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2� 17�2�82 <br /> �C� �ri��Li�ns. Barrower s�iatl promptly disch�rge an�lien which has priority over this Security Instrument <br /> unless Borr�wer; (a� agrees in wr�ting ta �he payment of th� obliga�ian secured by �h� li�n in a manner <br /> acceptable to L�nder; �b}contests in gaod faith the lien by,or defends against enforc�ment af t�e Iien in, ��ga� <br /> proceedings which in the Lender's �pinian operate ta pre�ent the enfarcement of th� lien or farfeiture af any <br /> part of the Property;or�c}secures from the holder�f the lien an agreement satisfactory to Lender subordin��ing <br /> the Iien to al�amounts secured by this Security Ins�rument. If L�nder determines that an�r part of the property�s <br /> sub�ect�o a li�n which may attain pr�ority o�er t1�is Security Instrument, Lender may gi�e Borrawer a notice <br /> �dentify�ng the lien. Borrow�r sha11 satisfy the�ien or take one ar m�re of the actions set fort�i above withir�t�n <br /> [1�}days of the gi�in�af notice. <br /> 15. Relationship to First Security Instrument. <br /> �A} SQcond Securi Instrument. In arder to secure payments which the 5ecretary may make to or on behalf <br /> of Barr�wer pursuant to Section �55�i}�l}�A} of the �Tational Housing Act and the Loan Agreement, the <br /> Se�retary has required Borrovver�o execute a Second I�3ate and this SeGonci Secur�ty�nstrument. Borrower has <br /> atso executed a First Nate and First Security Instrument. <br /> �B) Relationshi af First and Second Securi Instruments. Payrnents made by the Secretary shall no�b�e <br /> included in the debt under the First Note unless: <br /> �i} The First 5ecurity Instrument is assigned to the S�cretary;ar <br /> �ii� The Secretary acc�pts reimbursern�r�t by t�e halder of the First�ate for ali payments made by the <br /> S ecretary. <br /> If the circums�ances described in�i�or�ii) accur,fhen al�payrnents by the Secretary,�ncluding interest on <br /> the payments,but excluding late charges paid by the Secretary,shall be inc�uded in the debt under the First <br /> l�ote. <br /> (C) Effect on B�rrower. �Vh�re there is na assignment or rein�bursement as described in�B��i}or�ii}an�the <br /> Secretary makes paymen�s to Borrower,then Borrawer sha��not; <br /> �i� Be r��uired ta pay amounts owed under the First Note, or pay any rents and rev�nues flf the Praperty <br /> under Paxagraph 24 �o the ho�der of t�ie First N�te or a recei�er af the Pr�perty,i�nti� #he Secretary has <br /> required payment in full of a�l outstand�ng principa�and a�crued in�eres�under th�S�cand�Vote; or <br /> �ii� B� ob�iga�ed to pay interest or sharec�appreciatian under the Fir�t Note at any time,whether accrued <br /> befnre or after th�payments by�he S�cr�tary,and whether or not accrued interest has h�en inc�udec�in the <br /> principal balance under the F�rst Note. <br /> (D} No Du af the Secretar . The 5ecretary has na duty�o the holder of the F�rst Note ta�nforce covenants <br /> of the Second Securi�y Instrument or ta take actinns to preser�e the �alue of the Proper�y, even though the <br /> holder of th�First�at�may be unable to collect amounts avve�under the First Not�because of res�ric�ions �n <br /> �his Paragraph ].5. <br /> 15. Res�rictions on Enforcement, Notwithstandir�g anything else in this Security instrument,the Borrower shall <br /> not be obliga�ed ta camp��r with the covenants hereof, and Paragraph �4 shaii ha�e na farce and effec�, whene�er <br /> there is na outstanding balance under the Second Note, <br /> 17, F�rbearan�e by Lender�Tot a Waiver. Any f�rb�aran�e b�Lender in��ercising any right or remedy shal�not <br /> be a wai�er of,or pr�clude the exercise vf,any right or remedy, <br /> Une Reverse Il�ortgage,L�,C Lvan�riginator:Bruce�lsen <br /> Company-NMLS#:2U52-Loan Number:33�9956673 Loan�riginator NMLS#:9�2398 <br /> Nebr�aska-2nd Security Ir�strument��Idjustabde� �age 7 af 1� �Bay Docs,I,�.� f�31t�11�a�5 <br /> q�336995��73 ��72 �39 �7�� <br />