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<br /> UNJFORM CnvENA!�TS. BortQwer and Lend=r covenant artd agree as foUows:
<br /> � !. Psy+�eaE af Priaci�ai aad Ieteres�Ptep�ynteAt�ad I.ate C!earg�, &±nower�h��+rc�m�tty r ay when due
<br /> the principal of and interat on the de6t evideatced by the Note and any prepayment and late chargecdue ua¢er th�Note.
<br /> 2. F�S[ar�'�a aad Ia�ranc� Sut�ject to appticals9e law or to a written waiver by Lender,S�trawrr shall pay
<br /> tu Lender on the dsy manthiy payments are due nndu tlse Note,until the Note is paid in FuIl,a snrs("Funds")eqwl to
<br /> one-twelfth of• (:1•yearly tues and asssssments which may attain priority over this Seeurity Instruraent; (b) ytarty
<br /> lcasehold paymernts or grourtd rents oa tke Property, if any; (c) yearly hazard insurance p:e.mflu�+^s;.and (d) yeariy
<br /> mortgage ins�uance premiums.if any.T'h�se items are callcd"escraw items."Lendu may esticr�ate th:Ftsnds due on the
<br /> buis of current dau and reaSOnabtc estirnaies of future�scFaw items.
<br /> 7'he Funds shall be hetd in an inst�tutioa the deposits ot accaunu of which are insured or guaranis�od by a federai or
<br /> , state agrncy(inctuding Lender if Lenda is such an institution).Lender shall apply thc Furds ta pag+h-e escrow items.
<br /> Leader msy not charge for hatding and applying the Fnr.ds,analyaing the account ar verifysng the eur�aw items.unt�ss
<br /> ' I�ender pays Borrower interest an the Funds and applicab2e taw permiu Lender to makc such a ct3arge. Borrower and
<br /> Lendet may 3gree in writing that inter�st shall bc paid on the Funds. Unless an agreerarnt is made or appticable law
<br /> reqwres interest ta 6e psid,I.ender shall not be required to puy Eorrower any interest or qmirs�s on Rhe Funds.Lender
<br /> shall give to Borr�wtr,without eharge,an annual accouating of the Funds showing credits and debitq to the Funds and the
<br /> purpose far�hich agch debit to tbe Funds was made.The Funds are ptedged as additianal security fu.r ttic.sums socured by
<br /> , ihis Security lnstrnment.
<br /> , If the amouui of the Funds beld by I,eader,togetHer wiW th�future monihiy payan�:�nts af�unds payable prior to
<br /> � the due dstes of theescrow items,shall enceed the amount required to pay the escrow iterr�s a►hsn�u�the eacess shall be,
<br /> at Borro�ver's optic�ss.either promptly repaid to Borrower ar credited to Bonawer on monthly F�v�rq�ts:of Funds.If the
<br /> " amoant of the F�nnds held by Lender is not sufficient ta pay the escrow items when due.Borrnwer shall pay to Lender any
<br /> amouriC�rteccssary ta make up the deficiency in one or m�re payments as required i�y t,endpr.'
<br /> '�J'�pr��a�rsi�nt in full of all sums secured by this Security Insuument,LeaidCr sha11�roua�tly m.�und to Borrnwer
<br /> any Funds tpe!d t���ender.S under paragragh 19 the Property is sotd or acquised by Lent�rr,Ltnu:r shall agply.no later
<br /> than immediateiy grior to the sate of the Property or ets acquisition by Lender.ar�y F�Bds held i�y Lender at the time of
<br /> applisation as a credit against the sums secured by this Secs�rity Instrument.
<br /> 3. Ap�licstioA ot Payseab. Unless applicable.Iaw provides otherwise;all pay�crrt�,received by Lender under
<br /> puagraphs 1 and 2 shall be appliod:first,to late charges due undu tk=Nate;seeond;to prep�ym.C�t charges due under the � `
<br /> . Notr,third to amaunts psyable ander paragraph 2;fourth.ta inter�t du�;and Iast,to psincignl du�. "
<br /> 4. C�a���ess. Borrowu shall pay aU taz�s,ass,�,�nent�,charge�,t3Ar.s and impas'st�qns auributable to the .
<br /> Propertyr which �ay attain priority,aver tbis Security Irutrn�ent, aad Irasetjelc� �ayrnents or ground rents. if any.
<br /> Barro�rer shalt pa�these obligations in the manner provid�d in paragraph 2.or if rrif.�asd in[ttaC rnartn�r.Borrower shall �
<br /> pay thra on ti�tcs directly to the person owed payment.Borrower shall promptly furnish to L�nder aii Rotices of amaunts
<br /> to be psid urider tki��aragrapb.If Borruwer makes these payments dirextly.Banow�r shall �mmptly furnish to Lender
<br /> recrig�es�denciag the piyments.
<br /> i�ct�oMer shall promptly discharge any lien which 6as priority over this Seeuri:y�nstrament unlas Horrower:{a) .
<br /> agrees icc�vriti»g to the psyment of the obligation secured by the lien in a mar►ner acr.eptabk to Lender;(b)contests in good �
<br /> fAith the liesi by,a�c�sf'ne�s againss�forcement of'tlu lien in,legsl procoedings which in che Lereder's opinion operate to �
<br /> prcvmt the enfarc�s.xent of the tirn or forfeiture of any part of the Property;or(e)secures frc�m the holder oP the lie�►a� . ��
<br /> agreement sarisfaczcsry to Lender subordinating the lien to this Security Instrurrzent.If Lender�etermines that any pan af ��
<br /> the YropeRy is subject to a Ge�whicb may attain priority over this Security Instrucn�t.,Lender may giv�I3utrowe*3
<br /> notice idenrifying the lien.Borrower shall satisfy the licn or taice ane or mote af th:acticmg set forth above aztf:in 14�ays ;
<br /> of the giving of notics. ,.
<br /> S. Harard In�de�anca Borrower shall kap the imptovements now cxistir�g ot hereai'ter erected on the Praperty ' �,�
<br /> insured aasinst loss by fire.ha�rds included within the term••extended coverage"and any other hazards for which Len�er �. Y�
<br /> roquires insurAnce. This ituurance sha11 be miintainod in the amounu and f¢r ths,periods that Lender requi�es. The �'
<br /> insurance earrier providing the insurance shall be chasen by BorrAwer subject to I.�ndor's approval whi.c�shall not be '
<br /> unreason�tbly withheld. ' �
<br /> All insuran�policies and renewals shall be acceptable to l.cnder and sha1l include a standard mortgage clause.
<br /> Lender shsdl ha�e ck.e rig}n to hold the policies and rencwals.If I.endcr requir�,Borrower shall promptly+give to I.onder
<br /> a11 receipts of paid�Sremivass and renewal notices.In the event of loss,BonoweJ shal)give prampt Rotice tv�ttse in5urance '
<br /> carrier and Lender.Lender may make proof oP loss if not made promptly by Aonowcr
<br /> Untess Lender and Borrower otherwise agroe in writing,insuranca proceeds shall be applied ta restoratian or repair
<br /> of the Property daznaged.if the restoration or repair is economically feasible and Lender's seeurity is not lessened. lf'the
<br /> tatoration or repair is not economicaUy fe�i�lc or Lender's security would be lessened,the ins��rance proceeds shall be
<br /> applied to the sums secured by this Security Instrument.whether or not thea�tue.with any excess paid to Iiorrow�r.lf
<br /> Borra�er.abandons the Property,or does not answer within 30 days a natice from l,ender that the insaraart carricr.has
<br /> � ,offerad to setsle a claim.thsn Le^der may collect the insura:cc proceeds.Lender may use tht proceeds to rcpair or re��.cre
<br /> the Property ot to pay sums secured by th:s Security Instrument,wf�:ther or not then due. The 30•day period will is��ia
<br /> whrn the notia is given. �
<br /> Unkss Lender and Bortowtr otherwise agree in writing,an�appticatio»of praceeds to principal sh3i1 not extend or
<br /> pastpone the due date of the monthty payments referred:o iii paragraphs 1 and 2 or change the amount of the payments.If
<br /> under paragraph 19 the Araperty is acquired by Lencler,Borrnwer's right to any insurance pnliries and proceeds resulting
<br /> from dam�ge to the Property prior to the acquisition shall pass to Lender to the extent of the sums secured by this Secnrity --_ --
<br /> Instrument immedistely prior to the acquisition. �
<br /> b• Praerratior and Mdeteeance of Propert�r;Leasehol�s. Borrower shal)not destroy,damage or substantiaUy �
<br /> chsnge the Praperty,allow the Property to deterivrate or commit waste. lf this Security Instrument is on a leasehald,
<br /> Borrower shall compJy with the provisions of the lease,and if Borrower acquir�s fee title[o the Property.the leasehold and �
<br /> fCt titk s�ull nnt merge unle.cs�.e.r��1rF 2��*Q�w��p��Ylil�lS!(y'. - �
<br /> 7. PrMeetioe at Leeder's Aights in t6e P�r;nperty; Mortgage lnswance. lf Borrawer fails ta perform the �
<br /> cavtnants and agreements contained in this Sccurity lnsttument,or there is a legal proceeding tflat may sigaificantly aff'ect
<br /> LLender's rights in Ihe Propeny(such as a proce�tding in bankruptcy. prabate, fot condemnation or to enforce(aws ar ���
<br /> re6ulations).then Lender may do and pay for whatever is necessary ta prbtect the value af the Prnperty and Lender's nghts
<br /> in the Prapeity. I,endu's acuons may intlude paying any sums see:ured by�t licn which has pt�anty aver Ihis Se�urity �
<br /> lnstrumtnt,appearing in coutt,pay�ng rcasan�ble attorneys'fees and entenng on thp Pr��perty td make repa�rs.Alih�ugh r �ih�
<br /> Lendet m�y takt artion under�h�s para�raph 7,lxndtr das n�t have t�do sv �.
<br /> Any bmounts�lrsbursed by Lertder unda th�s paragra�+h T Shal!become add�tc��n:e!cfeht E,f B�::rnwee eeeuse�bv shis r� -
<br /> Sesurity lnstvumene. Uralcss HarrnKer and Lender agrec to nther terms of�+ayment.these amc�unic�hall hear utiterest frum
<br /> 1he clate nf d�sbursemeut at the Nvte rate an�i tihall t+e �+ayable. with intere�c. upc�n nc�iicr frnrt� Lender to t;e�rruurr
<br /> rcquesnng payrnent
<br />. �J
<br />