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2� 17�21 �9 <br /> c�llec�the rents, issues, crops, prvfits, and income�hereof, including those past due and unpaid, and <br /> app�y�he same upan any �bliga�ions s�cured her�by ar in th� Loan Dv�uments. <br /> d. Lender wi![ be entitIed �o a ��ceiver to �ake immediate possession of �he Property and all ren�s, <br /> ISSLlES, cr�ps, profi�s, and income�hereaf,withaut regard to�he value of th� Praperty, or the suff�ciency <br /> �hereof t� discharge'�he trust deed debt and �he torec�osure casts, fees, and expenses. Such receiver <br /> may be immediately appvinted by any�ourt of competent jurisd�ction uPvn ex Parte applicafr�n, natice <br /> being h�reby ��pressly w�ived and shalf serve withou� bond if�he law aiiows. The rec�iver will app�y <br /> all ren�s, issues, �rvps, prafi�s, and incvme of the Prvperty to keep �he same in good repa��- and <br /> condition, pay a!!�axes, ren�s, fees, charges, and assessments, pay insurance premiums necessary to <br /> keep the Praperty insure�, pay �he ��pense of the recei�ership and attorn�y's fees incu�red by the <br /> receiver, and apply the net proGeeds ta the payment of the Db[igatians se�ured hereby. Such r�ceiver <br /> will ha�e all the ofher usual powers of receivers au�horized by law and as the c�urt may direct. <br /> e. I n the event Trus�or fa�ls�a pay any Ii�ns,judgmenfs, assessmen�s, taxes, rents, fees, ar charges ar <br /> maintain any"rnsurance an the P�operty, buildings, fixtures, atta�hments, or imprv��ments as pravided <br /> herein vr In the Loan D�cum�nts. L�nd�r, a��ts op�ion, may make such payments or pr��ide insurance, <br /> mainfenance, or repairs and any amaunts paid �heref�r wi[f become part af th� princ�pai �bliga�ions <br /> secured hereby, be immed�ateiy due and payab[e and bear int�res�at the defaul� raf� provided in the <br /> Lvan❑ocumen�s from�he dat�vf payment unfi�paid.The ad�anc�men�by Lender of any such amaunts <br /> will in n�manner Iimit the r�ghf of Lender to declare Trustar in default or exercise any❑f Lender's other <br /> rights and remedies. <br /> f. �n the evenfi Lender is a party�o any litigation affecting the Praperty �r this trus�deed, including any <br /> a�tion by Lend�r fio enforce this trust d�ed vr any suit in which Lender�s named a def�ndant�includ�ng <br /> eminent domain and bankrup�cy proceedings}, Lender may incur expenses and advance payments for <br /> abstrac�fees, at�arn�y's fe�s�to the extenf allowed by law}, C�5t5, �xpenses, ap�raisa!fees, and o�her <br /> charges and any amount� sa advanced will b�cvme part vf fhe principal ��Iigations secu�ed hereby, <br /> be immediafely due and payable and bear int�rest at the default rat�pro�ided in �he Loan Documents <br /> f�om the date of advance un#i[ pald. <br /> S. Delay by Lender�n exercis�ng �ts r�gh�s upan defau��w�ll no�be cons�rued as a waiver thereof, and any <br /> act ❑f Lender wai�in� any specific default will n�� be cons�rued as a wai�er of any future defaul�. lf the <br /> proceeds under sale or fareclosure as s�t f�rth above are insufficient to pay�he total �bliga�ions secured <br /> h�reby, Lender will b�entitEed to a�eficiency judgment. <br /> 9. Any awards made to Trustar ar fhe�r successnrs by the exercise af eminent doma�n are hereby <br /> assigned t� Lender; and Lender is her�by au�horized �o collect and apply the same in payment of any <br /> indebtedness, matured vr un-matured, secured by thrs�rust deed. Trustor sha[[immediateiy nntify Lender <br /> of any a�tion in eminent damain. <br /> '�a.This trus�deed c�nstitutes a securi�y agreem�n�wi�h respect tv ali the Prvp�rty des�ribed herein. <br /> '1'�. No rernedy herein conferre� upvn or reserved to Trustee ar Beneficiary is intended �v be exclusi�e of <br /> any oth�r remedy herein or by law pra�id�d vr permitted, but each will he curnu�ative, will b� in addit�vn <br /> tv every other r�m�dy �i�en hereunder or naw�r hereafter exis�ing a� !aw ar in equ�ty or by statute, and <br /> may b� ex�rcised concurrently, independently or successiv�ly. <br /> 7 2� Trustor ackno�ledg�s that the duties and obligativns vf Trust�e will be determined svlely by �h� <br /> expr�ss pro�isivns of thEs trust deed or the Nebraska Trust Deeds Acf�nd Truste�will nvt be Iia�[e excepfi <br /> far the perFarmance af such dutie� and obl�gatians as are specifically set forth �herein, and na implie� <br /> covenan�s ar abligatians will be im�vsed upan Trustee; Trustee will no� be iiable for any act�on by it in <br /> good fai�h and r�as�nab[y beli��ed by it to be au�horE�ed or wi�hin the discr�tion �r rights of p�wers <br /> canferred u pQn �t by th is�rust deed ar sta�e lav�r. <br /> '13. The cavenants con�ained in this trust de�d w�ll be d�emed �o be sev�rabI�; in �he ev�nt fhat any <br /> port��n af this trust dee�1 is determined to be Woid or unenforceabRe, that determ�nat��n will no�affect fhe <br /> �alad�ty af the remaining portians of the trus�deed. <br /> '14. Trustor hereby reques�s a Gopy of any notice vf defaulf ❑r nvtice af sale hereunder to be ma��ed by <br /> certrfed mail to Trustor afi�he address set forth herein. <br /> '[5.A�I notices, requests and demands to or upon�he respective parties here�a�o be efFec�ive shall be in <br /> writing and, un[e�s vtherwise �xpressly pro�ided herein, shall b� d�emed fo have be�n duly gi�ren or <br /> made when del�vered by hand, or fhree days after�eing deposited in the mai[, postage prepaid, ar, in the <br /> case of�I�E���ry by a nativnally recognized a��rnight courier, wh�n rece��red, addressed to �ne or mvre <br /> vf th� indE�iduaRs exe�ufing th�s trust deed an behaEf of such party at the address sefi farth abov�, �r to <br /> such o�her address as such party may designate fv�-itse{f by [ike not�ce. <br /> App#:544�968; C1F#:243���; Note#: 1�1 �2�SQ Legal Doc.Date:March 1�,2��7 <br /> F�RM 5�'[�,Trust Deed and Assignment of Rents Page G of 8 <br />