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2� 17�2�81 <br /> Period. <br /> ��) Tr,�,usts, Can�eyance of a Borrower's interest in�he Propex�y to a trust which rnee�s the requirements of the <br /> Secretary, or c�nveyance of a trust's interests in the Prvperty ta a Barrower, sha�l not be considered a <br /> canveyance for purposes of this Para�raph 1�. A�rust shall nat be considered an occupant ar be c�nsidered as <br /> ha�ing a Principat Residence far purpases�f this Paragraph 1�. <br /> (H} Mor�ga,ge N,�ot InsurQ,d. Barrower agrees that shou�d this Security Instrument and the Note no#Ue elig�ble <br /> for insurance under the National Housing Act within�ight{8}manths from the date her�of, Lender may,at its <br /> optivn,require immediate payment in full of a11 sums secured by this S�curity Instrument. A written statement <br /> of�ny authorized agent of the Secretary dated subsequent�o eight�8}months from the date hereof,declining to <br /> insure this Security Instrument and �he Nate, shall be deemed canclus�ve praaf of such inelig�b�lity. <br /> Notwithstanding the f�re�aing,this a�tion may not be exer�ised by�ender when the u.navailability of insurance <br /> is soleiy due to Lender's failure ta remit a mar�gage insurance premium ta the Secretary. <br /> 1�. No Defi�iency Judgments. Borrower shall have no personal I�abYlity for payment of the debt secured by�his <br /> Security Ins�rument. Lender may enforce the debt or�ly thr�ugh sale of the Praperty. Lender sha11 n�t be p�rmit�ed <br /> ta abtain a deficiency judgment against Borrower if the Se�urity Instrument is foreciosed.If this S�curity Instrument <br /> is assigned ta the Secretary upan demand by the Secretary,Barrower sh�.11 not be Iiable far any difference betwe�n <br /> the mortgage insurance benefits paid to Lender and the �utstanding indebtedness, including accrued interest,owed <br /> by B�rrawer�t the time af th�assignrnent. <br /> l�. RQinstatement. Borrower has a right to be reinsta�ed if Lender has r�quired immedia�e payrnent in fu11. This <br /> right applies e�en after farec�asure proceedings are instituted. To reinstate this Security Instrument,Barrower sha�l <br /> carrec� the condi#ian which resulted in the requirement for immediate payment in full. For�closure casts and <br /> reasonable and customary attQrn�ys'f�es and expens�s properly associated with the f�rec�osure proce�ding sha�l be <br /> added t�the principal balance. Upon reinstatemen#�y�orrower,this Security Instrument and the obligations that it <br /> secur�s shal� remain in eff�ct as if Len�er had nat required immediate payrnent in ful�. Haw�ver, L�nder is not <br /> requirec� �o permit reinstatement if: �i} L�nder has accepted reinstaternent after the �onamencement of forec�asure <br /> prac�edings within two�2}years immediately preceding#�ie comn�enceme�n�of a cur�ent�are�lasux�prac��ding,�ii} <br /> reinstatement wilt prec�ude forec�osure on different grnunds in the future,ar�iii}reinstatemen�will adversely affect <br /> the priority of the Security Instrument. <br /> 13. Deferral Period Reinstatement. If a Deferral Periad ceas�s or becorn�s�a�aila�le��cause a Non-Borrovvi�g <br /> Spause no Ianger satisfies th� Qua�ifying Attributes far a Deferra� Periad and has become an Ineligible Non- <br /> Borrow�ng 5�ouse,r�either the D�f�rral P�riad r�flr the Se�urity Ir�st�ent m�.y b�reinstat�d.In the e��nt a De�erral <br /> Period ceases b�cause an abligation of the Note, the Loan Agreement or this Security Instrument has not been met <br /> ar the �ote has �e�orn�� eligible to he called �ue and payable and is in defaul� far a reasan at�ier than death, an <br /> Eligibie Non-B�rtowing Spouse may have a Deferral Period and this 5ecurity Instrument reinstated pro�ided that <br /> �he canditi�n v�hich resulted in the Deferral Period c�asing is corrected within�hirty(34}days.A Lender may require <br /> the Eligible Non-Borrawing �pouse to pay for foreclasure costs and reasonable and customary a��orney's fees and <br /> expenses�roperly associated with the forec�osure proc�eding,such costs may riot be added to the Frincipa�Ba�ance. <br /> UpQ�r�xr�statemer�t by an E��gible�Eon-$orrow�r�g Spvuse,the Deferra�Periad and this 5ecurity Instrument and the <br /> abligatians that it secures shal� remaining effect as if the Deferral Period hact not ceased and the Lender had not <br /> required immediate paym�n#i�ful�. Hawever,Lender is not required ta permit reinstatement if: �i) the Lender has <br /> accepted a reinstatement af either the I3eferral Periad vr this Se�urity Instrument within t�ie pas� two �2� years <br /> irr�m�diate�y preced�ng the current notification to the Eligih�e Non-Bnrrowing Spouse that th�mortgage is due and <br /> payab�e; �xi�reinsta�ement af eith�r the I3eferral Periad or this Se�urity�nstrument will prec�ude foreclosure in the <br /> future, nr iii reinstatement of either the Deferrai Periad or Securi Instrumer�t wi11 adverse� affect the riori of <br /> Dne Rewerse Mortgage,LL� �.oan Driginat�r:Bruce�lsen <br /> Campany-NMLS#:2�5Z-Lvan Number:33G9956�73 Loan�riginatvr NMLS#:94Z398 <br /> Nebraslur-1 sr MERS Security I�rstrument(Adjustabre� Page 6 of I 1 �Bay Docs,LLC 431�112015 <br /> qD33�995G673 4�33 �38 46�'I <br />
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