2� 17�2118
<br /> �3. A�I future advances fr�m Beneficiary ta Trustar ar ot�.�r fu�ure obligations af Trus�ar �a B�nefic�ary under an�
<br /> pr�missary no�e, contrac�, guaranty, or o�her evzdezac� �f d�b� executed b� Trustor in favor of B�nef�c�ary execu�ed
<br /> af�er �his S��urity �ns�rum�n� wh�ther �r not th�s Securit� �nstrument zs s��cifica�ly referen��d. �f mare thar� an�
<br /> p�rson signs �his �ecurz�y �ns�rumen�, eaGh Trus��r a�re�s �ha�th�s Secur�ty Ins�rument w��� secure all fu�ure advances
<br /> a.�d fu�ure ob��ba���ns �ha� are given to or incurr�d by any nne or m.ore Trus�ar, or any an� ar mare Trustor and
<br /> others. All fu�ure advances and other future ob�xgat�ans ar� se�ured by th�s S�cur��y �ns�rumen� even �hough a�� or
<br /> part may nat yet be advan�ed. AII fu�ur� ad�anc�s and o�her fu�ure �b�igat��ns are secur�d as if made on �he date of
<br /> thzs Securi�y �nstrumen�. No�h�ng �n �h�s S�cur��y Zns�rument shall constitute a comm�.�nzen� to mak� addi��onal or
<br /> future�oans flr ad�anc�s �n any amoun�. Any such comm��men�rxzust b�agreed to �n a separa���vr��ing.
<br /> C. AII ob��gatzons Trustor o�►res ta Beneficiar�, wh��h�ay Ia�er ar�s�, ��the extent no�prohxbz�ed by Iav�, inciudin�, but
<br /> no��xml�ed t�, ��abx�xtxes far o�erdraf�s re�atxng to an de oszt a�coun� agreem�nt be�v�reen Trus��r and Benef�cxar�.
<br /> D, A�� addzt�ona� sums advanced and ex �nses �ncurr��b �Ben�fz�iar far �nsurin rese�vin or otherwise r�tect�n
<br /> p Y �' �a P � P �
<br /> �he Proper�y and i�s value and any o�her sums advanc�d and expens�s incurred by Beneficiary under the t�rms of this
<br /> Secur�t� Instrument.
<br /> This Securzty �nstrumen� wil� na� secur� any o�her d�b� xf B�nef�c�ary fa�is �o gz�ve any requ�r�d nfl��c� �f �he r�ght flf
<br /> resc�ss�on. �
<br /> 5. PAY�NTS. Trustor agrees that a�� payments under th� �ecured Deb� w�11 be pa�d u�hen due and in accozdance ��th ��e
<br /> term� of�he�ecured Deb� and thzs Securzty Znstrum�nt.
<br /> G. W ARRANT`Y ��` �TI'TLE. Trus�ar �arrants that Trustor �s or will be Ia,wfu��y se�z�d of the �state con�ey�d �y th�s
<br /> Security �ns�rumen� and has t�e rzght�o �rr��acabl�r brant, convey, and sell th� Proper�y ta Trus�ee, �n�rus�, �v�th.pawer of
<br /> sa�e. Trustar a�sa warran�s that the Prope�y is unencumbered, ex�ept for encumbranc�s of record.
<br /> 7. PRI�R SECURITY INT�RES�'S. ���h regard �o any ather martgage, deed of �rust, securi�y agreemen� or other �ien
<br /> docum�nt that crea�ed a pr�ar secur��� zn�eres�or en�um�brance an the Pr��er�y, Trus�ar agre�s:
<br /> A. To rnake all �aymen�� when due and��perf�rm ar c�mpl�wi�h a��covenan�s,
<br /> B. Ta pr�m ��y d�l�ver�o Ben�fi��ary an�no�ic�s tha�Trustor r��exves fram�h�hold�r.
<br /> C. NoC �o a���w a� m��difica�ian or extenszon of nor to re ues� an fu�ure ad�ances under an no�e or a reem�n�
<br /> Y � � Y Y �
<br /> secured b� �he���n document w��hou�Benef�ciary's pr�or�wri��en c�nsen�.
<br /> S. �LA►INIS AGAINST TITL�. Trus�or ur�Il pay al� �axes, assessmen�s, �iens, encum�rances, lease paym�nts, gr�und ren�s,
<br /> u��l�t�es, and a�her �harges re�at�ng �o �h� Property �hen due. Benef�czary may require Trustor �� pra�ide �o B�nefic�ary
<br /> cop�es of al.� no�xc�s that sueh amoun�s ar� due and �he rec��pts e��denc�ng Trus�or's paymen�. Trus�or v�i�� defend title to
<br /> th� PrQper�y against any cla�ms �hat v�ou�d impair �he �i�n of �h�s �ecur��y �nstrument. Trustor agrees �a assign �o
<br /> Benefzc�ar�, as reques�ed by Benefi�iar�, any r��h�s, c�a�ms or defenses Trustor may ha�v� aga�ns�par�i�s who supp�y Iabar
<br /> �r ma�er�a�s �o mainta�n or imprave the Prflp�r�y.
<br /> 9. I]UE 4� SAL� �R ��CI.��NIBRAN��. Bezaefi�iary may, a� �ts opti�n, dec�are the en�zre ba�anc� af th� Secured Deb� �a
<br /> be xmmedia�ely due and payab�e upon�h�erea�ion of, transfer or sa�e of a�� or any par�of th� Pr�per�y. Th�s righ��s �ub�e�t
<br /> �� �he r�s�ric��ons �mp�sed by federa� �aw �1.2 �.F.R. 591}, as ap Izcab�e. Th�s cove�an� sha�� run w��h th� Proper�� and
<br /> sha�� r�ma�n zn eff�ct until �he Secur�d Deb� is paid�n fuli an.d�h�s �curi�y �ns�rum�en� �s re�eased.
<br /> lfl. PR�P�RTY CC��TDITI�N, A�T�RATI�NS AND I�SP�C'�I�N. Trus��r vv��� keep �he Prapert�r in gaod�ond�txon and
<br /> make ail repairs �hat are reas�nably ne�essary. Trustar sha�� not coz�mi�ar a�low any�vaste, �mpairment, or d���rxoratzan of
<br /> �he Property. Trus��r v�i�� kee� �he Proper�y free of noxious �eed� and grasses. Trustor agrees �ha� the nature of the
<br /> occupanc� an� use w��� no� substan�ially change wi�hou� Beneficiary's prior wr���en cans�nt. Trus��r wi11 nat perm�� any
<br /> change in an� ��c�nse, restricti�e covenan� or easem�n� ���hou� Ben�fzc�ary's prxor wri��en consen�. Trus��r v���� notif�
<br /> Benefi�iar� of aIl demands, prnceed�ngs, claims, and ac��ans aga�nst Trus�ar, and of any��ss or da.mage��t�e Proper��r.
<br /> Benef�c�ar� ar Benef�c�ar�'s agen�s may, a� Ben�ficiary's op�ion, enter the Praper�y a� any reasonable txme far �he purpose
<br /> of �nspec���g �he Prop�r��. B�nef�c�ary shall give Trustor notzce a� �h� tzme af or �efore �an �nspec���n specif��ng a
<br /> reasona�le purpase far tihe �nspectxon. An� inspection af the Proper�y sha�� be entire�y for Bene�c�ar�'s benefz� and Trustar
<br /> w��� zn no way rel�on Benefic�ary's xns�ec��an.
<br /> 11. A�I�TH�RITY T� PERF�RM. �f Trustar fa��s �o p�rf�rm an� duty or any flf �he co�enan�s can�ained zn ��.zs Secur���
<br /> �ns�rumen�, Benefzc�ary may, wi�hou� natice, perform or �ause them �� be perf�rmed. Tru��or a�paints �enefi�iary as
<br /> a���rne� in fact �a s�gn Trus�or's name or pay any amoun� necessary for performance. Ben�ficiary s righ� �� p�rf�rm f�r
<br /> Trus�or �hall n�� �r�a�e an obliga�xon �o perf�rm, and Beneficiary s fa��ure ta perfarm wzZ� na� pre��ude Beneflcxary fr�m
<br /> e�erc�s�ng any af Beneficzary's o�her rzgh�s under the�aw or th�s Secur�ty �nstrument, �f any canstruc�i�n on the Pro�ert� is
<br /> d�scont�nued or no� carrz�d on �n a reas�na��� manner,.Benef�ciary m.ay take a�� s�eps nec�ssary �o protec� Benef�ciary's
<br /> se�uri�y �nterest �n�he Propert�, inciuding compietian of the cons�ruc��an..
<br /> 12. ASS��-N�M:�NT �F LEASES AN� ��NTS. Trus�or �rre�a�ab�� assigns, �ran�s and canveys, t� Trustee, �n trus� for �he
<br /> benefit of Benef�c�ary as additional securi�y a11 �he r�gh�, t���e and �nteres� �n the follovv�ng �a11 referred �o as Praper�y}:
<br /> exzs�xng ar fu�ure ��ases, sub�eases, �i�enses, �uaran.t��s a�ad any other v�ri��en or �erbal agreemen�s far �he use and
<br /> o��upancy of�he Pr�pert�, �nclud�ng an� �xtensi�ns, renewais, mod�f��a��ons or rep�acements �all referred �o as Lea�es�;
<br /> and ren�s, zssu�s and prof��s �a11 referred �o as Ren�s}. �n th� ev�nt an� ��em l�s�ed as Leas�s or Rents �s determ�ned to be
<br /> persanal proper��, �his A��sig�ment wz�� a�so be r�garded as a secur�t�r agr�eznent. Trust�r wz��pramp�ly pr�vide B�neficiar�
<br /> w��h cap��s �f th� Leases a.�d will certzfy �hese Lea�es are true and correct cop�es. Th� ex�s�ing Leases �zl� be pro�r�ded on
<br /> execution of�he Asszgnmen�, and a�� fu�ur� Leases and any o�her �nforma�i�n Vv�th respect �o th�se Leas�s wz�� be pro��ded
<br /> immedia�el� after they are ��.ecu��d. Trustor may caiiect, recezve, �njo� and use the Ren�s sa l�ng as Trus��r �s not zn
<br /> default.
<br /> Upon defau��, Trustor w��� rece�We any Ren�s �n �rust fnr Benef�czary and �vx�� no� commingle �h� R�nts w��h any other
<br /> �unds. Trustor a�rees that�his �ecur�ty �nstrumen��s �m�nediat�ly effec��ve be�we�n Trus�ar and Benefzcxary and eff��t��e as
<br /> �o th�rd par�ies on�he recording af�h�s Assignment. As lon� as thzs Ass�gnment is in effect, Trustor warran�s and represen�s
<br /> that no default exis�s under the Leases, and�he part�es sub�ect�� �he L�ases ha�� na�v��la�ed a�y applzcabi� �aw �n�eases,
<br /> �icenses and�andlords and�enants.
<br /> 13. LL�ASEH�LDS; ��ND�NIINIUMS; PLA�INE�] UN�IT DEV�L�PNIENTS. Trus�or agrees to comp�y wxth th�
<br /> pr�visions �f any �ease zf thzs �ecurity �ns�ru.men� �s on a leaseho�d. �f the Prtip�rt� includes a un�� in a condom�.�n�um or a
<br /> p�ann�d unit deve�opmen�, Trus�or vvill perform a�� of Trus�ar's dut�es und�r �he covenants, by-lav4rs, or regula��ans af the
<br /> ��ndom.inzum�r planned unz�de�elopmen�.
<br /> Ipage,�of 4�
<br /> � 1954 Wa[ters Kluwer Financial S�r�iG�s-Bankers 5ystemsrM �orm R�-DT-NE ��!"I 512�05
<br /> VMP�-C'�65�NEf to�fla� .
<br />