2� 17�21 �9
<br /> or Lender, at its aptivn, may turn v�er and deli�er�o Trus�or�s} ❑r their successors in in�eres�, any or a11
<br /> af such sums withaut pre�udice to any of Lender's rights �o take and refain fu�ure sums, and �ithout
<br /> pre�udice to any af its other rights under this �rust de�d. This assignment w�ll be construed tv be a
<br /> pro�isian for�h� paymen�or reduc�ion of the �bligat�ans, su�j�ct ta fhe Lender's optEon as hereinbefvr�
<br /> provided, independent vf�he��ust deed on fh� Prop�rty.
<br /> Trustor and�ach af them further cn�enants and agrees with,or certifies and represents t❑Lender
<br /> as fa��vws:
<br /> 'I. To pay all liens, judgments, or other assessm�nts against the Property, and t� pay when due al!
<br /> assessments,taxes, rents, utilifies,f�es, charges ar encumbrances up�n th�Prap�rty or under any leas�,
<br /> permit, license, ar pr�vilege ass�gned ta Lender as additEonal securi�y�o�his t�ust de�d, including those in
<br /> o�on public domain.
<br /> 2. Ta insure and keep insu�ed a�E buildings and ather impro�ernents, including fixtures and atta�hmenfs
<br /> naw an�r hereafter placed on th� Rea[ Property tv the satisfactian❑f Lender. Su�h insurance wili cvntain
<br /> an endo�s�ment shawing Lender as Beneficiary. �n demand, Trusforwi�l turnish sa�d policies ar praof af
<br /> insurance �o Lender and the insurance carrie�shall be sat�sfactory ta Lender. Trus�ar shall gi�e writt�n
<br /> notice to Lender immediate[y of any cla�m or loss. Any sums so received by L�nder may be applied in
<br /> paymen�of any ma�ured or unma�ured �b[iga�ions secur�d by�his�rust d��d, vr a�the optian af Lender
<br /> may be used �o pay for recanstruc�ion of the d�strvyed impravemen�s. Such insurance will be in an
<br /> am�unt at least equa� ta the lesser vf the [oan balanCe, the actual cash �alue of fhe Prop�rty, or �he
<br /> rep[a�ement c�st of the Prop�rty, and will af a minimum, cover losses caused by fire, lightn�ng, explosion,
<br /> rio�, air�ra�t, vehicles, vanda�Esm, c��il commotivn, smok�, windstvrm, and hail. Trus�or will ahta�n and
<br /> keep fload insurance in force fo cover losses by f�ood as required by Lender and by the Nativna[ F[o�d
<br /> lnsurance Act of 1��8, as amende�, and by regulations implementing the same. Trustor further agr�es
<br /> that Len�er is not and wi�l n�t be liab[e for any fai[ure by Trus�or or by any insurer, fvr v�hateW�� reasan,
<br /> �v obtain and k�ep this insurance in force. Tru�tar shali give written notice to Len�ler immediate[y of any
<br /> cancellation, termination or material modifca�ion af any such insurance. lf Trusfar fa�[s to maintain the
<br /> caverage described above, Lender may, at Lender's aptian, obtain coverage to protect Lender's rights in
<br /> the Property according t�the terms vf this trust deed.
<br /> 3. T❑ keep al[ bu�ldings, fixtures, aitachmen�s, and other impr��emen�s now an or hereaft�r placed ❑n
<br /> �he Real Praperty occupred and in gaad repair, ma�ntenance, and condr�ion and �v neither commit nor
<br /> permi� any acts of waste o� any impa�rment of the value �f the Property. Trus�vr shall not rem�ve or
<br /> demvlish any imprvvement withaut pri�r wriiten approval of fhe Lender. Trustor shall gi�� imm�diate
<br /> na�ice to L�nder of any mat�rial damage to vr cvnstruction an v� reEated to any of the Prop�rty. Lender
<br /> may en�er up�n �he Rea� P�op�rty to inspe�t the same or to perform any a�ts auth��ized her��n or in the
<br /> Loan D�cumen�s. Any fnspectivns, reports or sampl�s �onducted by Lender sha�i he far the"rr awn use
<br /> and benefrt, and L�nder sha[� nvt be required to disclvse the results of any insp�cti�ns t�Trusfar f�r any
<br /> reason, regardl�ss�f�rhether Lender has dvne sa an any athe�occasion un[�ss Lender agrees�o d❑so
<br /> in a separate wr�ting. Trus�or is r�sponsibfe far monitoring, preserving and inspecting the Property
<br /> ind�penden�ly of Lender, and Lender makes na represen�at�an, statemen� or warranty regard�ng th�
<br /> accuracy of any inspec�i�n, reporks or s�a�em�nts rela�ed �o the Property's condition, quantity, or quality
<br /> of any na�ure, and Trustor agrees it shall not re[y up�n statements related �here�o made by a
<br /> represen�a�i�e�f Lender.
<br /> 4. Tha�Trus��r is, and shall continue fo b�, du�y arganized, �alidly exis�ing and legally qualified to do
<br /> business under the laws of the stafes in wh�ch Trust�� oPerates, in comp[�ance with federal, state and
<br /> lacal laws vr regulations, and have lega[authvri�y in such s�a��sto Ganduc�Trustar's business opera�ions
<br /> and to own agricul�ural real es�ate. Nv change has been made in the name, ownership, c�n�ro[,
<br /> relafionship, �egaf s�a�us, or organizationa! and formatian documents �f any un�lersigned since �he �ime
<br /> any such informat�on was las�pro�ide�1�a Lender.Any barrowing resv[ution or simi[ar doGument pr�vid�d
<br /> to the Lend�r, wh�fher on Lend�r's��rm or a�herwise, has been executed hy a[[thase w�th an ownership
<br /> interest in the Trustar's en�i�y and such designa�ed signor as set forth in the bor�owing resa�ution is duly
<br /> authori�ed to e�ecu�e any and all Laan Documents on behalf the entity, includ�ng this�rust deed.
<br /> 5. All knawn svurces vf existing or pv�en�iaC �n�ironm�ntai contamination on ar n�ar any Rea1 Property
<br /> awned ar operated by Trustor has been fuify d�sclased �o L�nder; the vperations af Trustor c�mply, and
<br /> during the ��rm of �his t�ust deed wi[[ a� all times comp�y in aI[ resp��ts, with a[[ environmenfal laws;
<br /> App#:544Z9G8; CIF#:2437D1; No�e#: 10� �2�SC� Legal Doc.Date:March 16,2D17
<br /> F�R1Vl 5D��,Trust❑eed and Assignment of Rents Page 4 of 8
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