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<br /> I3��c� AM�e lTrs Lin� Far R�aWieK C1�11f1
<br /> , _ .
<br /> THIS DEED OF TRU3T 4"Secusity Iartr�mct:Y'1 is msde aa . ��bru3ry 23rd —'
<br /> • 1Q 90 .T6e trustor is Williatn R. Hnlloway and Betty A; tiol.loway, liusband and Wife,
<br /> : (••Borrow►er"l.T3ie trQrtee is�p:OAACK,attornyl("T`rastee 7.
<br /> ! Tbe ben�8elar� is HOME FEaERAL SAVINGS ANQ�LOAN ASSOCIA�(QN U��QAAMD IS6AN0.MESR/�SKA, which is �
<br /> ar�ais�d aad exutiag under the ls�rs of NESRASKA,and wh,o�e addnes�is�7�"t South�1•oeuq.Qr�nd I�Ntid,N�brNlc�
<br /> 6pOi("Lender"1.
<br /> � Bono+vero+resLendestheprincipalsumof Twefity Thousand and Np�'iQq�Chs�---------_____________
<br /> � -----------------------------Doliars(U.S.fi 20.OQ0.00 ).'iliis;dr�stisevidaics�byBorrawes'snote
<br /> dattd the sune date as this Socusity Instrumeat('•Notd'),w6icb pravides far mPntblY PiY��������t�debt,if nat �
<br /> . paid arlier,due and psyabla on f�a�ch 1 q 2000.
<br /> ; This Security Insirutt�nt secuns to L.tnder:(a)the tepaytnent of the de.bt evidcnced by tbe NotG writh interest.ancf aIl '.
<br /> ; reae�vals�extensions at�d modi8cxtiosu;(b)tha psymant of all othes sums,with�in��test.sdvanced under puaanpb 7 to �
<br /> � protact tbe socwity of thisSecurisyr Iatwma�t;aad(c)the performance of$nrt�arvec'sca��nts and agreernents.For this
<br /> :',;.;.�..,:,
<br /> purpose.Borrower irrevucably grsnts and convtys to Ttusta,in trust,with pqxer af s�IG the following describod properiy •;::;,<<.
<br /> � Iocatsd in Hall ' County.N�k�: , �"y
<br />,
<br /> � Lot 1'w�nty 7M.ree (23)� in Sass Secord Subdiuision, -
<br /> � in the Ca.ty of Grand Island, HaII County, "!cbrask�. –
<br /> ,
<br /> �
<br /> ' �
<br /> ,�.
<br /> �
<br /> � � � �
<br /> . . .
<br /> � . �
<br /> i
<br /> 'Mhichtustheaddrsasof�� 3506 East Gregory , Grand Island .
<br /> IstrNtl t��Yl - - ---
<br /> :--- -
<br /> NeM�s� 68801 ("property Addras");
<br /> ' [z+�coe.� -
<br /> , Toc3ErHER WrrH all ehe improvemmcs nox or hera��er erected on ihe propert�. and all euements, rights. � �
<br /> appuReruact�. rrnts, royattia. mineral, oil and�as rijhts,tnd proHts, wrater rights ar�d stock and all fiatures naw or i�,
<br /> - �ci�?`�rs p�oftin proprrty.qii rtptsctmtnts and additions sh�U atso be covered by this Security lnstrument.Al!of the ,j�
<br /> fate�oin�u ret'erred to in this 5ecurity Jastrument u the"Property." tT
<br /> LHoltRbwER CovEtvAKTS that BorroMer is lawrf'ully setsed of the at�te hereby conveyed and has the right to grant �
<br />. and convey 1he Prop�trty and that the Frapecty i�unencum6ered,eacept fot encumbrances of rec:ord.8orrawer warrants
<br /> and wi]1 defend 1 the tidt[o the Pr� rt r`
<br /> ��Y ope y a�titut 111 claims and demands,subject to any crtcumbrances of recnrd. �
<br /> THf1 SECtlRITY IN5TRUMENi'�crnmbines uniform Covensnts for national use and non-uniform covenants w�th �
<br /> Iintited u,rriftiwu tiy jurisdiction taconstitutea unlforrn secunty instrumrns eovrnng rr�l praperty. �,. ,.
<br /> NE�ltA3KA-5�ntte Cem�ty.-iMMA/6HLMC UNIfORM pfSTRUMEMT iorm 3�75 12/S3
<br />- C:na.r.�af Ce�COn»�+ �
<br /> aorm ri�9 �
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