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2� 17�2�81 <br /> �B� Due and Pavable � Sale, Lender may require immediate payment in full of a�t sums secured by this <br /> ,��,�� <br /> Security Instrument�f all of a Borrower's title in the Praper�y�ar his or her beneficzal in�erest in a trust awnir�g <br /> a�i ar part of#he Property}is sold or otherwise�ransferred and no o�her Borrower retains title ta the Praperty in <br /> fee simple,�r retains a leasehaid under a Iease for not Iess than 99 years which is renewable ar a lease having a <br /> rer�aining period of not less than 54 years b�yond the date of the �U�th birthday af the youngest Borrower,or <br /> retains a life estate zn the Praperty �or retaining a beneficial interest in a trust with suCh an in#er�s� in the <br /> Praperty�.A deferral of due and payable s�atus is not perm�tted when a Lender requires immedia�e payrnent in <br /> full under this paragraph. <br /> (C} Due and Pa a�le with Secreta A ro�al, Lender may require immedia�e payment in fuli of all sums <br /> secured by this Security Instrument,upan appro�a�of the Secretary,if: <br /> (i} The Froperty ceases to be the Principa�Residence�f a Borrower for reasons other than dea�h and the <br /> Praper�y is not the Principal Residen�e af at least one other Borrawer;ar <br /> �ii} For a period of Ianger than twel�e �12} �onsecutive months, a Borrower fails to occupy the Praperty <br /> because o�physical or menta� illness and�he Prop�rty is nat the Principal Residence af at least one other <br /> Borrower;or <br /> (iii)An ob�igation of the Borrower under this Security Instrume�t is not performed <br /> A deferral of due and payable is not permitted when a I�end�r Xequires immediate payment in fiall under <br /> Paragraph I��C}. <br /> �D) Notice and Certification t� Lender, Borrnwer shall camplete and provide ta the Lender on an annua� <br /> basis a cert�f�cation, in a fvrm prescribed by the �ender, sta�ing whether the Prop�rty remains the Barro�rer's <br /> Principal Residence and, i�applicable, th� Principal Residence nf h�s nr her Non-Borrowing Spouse. Where a <br /> Borrawer has ident�fi�d a Non-Borrowing Spouse in Paragraph 9 and the identified Nan-B�rrowing ��ause <br /> qualifies as an Eligible Non-Borrowing Spouse#he Borrower sha�l also carnp�ete and pro�ide to the Lender on <br /> an annual basis an Eligible Non-Borrowing Spouse certi�catian,in a form prescribed by the Lender,certifying <br /> �hat a�l requirements for the application of a Deferral Perivd continue ta apply a�d continue tn be met.During a <br /> Deferral Perivd,the annuat Principal Residence�extifi�ation xnust continue to be comp�eted and provided to the <br /> Lender by the Eligib�e Nnn-Borrowing Spouse. The Barrower shall also notify Lender�hene�er any of the <br /> events�isted in Paragraph 1 U�B}and��}oc�ur. <br /> �E} Nati�e to Secretary and Borrower. Lend�r sha�� notify the Secre�ary and Borrower when��er the Zoan <br /> �mn�^i.i�m������r� ��in����i n�i��r��w <br /> becomes due and payabie under Paragraph 1��B} and �C}. Lender shall not have the right ta commence <br /> forec�asure un�il Borrower has had thirty�34�days after notice to�ither: <br /> �i� �orrect th�matter which resulted in the Security instrument coming due and payab�e;or <br /> �ii} Pay th�balance in full;ar <br /> �iii� 5e11 the Propert�far the lesser of the balance ar ninety fi�e percent�95%} of the appraised va�ue and <br /> apply the net pro�eeds of the saie t�vvard the balance;or <br /> �iv} Provide�he�ender vv��h a deed in lieu of fore�i�sure, <br /> �F} Notice to Secretar and Eti ible Non-Borrowin S ouse,Lender sha�l notif�#he Se�re�ary and any <br /> Eligib�e Non-B�rrowing Spouse whenev�r any event Iisted in Paragraph IO�B�and�C}occurs during a Deferra� <br /> �ne Re�erse Mvrtgage,LLC Loan nriginatar:Sruce ntsen <br /> Company-NMLS#:2�52-Laan Number:3369955573 Laan Originator NMLS#:90�398 <br /> Nebrask�x-1 St 11�fERS Security Irrstrument(Adjusta�leJ Page 5 of 11 �Bay Docs,LLC 031011�41 S <br /> q�3369956673 D�33 �38 D5'�'� <br />