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2� 17�2�82 <br /> In the event of forec�asure af this 5ecurity Instrument or a�her transfer of title�o the Praperty that extinguishes the <br /> indebtedness,aIl right,title and interest of Bvrrawer in and to insurance policies in forc�sha�l pass to the purchaser, <br /> 4. U�eupanCy, Preser��tion, Maintenar�ce and Pratection of the Praper�ty; Borrower's Loan Application; <br /> Leasehoids. Barrower shail accupy, establish, and use the Property as B�rrawer's Principal R�sidence after the <br /> executian of this Secur�ty Instrument and Borro�ver�or at �east one Borr�wer,if initiat�y more than ane per�on are <br /> Borrowers} shall continue to accupy�he Property as Borrawer's Principal Residence fvr the term of the Security <br /> Instrument. <br /> Borrowe�shal�nat comimit waste ar destroy,damage ar substantia�ly�hange the Praper�y or a�low the Praperty�a <br /> deteriorate, reasonab�e wear and tear excepted. Borro�v�r shall atso be in default if Barrower, during the loar� <br /> appiication process, ga�e materially false or inac�urate information or statements to L�ender �ar faited to provide <br /> Lender vvith any ma�eria�infarmation}in cannec�ion vvith the�oan evidenced by the N�te,inc�uding but not limited <br /> �o, representation� concerning Borrawer's occupancy nf the Property as a Principa� Residence, If this S�curity <br /> Instrument is on a leasehald,Borrower shall camply with the pravisions af the l�ase, If Borraw�r acquires fee�itle <br /> to�he Property,th�Ieasehald and fee titte shall not be merg�d un�ess Lender agrees to the m�rger in writing. <br /> 5. Charges to Barrower and Protect�on of I�ender's RightS in the Pr��erty, Borrower sha1l pa� aIl <br /> go�ernm�ntal or municipal charges, fi�es and impositians that are nat�nc�uded in Paragraph�. Bo�row�r sh�l�pa}� <br /> these obl�gations on time directl�ta the�n�ity which is o�red the�aymen�. If failure ta pay would a���rsel�af�ect <br /> Lender's interest in the Property, upon I�ender's request Borrawer shall prom�tl� furr�ish to �ez�der reCeipts <br /> e�idencing these payments. Barrawer shall promg�ly discharge any lien wh�ch has pri�rity o�r�r thi� Security <br /> Instrument in the rnanner provided in Paragraph 14���. <br /> if Barrawer fai�s to make these payments or pay the property charges�equired by p�ragraph�, or fails�a perform <br /> any ather co�enants and a�r�ements car��ain.ed in#his Se�urity Ir�strurr�ent, or there is a legal pro�eeding tl�at may <br /> significantly affect Lender's rights in th� Property �su�h �s a pr��eeding in �ankruptcy, fflr candemnation or ta <br /> enf�rce Iaws or re�utations},then Lender may do and pay w�ate�er is flecessar�r ta pr�tect t�e va�ue af�he Prope�ty <br /> and L�nd�r's rights in the Praperty, in�luding pay�n�nt �f prop�rty taxes, ha�ard insurance and other i�ems <br /> mentioned in Paragraph�. <br /> Ta pro�ect Len�er's security ir�the Prvper�y,Lender shall ad�var�ce and charge to Borrower ail amounts due to rhe <br /> S ecretary for the Martgage Insurance Premium�"MIP"}as defined iri the Loan Agre�men�as well as a11 surns due to <br /> the Ioan servi�er for s�r�i�ing acti�ities t"5�r�ri�i�g Fee"} as de�ined in the Loan Agreement. Any amaun�s <br /> disbursed by L�nder un�er t�iis Paragraph sha�l b�came an ad�iti�nal debt of Barrower as pro�ided f�r in the Loan <br /> �greem��t and shall b�s��ured by this Securifiy Instrument. <br /> �. InspQct�on. Lende� or i�s agen� may enter an, inspect ar make appraisals of the Fraperty in a reasonable <br /> mann�r and at reasor�able times prvvide�i that Lencier s�all �ive the Borrow�r notice pr�or to any inspection ar <br /> apprars�l s��cif�ring a pur�ose for �h� inspection or appraisal which must �e re�ated to Lender's interest in the <br /> Prop�r�. If t�e Praper�� is vacar�t or abandane� or t�e loan is in default, Lender may take reasonable actian to <br /> protect and�reserve such�acant or abandaned Proper�y withaut natice to the Barrower. <br /> 7, �andemnat�on, The pr��eeds of any award or claim for damages, direct or consequential, in cannection wi�h <br /> any��n�iemna�.ion or other tal�ing of any part of the Proper�y,or for con�eyance in place of candemnatian,shail be <br /> �aid t�Lender.The prac�eds shall b�applied first ta�he reduction af any indebtedness under the Second Note and <br /> t�is Security �nstr�menlc an� then to the reduc�ion of the indebtedness under th� First No�e and First Security <br /> Instrument. An� excess prace�d�s o�er an amount required to pay all outsta�ding indebtedness under the Second <br /> l�ote an�this Seeurity�nstrument and the First Note and First Security Instrument sha1�be paid to the en�ity legally <br /> �ne Re�erse Mnrtgage,LLC �oan Originator:�ru����sen <br /> Company-NMLS#:2052-Lvan Nurnber:3369955�73 Laan�riginator NMLS#:�(}2398 <br /> �ebrc�ska-����S�cut�ity�rrstrument(Adju.rtable} Page 3 0,f'11 Cc�Bay Dacs,LLC 43/pll�al5 <br /> q�3369956fi13 ��l� �39 �31� <br />
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