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<br /> -� ''t��..� 4�.i S..tFY :i,� 1 '�SEE' ' 'xt- 'i.�_�.�^ .n ,4: i'. i - 't c; �'*t:.`:�.:.:.�:.__..
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<br /> - r r _ � '_ __.'- �
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<br /> ��
<br /> . N0�4-UNIFORI�1 COVENA�fTS. Borrower and Lencler furaher co�•cnant and agree as follo�vs:
<br /> 17.�orec[osuae Pracedure.If Lender requircs immcdiate pzyment In Fuf!under p�regraph 9,Leader may invoke the pawer
<br /> _ at sale and aey other remedies pecmttted by apgite96le iaw,t.ender sha616a entItted to cotiect 31!expenses incurred tn porsoieg ,
<br /> ("�' Ihe rcmtdits under this paragnph 17� inctudirtg, bat eot l�mited tv. reasonx6fe Attor�ey�s' fees and costs oi title ev[dgnce.
<br /> i If the power of salr is involccaf,Tsustee sh� rECOrd A aottce of defauit in each co�aaty in whicb�ny pari of t6e Property
<br /> is tacated aed si��ll m�ti coptss of sucb not�ce in ttre manner prescri�i 6y�p�lfcable[aw to Borrower and to t6e oiher persans
<br /> pr�scribed by a�pti�bte law.A`ter tbe tiete requind by appticabM taw,Trostee s6ap give public notice of sale to tbe persons
<br /> : snd tt�tbe�aaner prescribed by appt�cable iaw.Trustee,�sithool demand on Borrov�er.s5alt sell tAe PropeRy at pu6lie auctioe �
<br /> [016c�ig6est btddet at t6e time�nd place and unde�t6e tenns desigaated in thE aotice aE sate in one or more p�rccls and
<br /> � ' ie aey ordsr Trastee determines.Trustee mny postpoae s9te o�aU ar 9ny parce)of th�,Froperty by pubtic aanauacement at
<br /> , t6e tieK snd piace ot�ey prcvioasly scdeduled ssle. Leadcr ar its designee ms�y purclutse the PropeMy ai any sak.
<br /> Upon recefipt o!payment of tLe prJce 6[d,Tsustee sQall delivtr tQ the purc6asPr Trastee's deed conveyiag tbe Property.
<br /> � ; T6e recitaLs in t6e Trustes's deed s6all!x priroa f�cie evidence of tbe trut6 of the ststtements made Werein.Truustee sb�l1 spply
<br /> t6e procads of thr sak io t6e follovving order.(p)to a!1 enpeases of t[te sa1e,inctudiag, 6at not limited ta. Trostee's fees
<br /> as permitted by�pplicable lavr aad re9saa�tble attorneys'fees;(D)to all sums secared by tbis Secarity lestrament;aad(c)any
<br /> execss to tbe prison or persons legaUy entitkd to it. , �
<br /> �' 18.Reconve 9�oe.LI � , '���, � . ,
<br /> y pt3..pay�ent of all sums secured by Ehis Security��trttmertt,Letider shall r�uest Trustee ta recan.ri.� _ ,.
<br /> . ; the Property and sha(E�ztr;'�er t'bi.��'�urity�nstrument arcd all notes e���.�ci�¢di�rst�.�rcuteef I3y tllis Se�ur[L�l�trutr�.�C . " ' ' �`�-'t �
<br /> ; ( to Trasteg.'Frustee sha�nxd�r;.�7 t:L*���perty wi+thout warr-:.a�y and nit��.���t��c�ar�c u�ii;�per_-�n.�r�ersan��1:i�-,xUy en��� � �
<br /> : �%;��:. $uch g�r�� or��x�'..:.�-.�:.,sTL�.�i,;:.:sy rec�r4:zion costs� . ' .. • . • • ..
<br /> . �3,?��f�:�Tr�sx'ac�:.L���>��;��c�riam,.r.�:�yr�f�Q:�+�T_'!.=L^.i I317E+°�-�ove Tru...nee�h�,s�c;�t.a:�ucaa..xT�r tru�t�4� � .; ,
<br /> . . . �,�,T���rE�?+:��I���-�::r*��s���s,:ii::��.ru�e�t:�rdeaia:r3s��::2urct�z�::�.�chthis��urityln�.rurnentis�o-��i`ed.Withaut
<br /> ,� :�:�:����,�:ce,;�'+;I�e�'rog�_�,r?�:su.r:�.�s:trus[ee shall succ�+i t�a:4 tae t:ti_,power and duties conferred upon Trustez herein
<br /> . � �ti by app;icable law_
<br /> '. 20.Reqatst for Notices.Borrower requests that copies of the notices of default and sale be sent to Borrotiver's adcir�ss
<br /> , J which is the Property Address. "Borrower further requests that copies of the notices of default and sate be sent to Lhe persor�'
<br /> �
<br /> , set forth herein." �
<br /> � Accelerstion Clause.�orrower agrees that should this Security Instrument and thc note securcd there6y not be etigibte
<br /> , for insuraace under the National Housin� Act withu� sixty days - frmm the date herreof,Lender may.at -
<br /> ; its option and notwithstanding anythir�g in Paragraph 9,require immediate payment in full of all sums secured by this Security �
<br /> i Instrument.A written statement of any authosized agent of the Secretary clated subsequent to , _
<br /> from the datc hereaf,declinin�to insure this Security Instrument and the note secured thereby, shall be deemed conclusive '
<br /> proof of such ineli�ibility.Notwithstanding the foregoinb,this optiun may not be exercised by Lender when the unavailability , y�:=
<br /> of insurance is solely due to Lender's failure to remit a mortga�e insurance premium to the secretary. �_
<br /> �
<br /> Riders to this Secudty lnstrument.If one or more riders are executed by Borrower and recorded together with this
<br /> Security Instrument,tbe covenants of each such rider shall be incorporated into and shall amend and supplement the covenants
<br /> ' and agreements of this Security Instrument as if the rider(s)were in a part of this Security Instrument.[Check applicable box(es)J �,-
<br /> ' 0 Condominiutae �tider �Adjustable Rate Ride� I�Gra.�;ag Equity Rider ;�=
<br /> Q P'anned Ur�it ➢?evelopment Rider :�Gradaated Paymen�R:,�.:r �Ot's:er �'��
<br /> i . 'i�. �
<br /> ' BY S1GNlNG BELCDTIJ,$orro�er accepts�a�3:agrees to the terms coc.�:a:ned in th:s 5ecurity E�t3_rument and in any rid���� ";�
<br /> . � executed b;��orrower and recorded +%�1�!�it. —
<br /> � Witnesses: i � � -� '-��-
<br /> i C �i G
<br /> (.-� (Seal) �.�.
<br /> . �Philfp . i��otQe -Borrowcr �
<br /> � •
<br /> (Seal)
<br /> ; a . onroy nn . PtOmey •Borrawcr
<br /> � _ (5eal) ..._..___.. �.._-----__._�_w.,_..(Seal)
<br /> • •F3arrower •linrrower
<br /> , Puge 4 oJ 4
<br /> ���Ve� YhiS.ip E. Ptomey and LeeAnn R. Ptomey ,(��Trustor").under that cerlain Uced of'frust dated
<br /> March 1, 2990 � ("Dced nf Trust") to bc cntercd into��mong Trustor, National Bank of
<br /> Comiaerce Trust and Savings Associat3on , (•'Trustce")and
<br /> The Qverland Natianal Bank of Grand Zsland ('�geneficiary")r�verinb thc f�llowing describrd property:
<br /> LEGAL DESCRif'TION: Lot two (2), in Block sixty-nine (69) in Wheeler and Bennete's Second --- ---
<br /> � -
<br /> � Addit3.on to the City of Gra:.d Islar.i, Hall County, Nebraska. �
<br /> , hereby acknowledge that it is undersro�ac4 that(�1 t��IIeed of 7"rust to be executed by 7"ru�.tcs is 3 trust deed attd not a mortgage
<br /> and(b)the power of sale provided for ir�t�e F7_zW c`Trust prc��ides substa�uialiy diE�e:e::�;�ttus ati�Y obligations to the Trustor '
<br /> t}t�n a mortgage in the e�tnt of a �efautt of br,„iGh of oati�ation. �
<br /> . � .
<br /> _, Trustor Acknowle���s that this Acknou:a���-ncnt was made priar�� tctr exec�t�o:i of the Cl,_ed of Trust. ' �
<br /> - Ex and delivered j 's lst d�y n` March , �g 90
<br /> ��' %� ��
<br /> 'e Phi�'� j� _.�._�__ ' --��------ ----� - -
<br /> � T�us�o p . H'tamey � ��u���,� LeeAnn R. Ptom�y r�
<br /> — tD
<br /> Il%
<br /> -�-- yt�te uf NcbryskA. 1lall ('�runl>• ss: �; -
<br /> 7ht kuc�:�ing ia5tr�tmenE way acl��it�µ•IccigCfJ I1C�(1tC illl`tlliY LsC day��f. :larch . IE) 9(1 � -
<br /> � hy Phi}.ip E. Ptomey and LeeAnn tt. Ptvmcy. hus��nct and w.tfe
<br /> �Vitnesti tny htmd und ue�lati�il�cal at Grnr�d Is2and, iJcbr�isk<� in �aid('U��nty. tii� d:�tc��t�,ie•�tii�l.
<br /> � ,� �
<br /> ,yyY�' !ty �c�piiuitti��yii c*.�,�rc.: GUEAAI MOtAAY-Sti�e�'��Sti� i� C��tL(,,., ���, �/G�`'-Gt 't�f�
<br /> FJJJ � oEnN��r[�.aawcd�. .„ ��„E.�..
<br /> ... ^ �f i�, ��•[��LF���,�� i.�,. . �
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