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2� 17�2�82 <br /> which�as tY��address of��15�Z�th St,�rand Isiand,N�585�1�"Proper�Address"} <br /> T��ET�iER �'VITH all the impr��ements now ar h�reaf�er erected on the praperry, and aIl easements, rights, <br /> appurtenances, and fixtures n�w ar �ereafter a part of the property. All replacements and additions sha11 also be <br /> covered by t�is Security Instrument.All af the foregoing is referred�a in this Securit��ns�rument�s the"Property." <br /> B���'�ER��VE1�AI�TS that Borrower is �awfu�ly seized of the estate hereby con�eyed and has the right to <br /> mortgage, grar�.t an�convey�he Prop�rty and that the Prap�� is vnly encun�b�red b� a First Securi� �nstrum�nt <br /> given by Barrower and dated the same date as t�is �ecurity Instrument ["First S��urity Instrumen�"}. Barrawer <br /> warrants and will def�nd generally the t�tle to �he Praperty �gair�s� aIi cl�ims a.r�d demands, subject to any <br /> encumbrances of record. <br /> THIS SE�UR�T�'" �]�STR'[JM�1�'T' combines uniform ca�enants far national use and non-uraiform ca�enants with <br /> limited variations by jurisdic�ivn to��nstitute a uniform security instrument co�ering real�roperty. <br /> UNIF�RM��VENANTS. Borrower and Lend�r co�enant and agree as follows: <br /> 1, Fayment of Principal and Interest. Borrawer s�all pay when due the principal of, and interest on, the debt <br /> e�i�enced by the 5econd Note. <br /> 2, Payment 4f Property Charges. Borrower shall�a� a�l prQper�y charg�s cflr�sisting af pra�erty t.axes,ha�axd <br /> insurance premiums, flood insurance premiums, grou�d rents, �andnminium fe�s, planne� ux�it devel�pment �ees, <br /> homeovvner's associa#ion fees, and any other sp�cial assessments that may be required by ioca� or state law in a <br /> time�y man�aer, and shal� pro�ide evidence af payment #o Lender, unless Lender pays property charges by <br /> wi�hholding funds fram manthly payments due to the Bvrraw�r ar by charging such payments to a line of credit as <br /> pra�idec�for in accordance with th�Lvar�Agre�mer�t. <br /> 3. Fire,Fload and Uther Hazard Insurance. Borrower shall insure all impravements on the Praperty,whether <br /> n�w in existence or subsequ�ntiy erected, against any hazards, casualties, and contingencies, including but not <br /> limited to fire and flood, for whi�h Lender requires insurance. Such insurance sha11 be mainta�n�d in the amounts <br /> an�l for the periods that L�nder requires; Lender has the discretion to increase or decreas� the amaunt �f any <br /> �nsurance rec�uir�d at an� tim� �ro�ided the amoux�t is equal to or greater than any minimum required by the <br /> Secr�tary of Housing and Urban Dev�lopment ("Secretary"}. Wh�#her or not L�nder impo�es a ft�od insuran�e <br /> requirement, Barrower sha11 at a mir�imum al� impro�ements on the Property,whethex now in existence or <br /> subsequentty erected, a,gainst �oss by �oods �o the extent r�quired by the S�cretary. A�1 i�surance sha1� be carri�d <br /> with compa��es appro�ed by Lend�r. The insurance p�licies and any renewa�s sh�11 be he�d by Lender and shall <br /> include loss payable clauses in favar of,and in a form acceptable to,Lender, <br /> In the event of�oss, Borrower shall giv�Lender irnmed�ate notic�b�rr�ai�. Lender m�y mal�e proof of Ias� if riat <br /> made promptly �y Borrower. Each insurance compan� concerned is hereby authvriz�d and dir�cted to make <br /> payment for such loss to Lender,�nstead of to Borrnwer and L�nder jointly. Insurance pra�eeds sh�����applied ta <br /> reStoration ar repa�r of the damaged Property, if the restoration or repair is economically feasible and L�nder's <br /> security is not �essened. If the restarati�n or repair is na� econnmically feasible ar Lender's security wauld be <br /> l�ssen��,the insura�ce pracee�ls shall be applied fi�st ta the reduet�an of any indebtedness under�e Second Note <br /> and this Security Instrum�nt an�then to the reductian�f t1�e indebtedness un�er the First Nate and�r irst Security <br /> Instrument, Any exc�ss insurance proceeds over an am�unt required to pay alI autstanding in��bt�d�ess�nder the <br /> Second Note and this Security Ins�rument and the First Nate and First Security Ins�rurnen�sha1l be paid to the entity <br /> Iegaliy entitled theret�. <br /> �ne Reverse Mvrtgage,LLC Laan�r�ginatar:Bruce Dlsen <br /> Company-NMLS#:2U52-Loan Number:336995d673 Loan�riginator NMLS#:9�Z398 <br /> Nebraska-�n��ecurit�Instrument(Ad,j�s�ahle) Pag�2 nf II ���y Do�s,�i,C 431��12�15 <br /> q�33�9956673 ��72 D39 0��'I <br />
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