2� 17�2118
<br /> 14. U�FAITLT, Trus�ar wz�� �e in defau�� �f an�par�y o��iga��d �n �he S�cured Debt fai�s to n1ak�pa�men�wh�n due. Trustor
<br /> wzX� �e �n defau�� if a breach occurs under th� �erms of �hzs Secur��� �ns�ru7men� ar an� o��.er document e.xecuted for �he
<br /> purpose of creat�ng, securing ox guaran�ying the Secured Debt. A good fai�h be�zef by �3en�fzczar� �ha� B�nefzciar� a� any
<br /> t�me �s �nsecur� �x�h respec� �o an� person or �nt�ty ob��gat��i nn �he 5e�ured �]eb� r�r �ha� the prosp�ct of an� payment or
<br /> �he va�u�of the Proper�� �s xmpa�red shal� a�s� constztu�e an���nt of defau��.
<br /> 1,5. RE:M:�DIES �N �EFAULT. In same �nstances, federal and s�a�e �aw wi�� r�qu�re Bene�czary �o pr�vide Trus�ar �ith
<br /> n��z�e of �he ri�h� to �ure �r a�her notzces and may es�abl�sh �ime s�hedu�es for fore�losure actzans. Su�jec� to �hes�
<br /> 1'zm.xta��ans, if any, Benef�czaz-� ma� acce�era�e�he Secured Debt az�d for�close�his Securz�y �nstrurnen� in a manner pro�ided
<br /> by Iaw �f Trustor zs xn defau��,
<br /> A� the aptx�n of Benef�ciary, aII ar an� par� �f �he agzeed fees and charges y a�cz ued �n�erest and principa� sha�� become
<br /> �mmed�ately due and pa�able, after��v�ng notice if zequ�red by �a�v, up�n�he�ccurrence of a defaul��r an.y�ime �hereafter.
<br /> �n add�t�on, Beneficiary shal� be �nt�tled to all th� remedies pro��ded by �aw, ��e tezz�s of the Secur�d Debt, th�s Secur�ty
<br /> �ns�rumen�and an� rela��d dacuments, in��ud�ng wi�hou� �imz�at�on, the po�er�o se�� �h� �'rop�r�y.
<br /> If�her� is a d�fauit, �'rustee sha��, �n addi�ion �� any �ther �erm����d rem�dy, at �he re�uest of�he Benef�c�ary, adv�rtise
<br /> �nd se�� �h� Praper�y �� a `��ho1e or in separate par�e�s a� puhl�c auct�on �a �h� h��hes� �xdd�r fQr cash a�d �anvey abso�u�e
<br /> ����e fre� and c�ear ��aII rz�ht, t���e and �n�erest of Trus�or a� such time ar�d place as Trus�ee designa�es. Truste� shal� g���
<br /> no��ce af sale inc�uding the time, terms and place af sale and a descr�p�xan af �he proper�y �o be sold as requ�r�d by the
<br /> app�icabl��aw �n effec�at�he time of�he proposed sa�e.
<br /> Up�n sale af the property and ta �he exten� no� prohz���ed b� �aw, Trus�ee shall ma�e and del�ver a deed t� the Prop�r�y
<br /> sold wh�ch con�e�s absolu�e�i�ie ta the purc�aser, and after f�rs�payin� a1� fees, �har�es and casts, sha�X pay ta Benef�c�ary
<br /> all rnone�s advanc�d f�r repairs, taxes, insurance, Iiens, assessmen�s and prz�r �ncum�rances an.d zn�eres� �h�re�n, and �he
<br /> princzpa� and �n�er�s� on th� Secur�d D�b�, pay�ng the �urp�us, zf an�, �a Trus�or. Beneficiar� may purchase �he Praper��.
<br /> Th�recx�als �n any deed af canveyance sha��be pr�ma fac�e ev�den�e of�he fac�s se�for��.�her�zn.
<br /> All remedi�s are dis�in�fi, cumuia��ve and no� exc�usive, and the Benefz��ar� xs en����ed �o a�� r�medzes �r���ded a� iaw or
<br /> equz�y, �he�her or not express�y se� farth. The acceptaxace�y Benefzciary of any sum �n paymen� or par��a� paymen� on �h�
<br /> Seeured Deb� after th�ba�ance is due or is acceiera��d❑r after forec�osur�pr�ce�dzngs are fx�ed shall no�cons�l�ute a vvaiv�r
<br /> af Bene�ciary's righ� �o r�qu�re camp�e�� cure �f any exis�zng defau�t. By no� exerczszng any remed� �n Trustor's defau�ty
<br /> Benef�c�ary does n��v�aiv�Beneficiar�'s r��ht to �at�r cans�der the e�ent a default�f it continues or happens again.
<br /> 1�. ��PENS�Sy ADVANC�S UN C�V�NANTS; ATT�RN�YS' �`EES; �C]LL�CT��N ��STS. Ex�ep� wh�n
<br /> prohibited b� la�, Trustor agr�es �o pa�r a�1 af Benef�czary`� e�.penses zf Trustor breache� any ��venant in th�s Securi��
<br /> �ns�rum�n�. Trus�or will aiso pa� on demand an� amaunt �ncurr�d b�r B�neficiary for �nsur�n.g, xnspect�ng, preserving ar
<br /> otherw�se pro�ec��ng �he Praper�y and Be�efi�iaz�'s secur��y �n�erest. These expenses v�i�1 bear in�eres� from�he date �f the
<br /> pa�mer�� unt�l pazd �n �ull at the h�gh�s� �nterest ra�e in effec� as provzded �n the �erms of the SeGured Debt. Trustor agrees
<br /> �o pa� a�l c�s�s and expenses �ncurr�d by Benefic�a�y in �a��ec�zng, ezaforcing or protectzng B�nefzczar�'s rzgh�s and
<br /> remedzes under thzs Secur�t� Ins�rumen�. Thzs amount may include, but zs nfl� �zmz�ed �o, at�orneys fees, cour� c�s�s, and
<br /> o�her ��gal expenses. Th�s Se�ur�t� �nstrument sha�� remain �n effec� untz� re�ea�ed, Trus��r agrees �a pay for any
<br /> r�cordati�n cos�s of�uch re�ease.
<br /> 17. �NVIR�NNIENTAL LAWS AND HAZA��US SUBSTANCES. As used in thzs sec�zon, �1} Environmenta� Law
<br /> means, wi�hou� ��mi�a�io�, th� �o�pze�ez����e E�viranmenta� Respons�, ��mpensa���n and L�ab��z�� Act ��ER�LA, 4Z
<br /> U.S.C. 9d�� e� seq.�, and all o�her federa�, state an� �ocal laws, regula���ns, ordinances, cour� orders, attorney genera�
<br /> opin�ans or �n�erpretzve l���ers �oneerning the pub��� hea�th y safe�y, �elfare, en�zronm�nt or a hazardous subs�ance; and ��}
<br /> �azardous Substance means any to�ic, radxaact�ve oz ha�ardaus ma��rza�, wast�, po�Iutaxa.t �r cantam�.nan� which has
<br /> chara��er�s�ics �hzch render �he subs�ance dangeraus or poten�iall�r dangerous �Q the pu�lic heaith, safe��, u�e�fare or
<br /> en�ironm.ent. The te�m inc�udes, w�thou� �imztat�on, an� substar�ces def�n�d as "�.azardous material," "�oxic subs�ances,"
<br /> "hazardous waste" or "hazardous substance" under any Envir�nmenta� Lavv.
<br /> Trus�or regres�n�s, �arrants and agrees �hat:
<br /> A, Exc�pt as pre�zous�� disclosed and acknaw�edged in �rz�zng �� Beneficiary, no Ha.�ardous Subs�ance is or wz�� be
<br /> �oca�ed, stared ar r��eas�d �n or in �he Pr�gert�. Thzs res�rz���on does nat app�y to snzall quanti�ies �f Hazardous
<br /> Subs�ances that are genera��y recagnized t�be apprapriate for the norma�use ax�d ma�n�enance�f�he Proper��.
<br /> B. Excep� as prev�ous�� dzscl�s�d and acknaw�edged in writzng to Bene�iciary, Trus��r and ever� tenan� ha�e been,
<br /> are, and sha�� rema�n in ful� comp��anc��vith any app�zcab�e En�ironmen�a� La�.
<br /> �. Trustar sha�� �mmediatel� no�if�r Ben�fzc�ary if a re�ease or �hreatened re��ase of a Hazardous Substance �ccurs on,
<br /> under or about �he Pr�per�� ar there is a vz��a�ian of any Envzronxnental Law concernzng �he Proper�y, �n suc� an
<br /> even�, Trustor sha�I tak�a��necessary remedza� act��n zn accardance w�th an� En�ir�nsn�n�a� La�.
<br /> D. Trus�or sha�� �mmed�ate�y n��ify Ben�fzciary �n�rztzng as soon as Trustar�.as reason ta b�Iieve��.�re �s any pending
<br /> or �hreatened xn�est�gatian, c�axm, �r praceedzng r��a�ing t� �he re�ease or threa�ened re�ease �f any Hazardaus
<br /> Substance�r the�iolati�n of any Enviranmen�al Law.
<br /> 18. �aND��A'�'`I�N. Trustor wi�� gi�re Beneficiar� prompt n���ce of an� pend�ng or thr�a�ened ac�iony by priva�� or public
<br /> ent�ties ta pur�hase or �a.�e any ar al� of�he Property thrflugh condemna��an, �m�nent doma�n, or an� o�her means. Trustor
<br /> au�har��es Ben�f�cxary �o intervene �n Trus�or s name �n an� of the above des�ri�ed ac��flns or clazm.s. Trustor ass�gns �a
<br /> Benefzciary �he praceeds �f an� award or claim f�r damages conn�c�ed w��h a cond�ms�.a��on or o�her takzng �f alI or any
<br /> par� of ��e Proper�y. Such pra�:eeds sha�� be consid�r�d payments and w��� be applied as provided in th�s �ecuri�y
<br /> �nstrumen�. Th�s assz�nment �f proceeds is sub,�ec� �o the �erm.� of any priar mor�gag�, deed af�ru��, securi�y agree�nen� or
<br /> a�her l��n documen�.
<br /> 19. INSITRANCE. Trustor shai� keep Pro�er�y �nsured agains� ��ss by fzre, fla�d, thef� and ��h�r hazards and ri��s r�asona�ly
<br /> assoc�ated vc�i�h �he Prop�r�y due �� i�s type and Iocat�ar�. This znsurance sha�� be rr�aintain�d in the amounts and for th�
<br /> p�riods tha� Benefic�ar� requ�res. �hat Beneficzary requires pursuan� to �he preceding s��.�en�e can�hange during �h� term
<br /> af �he Secured Deb�. The �nsurance carrier praw�dxng �h� �nsurar�ce sha�� be �hos�n b� Trustor sub��c� �o Benef��iary's
<br /> apprnval, which �ha�� nat be unreasonab�� v�z�h�e�d. �f Trus�or fails �.� ma�n�a�n�he co�erage descrzbed above, Ben�f�c�ar�
<br /> may, a� Benef�ciary's ap�zon, obta�n caverage �a protec� Benef�ciary's r�gh�s in t.he Pra�er�� a��ordzng to t.he terms of�.h�s
<br /> Securz�� �nstrum�nt. .
<br /> A�I �nsurance p��icxes and r�newals sha�� be acce tab�� to B�n�fic�ary and sha�� �nclude a s�andard "mar�gage clause" and,
<br /> " a e� ciaus�." Trustor s�.a11 immed�a��� no�zf Benefzciar �f �az�cella�ion or �ermz.nat�on af the
<br /> where a �x�able ��ss
<br /> �
<br /> �� p y i ht �o ha�d th� a��c�e� and r�n�wa�s. �f Benef�ciar re uires Trus�ar sha11
<br /> �nsuran�e. Benef�czary shall have the r g p y � �
<br /> immed�ate�y �zve�o Beneficiary a�� re�e���s o�pa�d prem.xums and renewal nat�c�s. Upan�oss, Tru�tor shal� g��e immediate
<br /> no�ice to �he �nsuranc�carri�r and Be�.ef�ezaz�. Ben�f���ary ma�make proaf of l�ss �f no�made �mmedia�e�y by Trus�or.
<br /> (page 3 of 4�
<br /> � 1994 1Nalters Kluwer Finar�cial Ser�'s��s-B�nkers Systems�M F�rm R�-�T-NE �2f��12D06
<br /> VMP�-C'i�S�NE} t�7a$�
<br />