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2� 17�2�82 <br /> 1$. Successors and Assigns Bound; J�int and Sev�ra� Liability. B�rrov�er ma� r�ot assigr� ar�y rights ar <br /> obligatians under this Security Instrum�nt or the S�cond�Tot�, except ta a trust that rneets the re�uir�ments af the <br /> Secretary.Borrower's covenants and agreernents sha�l be jaint and se�era�. <br /> �otwithstanding anyth�ng to the contrary herein, upon the death of the last surviving Borrower, the Borrower's <br /> success�rs and a.ssigns vri�il�be bound ta perform 33orrower's�bligations under��iis Security�nstrument. <br /> 19. Nati�es. Any notice to Borrower�aro�ided for in this Securi�y Instrument sha11 be given hy de�iver-ing it or by <br /> mailing it by first c�ass mail unless applicable�aw requ�res use af another me�hod.The notice shall be directed to the <br /> Property Address or any other address al�Borrowers�ointly designate.Any n�tice to the S�cretary shall be given by <br /> first class mail to the HUD Field�ffice with jurisdiction d�er the Prop�rty vr any other addr�ss designated by the <br /> Secreta.ry. Any notice �o Ir�on-Borrowing Spa�se provided for in this �ecurity Instrument shall he gi�en by <br /> deli�erir�g it or by mailir�g it hy �ir�t c�ass mail�an�ess a�plicable law requires use of anather method. The noti�� <br /> shall be dir�ct�d ta the Property Address, Any natice provided for in this Security �nstrumen� sha��be d�emed to <br /> have been given to Borrower or Lender�or Non-Barrowing Spouse�vhen gi�en as pro�ided in thiS Paragr�ph 19. <br /> 20. Go�erning Law; Se�era�ility. This Security Instrument shai�be go�erned by Federal law and the law of the <br /> jur�sdictian in w�ich the Property is located. In the event that any provisian or clause of this Security Instrument ar <br /> the Secon� Nate conflicts vvith applicable law} such �onflict shall n�t affect other provisions of �is �ecurity <br /> Instrum�nt ar the S�cand 1�Tote wh�cY� ca�n be gi�en ef�ect without the conf�ic�ing pra�ision. Ta this end #he <br /> pra�isions af this Security Instrument and the Se�or�d Not�are dectared t�be seyerable. <br /> �1. Borrower's G'opy. Barrower shall be given �ne conformed copy af the Second Nofe and this Security <br /> Instrument. <br /> ��. Third-Party Ben�f ciary.��ce�t as �et forth an Paragraph 1��A}�ii} and anly for an Eligib��Non-�Borrowing <br /> Spouse this�ecur�ty In�trument does n�t and�s not intend�d ta canfer any�ights ar rernedies up�n an�person n��er <br /> than the parties. Borrawer agr�es�hat it is n+ot a�hird-party benef�iary to the Contract of Insurance betw��n Hi.JD <br /> and the holder of the�irs#Nate. <br /> 23. �apitalized Terms. Capi�alized terms not def�ed in this Security Instrurnent shal�have the meanings ascribed <br /> to thern in the Loan Agreexr�en�. <br /> N�N-UNIF�RM C�VENANTS, Barrvwer and Lender further co�venant and agree a�foilaws: <br /> Z4. Assignment of Rents. Barravvex un�onditionally assigns and transfers �� Lender a�l the rents and revenues of <br /> the Property.Borrower au�harizes Lender or Lend�r's agents to �ollec# the rents and re�enues and her�by directs <br /> each ter�ant of t�ie Property to pay the rent� to Lender or Lender`s agents. However, priar �o Lender's natice ta <br /> B�rrower of Borrower's br�a���f an}�c���nar�t ar agreerr�ent in the Secu�rity Instrument,Barrower sha11 collect and <br /> recei�e all ren�s and re�enues of the Property as trustee far fhe be�ef�t of Lender ar�d Sarrower.This assignment�f <br /> rents�onstitutes an absolute ass�gnment and not an assignment for additional securify on�y. <br /> If Lender gives natice of breach to �orrower: �a} aIl rents received by Barrower shal� be held by Borrower as <br /> trustee far benefi�of Lender onty,to be app�ied to the sums se�ured by this 5ecurit�r I�strument; �b�Lender shall be <br /> er�titl��i to�allect and�eceive all of the ren�s of the Praperty;and�c�ea�h tenant n�the Property shal�pay aIl rents <br /> due and unpaid to Lender or Lender's agent on L�nder's wri�ten demand ta the tenar�t. <br /> Bnrrower has not executed any priar assignm�nt�f the rents and has no� and will not perforrn any act�hat would <br /> prevent Lender from exercising its rights under this Paragraph �4, �xcept as provided in the First Security <br /> �ne Reverse Martgage,LLG Loan�riginatar:Bxuce�lsen <br /> Company-NML.S#:2U52-Loan Numher:3359956673 Loan�riginator NMLS#:9UZ398 <br /> �ebraska-�"d Securzty Ins�trumer�t��Idjustahde� Fage 8 0,�11 ��ay�vcs,LL�' 03���/24�5 <br /> qD336�9�5�73 ���2 �3� �8�'� <br />