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<br /> DEED �F TRU�T
<br /> Laan No: ���3�3398 ���ntinued} Page 9
<br /> Bvrrvwer. The word "Borrower" means CAR�L ANNE SCH�DLEY and includes all ca--signers and co�makers
<br /> signing the Note and all�heir successars and assigns.
<br /> Deed of Trusfi. The words "Deed o� Trus�" mean this Deed o� Trust among Trustor, Lender, and Trustee, and
<br /> includes without ��mifiafiion all assignmen� and secur�ty interes� pro�isivns relating �o �he Personal Prop�rty and
<br /> Rents.
<br /> En�riranmental Laws. The words "En�iranmen�al Laws" mean any and all sta�e, �edera� and lacal sfiatutes,
<br /> regulations and ardinances rela�ing �a �he p�-atecti�n ❑f human heal�h ar �he en�iranmen�, including wi�hout
<br /> limitat�on �he Comprehensi�e EnWironmental Respanse, Compensa�ivn, and Lia�ili�y Act af 198�, as amended, 4�
<br /> L].S.C. Section 96�1, efi seq. �"CERCLA"}, the 5uperfund Amendmen�s and Reau�hari�afiion Act ❑fi �986, Pub. L.
<br /> No. 99-499 �"SARA"�,the Hazardous Ma�rerials Transportativn Act, 49 L].S.C. Sec�tion 18��, et seq.,the Resource
<br /> Conser�ativn and Reco�ery Act, 42 U.S.C. 5e��ion �9D'i, et seq., or ❑ther appliGal�le s�ate or federal laws, rules,
<br /> vr reguiations adopted pursuant�here�o.
<br /> E�rent of Defaul�, The wvrds "EWen�of aefaul�" m�an any ofi fihe e�ents af default set farth in this ❑eed of Trust in
<br /> the e�enfis vf defau�t sec�ion❑f�his �]eed vf Trus�.
<br /> Exisfiing Indeh�edness. The words "Exist€ng Indeb�edness" mean �he indeb�edness descr-Ebed in the ExistEng Liens
<br /> pro�isivn of this Deed of Trus�.
<br /> Hazardous 5ubstances. The wvrds "Hazardous Subs�ances" mean ma�erials tha�, because of their quan�ity,
<br /> concen�ra�ian ❑r physical, �hemical or infec�ious characteris�ics, may cause o� pose a present or pvtential hazard
<br /> ta human healfih or�he en�iranmen�when improperly used, �reated, stor�d, disposed ❑fi, genera�ed, manufactured,
<br /> �ranspor�ed or oth�rwise handled. The words "Haza�-dous 5ubstances" are used in �heir very brvadest sense and
<br /> include wi�hou� limi�ati�n any and a�f hazardous ❑r tvxic substances, ma�er�ais or- waste as defined by ❑r listed
<br /> under�he Environmen�al Laws. The�erm "Ha�ardaus 5ubstances" als❑ includes, wi�hout limitation, pe�rvleum and
<br /> pe�rvleum by-products or any frac�ion�herev�F and asbes�os.
<br /> lmprvvements. The w�rd "ImproWemen�s" means all exis�ing and futur� imprv�ements, buildings, structures,
<br /> mohile homes af�fixed on �he Real Praperty, facili�ies, additions, r�placements and other cons�ructivn vn �he Real
<br /> Proper�y.
<br /> Indebtedness. The word "Indeb�edness" means all principa�, interest, and`a�her"amaun�s, costs.and,..expenses
<br /> � s�.,...�,.,r .
<br /> payahle under the Na�e or Related Documents, together wi�h a!i ,renewals:of, "extens�nns of;� modi�ications o�,
<br /> �onsalida�ions o�and substi�utions for�he Note ❑r Related Dacumen�s and any amaunts expended or ad�anced hy
<br /> Lender to discharge Trustnr's obl�gations or expenses incurred'`�by��Trustee�.or. Lender`to��enforce Trustor's
<br /> Qbligatians under this Deed ❑f Trust, togefiher with interes� an such amaunts as praWided in this Deed o� T�us�.
<br /> 5pecifically, without limitatian, lndebtedness includes �he �future adWances set for�h in �he Future Ad�ances
<br /> pro�isivn❑f this Deed❑f Trus�,�oge�kher with al� interest ther�vn.
<br /> Lender. The wvrd "Lender" means Fi�e Points Bank, its successars and assigns. The wvrds "successors or
<br /> assigns" mean any person or company that acquir-es any interest in the N���.
<br /> Nofie. The word "Nate" m�ans�he prnmissnry na�e da�ed IUlarch �7, ���7, in the orEgEnal principal amaunt
<br /> of $'i 4,�8�.5� frvm Trus�vr to Lender, �oge�her wi�h al� renewals a�f, �xtensions of, m�difica�ions of,
<br /> re�inancings of, cons�lida�ions o�, and substitutions fvr the prvmissvey note or agreement.
<br /> Personal Property. The wvrds "Personal Properfiy" mean al! equipmen�, fixtures, and ofiher arfiic�es fl� pers�naf
<br /> pr�perty now a�- hereafter owned by Trustvr, and rtaw ❑�- hereafter at�ached or affixed to the Real Proper�y;
<br /> tvgethe� with all accessions, par�s, and additions to, aE� repla�ements o�, and a�! substi�u�ions �Fvr, any a� such
<br /> property; and toge�h�r with a[E proc�eds �including withvut �imitation all insurance pr�ceeds and refunds ��
<br /> premiumsy �rom any sale or�ther disposition of the Praperty.
<br /> Prvperty. The word "Prvperty" means �vllecti�ely�he Rea! Property and�he Personal Proper�y.
<br /> ReaI Property. The words "Real Proper�y" mean�he rea� p�-operty, interesfis and righ�s, as further described in this
<br /> Deed ❑f Trus�.
<br /> Rela�ed Documents. The words "Rela�ed ❑ocumen�s" mean all prvmissory no�es, credit agreements, loan
<br /> agreemen�s, en�iranmental agreements, guaran�t�es, security agreements, martgages, deeds a� trus�, se�urity
<br /> deeds, collateral martga�es, and all vther instruments, agreements and documents, whether now �r hereafter
<br /> exis�ing, exe�uted in connec�ian wi�h the fndebtedness.
<br /> Ren�s. The wvrd "Ren�s" means all present and fu�ure ren�s, reWenues, income, issues, royalties, prafi�s, and
<br /> o�her�enefi�s d�ri��d�rom the Praperty.
<br /> Trustee. The word "Trustee" means Fi�e Paints 6ank, whase address is P.Q Box �5�7, G�and Island, NE
<br /> 688��-'1507 and any subs�titu�e❑r successor firustees.
<br /> Trus�or. The word "Trustvr" means CAR�L ANNE SCH�aLEY.
<br />