. .__ ..2 :.��•.c;•:. . .....,a,��-'u,Cf.''��• °i:_ t+.- �_.—.�'\..`_'_._ ...d�'�gt, � 1' -t ,�-�.�.` .a -
<br /> °.:i�a1C�`lV���y- .;t..,.,x. ' � `� �! ' i•:a;�' p :.NC}�.. �i,4';,:- � ti '�c'�''�'�i Fvtil:�s�.. �::,��� .1G� s 45 '�^. •'L• _ __
<br /> ����.-�`k�`�ti{�C,�,,.Va..:.d.`ti16]�a�`___,.`d`.1k;: .,, a f a SS�i`: z�""� '"".�t'is 26'�`'�?:c^ '"��� `4:' :::: '' .� t � —
<br /> - --- - - `�..�� �:' �S�`5�i:fG�d�. 1 .tL�t `�,+ ':�Lcm��.i5t'�vo_ �Z'�Z'uuse..r3. Lv.n,'AtS,`�: �y Z..meW6�ii��.tr, —.
<br /> -- -_ -��'2r �r'u������i�2�,i��4�&p'4i''�`�rG� �"r�l :{�"'t3�h� n� — __
<br /> � � ___ � . '._ ' . � ..
<br /> 1 . .
<br /> !
<br /> � �o�-Utv�FOx�CovEx�n€TS.Borrower and Lender feuthcr cavtnant and agree as folIow�Q` �O��v O
<br /> � 19. Amkr�tior; RRaeites.I�nder eWl �ive �obiee to Horrowu prfor to uceknNoA followiag Borrowe�a
<br /> breaci otasy cortitat or aQeeat�t�tf�is Sec�rity.Iasvameat(but aot prFor to�ccelendon uader para�r�p6,s 13 and 1T
<br /> ' ra�e�c aM1�aDk iaw oro+ides oNerwisef.Y7ie�afice aratl�ecify:t�the defa�l�(bD t6t acticw�equEred to cut�e tbe -
<br /> � defwlt;(c)s dste,aot Iw t�aa 30 d�aya tros tk date t�e aot€ce ts�ire�to Borrower.by whir6 t6e default must be curcd;
<br /> u�d{�ir�aR htlYee to c�te t�e&fa�it on on befoe�tbe date�ecl8ed fa t�e nonce easy�esult in acseters�ttop of the sums �
<br /> � sec�by tLis Sec�uity isitru�eet and s�le of t6e Propertg.'Ibe natia st�aU futthsr inform Bnrrow�r uf sh�ri�t irs
<br /> reiestate�t�ter aeeeientio��sd R1re ri�t to brin�a court sctlo�ta a�ert the aoa�ist�ace oi�deft�t or any otber
<br /> defesse ot Borroxer to sciekratioa sM!a�le.If the defiirit is�ot c�ered oa or befare th�dste specified Is t6e uotice,Leadcr
<br /> , �t its o�os my requirt immtdiate pay�t is tull bt ait sa�s secnred by thIs Secudty i�trumtet wtt6out further
<br /> de�aM!asd msy iaroke t�e powrr ot sak asd uy t�er re�dtes pereftted 6y ap'licable liw.Leader shsU ba entitled to
<br /> �e� �ll e��e�a �dcan'e.d I� P�sui�L die resu�ta prarfded 3e this pan�rrap6 14, iaciudin�, but not limited to.
<br /> reasouabk attoreeys'fea ud cab oi titte e�e. �
<br /> If tie�ower of sak is in�olcdl,Trustee s�all r+ecord a nodce ot dehxit in aclr ca�usty ia R6ic6 aay put o!the
<br /> : �tY���ad�d sh�i1 sail co�ies of s�de s�tice ia t6e ma�er pr�scn'bed by�tfcable bw to Borrovre�aad to t6e �
<br /> . � as�er�erwns pceseribed br s�ticabk law.Alter t6e tfa�e required by sp�ticabk law,Trustee s6ai1 gi�e public eatice o!
<br /> • ssle to tfie persons and in tbe ma�acr prescribed by appliqble taw.Trostee.withQUt demaad oo Borrower.s8al!s�ti the
<br /> ' Property at pubtic auctioa to tde hi�best 6id�kr at ttie tims and place u�d imder the terms daignattd in the notfce ut sale�n
<br /> . oee or more p�rcels�ed te any order Tnutee detamines.Trasta msy postpont saie of ill ar any.pucel of tbe Proptrty bY
<br /> publLc sanouncemeat at t6e ame aad place of any preFIously scheduted sate. Lender or its daE�ee mgy prmtr�se t6e �
<br /> I'rop�L�at any sale,
<br /> ; LTpoa receipt ot psye�tt v€ttr�:g�e bid.Tru:tce sb�a11 deliver to the pnrc6aser TNStee's deed conveyiag the
<br /> ; �aF�3►-'j'bt recNats in t6.�s'I'r�e`�:dr�d s6a!{be pri�es ficie erldence ot the trnth o€the sutemeats��de t6ereir..
<br /> , TreatM s6a11 apPty t6e proceeda��tLe sde fn the fotL��itg order.(a)to all eioe�ses of tbe sale.iacindin�tiat eai limited ' .
<br /> , � to.Tnsta's fea ss ptnei!te��h9F sPNicable_law aed reiosn�sbk attorneYS'Eee.fi(�)to dl sun�secured 8r tbis Sec�rity
<br /> . ' Imtruae��and(c)any excess to the person or Aersoes IegaltY eeNtieat to it. � � � �
<br /> 20.Lender fit Posseuion. Upon acceleration uader paragra�t�3 19 or abandonment aFthe Praperty, Lende.r fi.r. ,
<br /> person,by agent or by judicially appointed receiver)sh�6t enti�it�d to�nter upon,take�ion of ac3d ma�.zg�.t� � . "
<br /> Proptrty and to collest the rents o£the Property including those past due.Any rents coltact.�'..t��I,ertder r,r th�receiver
<br /> shall 6e applied first to payment of the costs Gf management of thc Property and collection c€reatK..:rr�i:ding. but not
<br /> , limited tfl,reeeiL�'�fees,premiums on receiver's bonds and reasonable attorneys'fees,and tFv�tQ t#i.�s:ims secured by
<br /> ' thisSecuriry Inyrr,�:n3. .
<br /> 21.Reconve��ce.UFc�paymeut ef."�'I sums secustd by this Security Instsument.Lendet sha:�re�.�:est Trustee to
<br /> � rxonvey the Pmperty and�halt s►�.;d�t�s Secutity�ts..aa.vment and all nates eaidencing debt secure��L'.�is Security � .�
<br /> Instrument to Tnuta.'fr.»it;e�tt;:...';rv�ar-�ev the Prop�.y�vithout warranty ard w ithout charge to the per-�:t or persons
<br /> tegally entitled to it�s�r:�4�,;cs��r pers��s 1:�a11 pay any recordati��.��rs. �.
<br /> 22.Subttiriche'�'.ussee.Lender,at irs option,may from time tn rr...�-�:e remove Trustee and appoint a successor trus✓�. -
<br /> toany Trustee appointed hereunder by an instrument recorded in the r3unty in which this Security Instrument is recorded. �
<br /> Wiihout conveyance of the Property,the successor trusta shall succted to all the title,power and duties conferred upon � �' �
<br /> � Trusta d�erein and by applicable law.
<br /> 23.Requat for Noticea. Bonower requests that copies of the notices of default and sale be sent to Borrower's '�
<br /> address which is the Property Address.
<br /> 24.Riders to this Secarity Instrument.Ii'one or more riderF are eaecuted by Honower and recorded together with -
<br /> � this Security Instrument.the covetunts and agreemenu of�ach such tider shall be incorporated into and sh;r'�amend and � -
<br /> , supplement the covenants and agreemcnts of this Security Instrument as ii'the rider(s) were a part of it�is Security ;�=
<br /> Insirument.[Chxk applicable boa(es)J
<br /> _. � Adju�t�b;re Rate Rider l Condominium i�crfer _ 2-4 Family Rider , �
<br /> i
<br /> � Graduated Payment Rider � Plan.r..cs, Unit Development Rider �- �
<br /> � ❑ Other(s)� fspecifyJ ��
<br /> $Y SlaI1IN� BELOw. Borrower accepts and 3gras to t!:e cerms and �evenants contained i� this Security `"`'
<br /> Instrument and in any nder(s)e!:r.cuted by Bo�rower nr.d recorded with it. � +� �
<br /> � �+ � % .
<br /> � ..................................................................... .. ... ........... .� . !��s��✓.. .. .�:c`.*.r:�:�?� .......................
<br /> {�Sea,l?
<br /> ; 'William R. Holl�way —�•r��+^��
<br /> .................................................. .................................. .. ..���� ..G..�:.......�..........�u��,ti. . .(Sea1)
<br /> getty A: }iolloway � —%�"�-'�
<br /> STAt�0�NEHRASriA. � Hall Coumy ss:
<br /> On this �3rd �dy �f February � I990 , before me. the undersigned. a Notary Publi�
<br /> duly commissioned and yualiPied for said counry. person�lly came Wil liam R. Halloway and Betty A. �
<br /> Hollo�ray, Wusband and Wife ,tu me known ta be rhe
<br /> identica! person(s) whose name(s) are subscribec! to thr foreboing instrument �nc! acknowledged the C$GCUUt111 �- __
<br /> therevf to be �heir voluntary art and deed. �
<br /> Witness my hand and notariai scat ai Grand Island, Nebraska in�aid roun�y, thc {
<br /> da[e aforesaid. •
<br /> �(�,"--r-° .___. � � 1
<br /> �t�us�� ` �./.� /99z ... .. ... .............. . . .. . .. .. ... ... . . . . . .
<br /> � �Ml►CaIMn.E�(p�Au�,12,' t992 vo��r. Pub�i,
<br /> REt21JEST �'UEt REC0�IVEYANt,'E
<br /> Tc�Tkt;srEC: r�
<br />: co
<br />; The undersigned �s the hvtdcr uf thc r�ure c�r nvtec sr�urcd hy �h,t I)�eei ul t ru•t. ti,�,�.t n�,tr„► ��<�ccti, r����cr�i;�r uA�
<br /> ��ith al!othe��ndebtedness yecured hy�hiti 1)ee�t��t 1'rust,tta�c bcrn��aiti in t iyli. 1'���E arc•Irrrcht�li�r<<:•e,rc�_,,n,c�!s�ii,f ` .
<br /> ttc�te c�r rtotes attd tlii� E)ee�t c�f Trtist, uhi�h are de!i+.c:crd h,reh�..iu�4 tu rc��,i�ticL, ti.it(,,,ut ti�,i�i,e��i�.. ,►i si,: •.�.r,,�: -�
<br /> tte;w hett9 bY }nu undcr thi, hred E,f T"rutt tc, th� �envi� c,r ncr���n• i���c:ifh crri�Efc�l �hcr.•r��
<br /> Uatc:
<br />.. �
<br />