaU satisfy such lien ot take one or more of the actions set forth above
<br /> within ten days of the giving af thc notir,e.
<br /> � C. NOTICB
<br /> UniPorm Covenant 14 ot the Securiry Instrumcnt is nmrnded to read us follows: �.
<br /> U. Notke.Except for any notice reyuited uader�pnlic�bic ta�a to be given in anmhrr manncr.(a)�ny notice to f3uttuwet pruvided for in thia
<br /> 5c.urity lnstrument sh�0 be given Ay deliverirg it or by�uaiting it by Grst class mail tv BotroKrr at�he Pruperty Address or nt st,ch U�hcr aJdres� ��
<br /> as f3orruvi•er mag dtvignate by notice ic�lrrider as pri�vided herei►r,�nd(b)any rra[icr t�LenBcr st�li 6c g�ticn E�y firsE class mait tv l.cucl:r'� 4 r �
<br /> addtess st�ted herein ar to suCh othcf Sddreca as LCndet niay cicsignate by nnticr t�F3orru�vCr as prasid:d herciri.Any n��ticc ptu��ded fur m this
<br /> Serurity fn�trument shall6tdccmed t�i hake hrEn giccn to isnrruv.er or Lrndcr wL:n giae��in Ihc manner Jc,��tn.itc�T hrrciu.
<br />. �..
<br />