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<br /> 1' "�',CJ• .`_n S[r.y'iil ��Y.'lt^•• `eiiiti+L�6�`I.VY e. :�3F�1 .�ti _'d'i�S2�rw i: r'�''� ri� � .��-C`�\. :.'��iitY1�`�J.r..¢��, F'. ..'�....:.-'.32'r�� t -
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<br /> � �_F.�. , � , " ._'—_. - �
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<br /> � 94--' 141092 .
<br /> Any appiiration of the proceeds to the principal shall not eAtend or postpone the due date of the cttopthly payments,which
<br /> • are referred to in Paragraph 2. or change the amount of such payanents. Any'exc�ss proceeds o�er ae amount reyuired to
<br /> pay all outstandIng indebiedness under the Note and this Security Instrumeni shall be paid to the entity legaliy entitled thereto.
<br /> , � 8. Fees. Lender may collect fees and charges authorized by ihe Secretary.
<br /> 9. Gmuads for Acceieration of Debt.
<br /> (a)ikixait.Lender may,exc�pt as limited by regulations issued by the Secretary in the case of payment defaults,require
<br /> immediate payment in full of aq sums secured by this Security Instrument if:
<br /> (i?Borrower d�fa��its hy faiting to pay in fu1)any monthly payment reyuired by this Security Instrument prior to
<br /> or an the due date of the next rrsonthly payment, ar
<br /> _ � (ei)Bonower defaults by failing, for a geriod of thirty days,to perform any other abiigations contained in this
<br /> Security lnstrumeni.
<br /> (6)Sstle WiWout Crcdit Approvai. Lender shaU, if permitted by applicable taw and with the prior approval of the � .
<br /> Secretary, require immediate payment in full of all the sums secured by this Security Instrument if: ��
<br /> • � (i)All or part of the Property is othenvise transferred re�r.';,�er than by devise or deszent) by the Borrower, �d -
<br /> . , . ;.���. -
<br /> . L�)The Prope�ty is ar•�occupied by the purcl�;�er or����.2s h�s 4::L►��.rimary or sesaud:;:_.��i:.'sid�:ta:,.�*the , ': , -
<br /> • ;�:rr��`r,s���s so�ccu�oy the Pro��J�ur Iu,W�-C;�r.cre��?^.� ..r_t i�c�::s-��;-oc���.r�=.�ordas�;rt:,� - . . , .
<br /> . .^'s,���,�`���:��:tr���:.Secr�t.�.cy.. .� ' . � . ; . . .
<br /> �. � (,c��o Wai�+ec. ai��rcu.���.:�";.es u��.:ssc r:��,:r";F�aiu�:rermit T.er.�.:r co Ta�;:u-��~µe�:�:.i:.;:�yacr�_ir:�full, but Lender � �
<br /> �e�.�s not req��r-:s��.ii ���r=.nu; Ler,.�:�a d�1c-�t7:�1'�aive its rights witls. 4��Cd ic1 su'_seq�:PUt��SS. �:'
<br /> ; ��st�Zegafatioas�f�.TED�retary.Ir_many��ir�;=zances regulations isss:�::f�ti the Seµ..;acy ts:�f��it Lender's rights . .'�
<br /> ' ic!r.he case af paym�nr�:faults to require imme�::e payment in full and fo;eclose if nct paid.Ti�:���:urity Instru�nent
<br /> ��es not authorize ac:.e':ration or forectosure if��•t permitted by re�ulations of the Secretary.
<br /> t
<br /> � , 10. Reinstatement. Borrower has a right to be reinstated if Lender has required immediate payment in full because of
<br /> BorEOwer's failure to pay an amount due under che Note or this Security lnstru�ent.This right applies even after foreclosure
<br /> proceedings are instituted. To reinstate the 5ecurity Instrument. Borrower sfiall tender in a lump sum all amounts required �
<br /> to bring Borrower's accaunt current including,to the extent they are obligations of Borrower under this Security Instrumert, :
<br /> foreclosure casts and reasonable and customary attomeys'fees and expenses properly associatec!with the Poreclosure proceeding.
<br /> Upon reinstatement by Bnrrower�this Security Instrument and the�bligations that it secures shall remain in eifect as if Lender
<br /> had not required immediatc payment in full.Hawever.L,�nder is not required to permit reinstatement if:(i)Lender has accepted
<br /> reinstatement af'ter the commencement of farerlosure proceedings within two yea�s imnzediately preceding thc rommcncement '
<br /> of a current forrclosure proceeding, (ii)reinstatement will preclude forecl�sure on different grounds in the future, or (iii) � -
<br /> rcinstatement will adversely af'fect thc priority af th�licn crcatcd by this Srcurity Instrument.
<br /> U. Borrower Not Retessed; ForAc�rance By Lender Not a Waiver. Extensian af the timc of payment or modi�cation �
<br /> ' of amonization of the sums setured by this Security Instrument granted by Lender to any successor in interest of Borrotiver . -
<br /> � shall not operate to release thc liability af ihc original Borrowcr or Borrower's successor in interest. Lender shall not be required --
<br /> , to commenee proceedings against any successor in interest or refuse to extend time for payment or otherwise madii'y arnortization ��`'
<br /> • of the sums se,cured E:this 5eeurity lnstrument by reasan af any demand made by the original Borrower or Borrotiver's suxc�ssars
<br /> in interest. Any foc�^�arance by Lender in exercising any right or remedy shall not be a waiver of or preclude the exercise of
<br /> '� any right or remedy.
<br /> .
<br /> i
<br /> 12.Successors and Assigns Bound;Joint a��Several Liabillty;Co-Signers.The covenants and agrecments of'this 4e�;urity
<br /> Instrurnent shall bia�and benefit the successnrs and assigns af Lender and Borrower. subject to the pro�•isions of paragrAph
<br /> � 9.b. Bamr��er's cotienants and abreements shall be joicr.¢ and several. Any Borrower �vho ca-signs this �urity Instrument � '<<
<br /> but dae����ot execute the Note:(a)is co-signing this Secea�it,� Instrument only to rnortgage.grant and con.cs-that Borraver's `�
<br /> interes•::�ihe Progerty under the terms oP this Security �nstrument;(b)is not personally obligated to pa}� titie sums secured ',�
<br /> � by this Security Insuument;and(c)agrees that Lender an�any othcr Barrotver may agree to extend,madify,forbear ar m�ke =-
<br />__ any accammodations �vith regard to the term o� this Security Instrument or the Nate�vithaut that Borrotives's cmnsent. � ��
<br /> , 13. Notlees.Any notice to Bnrrowrr provided for in this Security Instrument shap be given by delivering it or by mailing
<br /> . it by first class mail unless applicable la�v reyuires use oP an�ther method.The notice shall be directed to the Prapercy Address
<br /> or any other address Borro�ver designates by notice to I.encler.Any notice to L.ender shall be given by first class mail to I.ender's
<br /> ' address slated herein or any address l.ender designates by notice to Borrower.Any notice provided for in this Securi�y Instrument
<br /> shall he deemed to havc becn given to 13arrowcr or Lender when given as provided in this paragrap}�.
<br /> 14.Governing I.bw;Severability.This 5ecurily Instrument sh�ll be gov�rned by i'edera)la�v and ihe law of the jariseiiction
<br /> � in which the Praperty is lacatcd. In the rvent that any provision or cl�use of this Sccuriry Instrument c►r tf�e Nate ronflict5
<br /> w�th applieable Iti«•,such conf1ict shall not afPcct other provisians af this Security Instrument nr the Nntc:which c�n he givcn
<br /> effect withaul the conflictin�provisian. To this end the provisinns o`this Securuy Instrument and the Nnte arr declared ta
<br />` br scverablc.
<br /> 15. Borruwer's Copy�. Borro�ver shaU be given one ronfor►ncd copy nF this Sccurity In�trument.
<br /> 16.AssiRnment uf Rents.Borrower�mconditinnally assigns and transfers to Lender all thc rc�ts and re��ent�es of'Ihe property.
<br /> �; � BurroweT authorizes Lender or L.ender's agents to coliert s I-c rents ry�4::revenues and hereby dira:cts each tenant oF thc Praperty �"--- -
<br /> ta p�y t�t°rents tn i.endcr or Lc��cr's agents. Hoa•e��cr. +,t"s�r to €.�~�+cv'� no�ice to t3c�tro�cer c�f Borra�.ucr's breach of�ny �
<br /> co�ecaac oragreement in ihe�er.ia,ity Instrument,Qorro•�..,: ;I;;;( cc:.::�t an:� r4-�:i�•e all rents and retei��..�.•di the Property
<br /> as tru�tec for the berefit of' l,�':��,a...'7 atI1CI gQ�IO;�'Cf. k�';:i::�.!St1Ti1CGC�;` �'Cfl(� �C;',�ifi�.�ICS 111 ��SO�UIC abS!;::':1CIlI iitll� f1U1 11f1
<br /> assibnmcnt For addctiunal security c�nly. i
<br /> -- If a.e^dcr gives:�utice af brcach to B�rr�wer:(eci wi::r�-tits receivrd Uy F3urra���:cr tihal[bc;�eld by 13c;ru���cr as f ri.,;��e f'ar
<br /> brttefit �7t' f.endrr anly, to be applicd tC�fPre sums securad';�y the Security In�t;����r��nt: (b) I,citdcr si���li i:��.niiticd to collcrt �
<br /> � � and rec,t�is r t�U��f thc rcnts of thc I'roprrty:and Icl rac� !:cn��nt nf�thc I'r�perl5'�'��+II �ay all renls duc��t:.; un�,aicl to Lrncicr
<br /> Oi LGRaCt'S iJ}jC(1! O(1 LC11QCt�ti �Yf11LG1 lIl'I11�1U(I IO lI1C ICllilfll.
<br /> � Nt�rrov•er ha5 nc�t execuled.my ptic,r t�s5ignmcnt eif tl►r re�us and haic mu:�od t►•pll no1 ��e�form any arI Ihai �ti�,uld�,►c�ent r•
<br /> , Lcadcr frun► e+�crcitiing its rights widcr thi� p7ra�niph 1G.
<br /> ��
<br /> �—�- �en�►cr�nall n��� n�rcUuirrJ�u cn�cr urun.tukc ec�nire�l uf nr n�uitt�stiu thi�I'sr�tE�rt� !�rl�,�c o� altcr ei�in�•nc�ticc oi hrcacii ✓
<br /> !��ilurrrnvcr. Iie►�se;.cr. l.csttlrr uE .t judiei,tlly a�p�►inlCC) rrc+•fVCE ii1tlV de���s at �i�►ti t�me thc•r� r. ,� t}rra:i�. ,1irr ;i�,plicaii�,t� �;. �
<br /> � <�t rct�Eti riialt n�,l ctir�or aai�'c tu�y drf�aul! r� i����,did;flc :tn)• uthet ����Iq �,� r��m�•il< <,i I rn�lcr. it�i� ,i.«+:IiItlCiil i�f��rit4 „f
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