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2� 17�2�� 1 <br /> f3EED �F TRUST <br /> Lvan Nv: 'i D'I 3�339g {�ontinued} Page g <br /> the addresses shawn near the heginning 0��h15 ❑eed v�Trust. All �vpies a� notices �f-�oreclasure from �he holder- vf <br /> any �ien whi�h has priority o�e�this Deed ❑f Trust shall be sent to Lender's address, as shawn near fihe heginning of <br /> �this Deed of Trust. Any persan may change his ar her address far notices under�his Deed ❑f Trust by gi�ing formal <br /> written no�ice �o �he other persan ❑r persons, specifying that the purpose ❑fi the notice is to change the person's <br /> address. Fvr nofiice purposes,Trustor agrees tv keep Lender in�armed at all times o�Trus�ar's current address. Unless <br /> ❑�herwise provided or required by law, if there is more than ❑ne Trustor, any no�ice given by Lender to any Trustor is <br /> deemed to be notice gi�en to all Trustors. 1�will be Trustor's responsibili�y fio tell�he others of the notice�rom Lender. <br /> ASS�ClAT1�N DF UN1T DVIrNERS. The fallawing pro�isions app[y ifi the Real Property has heen submitted fi❑ unit <br /> ❑wnership law or similar law�o�the establishmenfi v�cvndam�niums�r c�operati�e❑wnership❑f the Real Property: <br /> Pawer vf Attvrney. Trustor gran�s an irre�ocab[e power o�f at�orney�o Lender�a�ote in Lende�'s discretion on any <br /> matfier�hat may come be�Fore�he associatian of unit awners. Lender will ha�e �he right to exercise this pov+rer of <br /> atk�rney�nly after Trus�or's de�ault; how�Wer, Lender may decline to exercise this power as Lender sees fit. <br /> lnsurance. The insurance as required abo�e may be car�ied by�he asso��afiion of unifi ❑wners ❑n Trustor's behalf, <br /> and fihe prviceeds o�such insurance may be paid fio the association vf uni� owners fvr the purpose of repair�ng ar <br /> recanstructing the P��per�y. �f not so used by the ass�cia�ion, such proc�eds shall be paFd to Lend�r. <br /> Defau�t. Trustor's �ailure t❑ perform any of the vbligations impased on Trustar by �he dec�ara�ion submit�ing the <br /> Real Prvperty to unit awnersh�p, by fihe bylaws of the associativn of unit awners, or by any rules ❑r reguiativns <br /> thereunder, shall be an e�en� ❑f default under �his ❑eed of Trust. ff Trustar's interest in the Real Proper�y is a <br /> �easehold Enfierest and such prvperty has been submitted to unifi ownership, any tailure by Trust�r to perfvrm any <br /> a� the �bligatians impvsed an Trustar �y the lease a€ �he Real Property �rom i�s ❑wner, any defaul� under such <br /> lease which might result in�terminatian of the lease as i�k perta�ns ta the R�al Prop�rty, ❑r any failure af Trustor as a <br /> memb�r❑�F an asso�ia�ivn❑fi unit owners ta�ake any reasonable actinn wi�hin Trus�or's power t❑ preWent a defiault <br /> under such lease by �he ass�ciation a� unit vwners or by any member ❑f �he association shall be an E�en� ❑�f <br /> De�aulfi under fihis D�ed of Trust. <br /> M�SCELLANE�US PR�VISI�NS. The fallawing mis�ellaneous pro�isions are a part❑f�his Deed ❑f Trust: <br /> Amendments. VVhat is writ�en in this Deed of T�-ust and En �he Related ❑ocuments is Trustor-'s entire agreemen�k <br /> wi�h Lender concerning fihe matters covered by fihis Deed a�Trust. To be effectEve, any change or amendmenfi tv <br /> this Deed of Trust must�e in wri�ing and mus� be signed by whoe�er wili be bound vr ❑bligated hy�he change ❑r <br /> amendment. <br /> Cap�ion Headings. Cap�ion h�adings in this Deed ❑f Trus� are �or canWenience purpvses on�y and are not to be <br /> used�v in�erprefi or de�ine the provisivns of thss Deed ❑fi Trus�. <br /> Nlerge�r. There shall be no merger❑�the infierest❑r estate created by�his I�eed ❑f Trust with any❑�her interest or <br /> estate in�khe Property a�any time held �y❑r for�he benefit af Lender in any capacifiy, withoufi the written cvnsent <br /> v�Lender. <br /> Choice v�Venue. if�here is a lawsui�, Trustor agrees upan Lender's requesfi to submi��❑ fihe jurisdictivn vf the <br /> caurts o-�Hall County, 5tate o�Nebraska. <br /> Nv Waiver by Lender. Trusfiv�-understands Lender will no�gi�e up any af Lender's r�ghts unde�-this Deed ❑-�Trus� <br /> unless Lender does so in writing. The fact that Lender de�ays ❑r omifis to exercise any right will nvt mean �hat <br /> Lender has gi�en up that righfi. lfi Lender does agree in writing tv g�ve up one of Lender's righ�s, �ha� does not <br /> mean Trustor wiil no� ha�e to comply with the o�her pro�isions of this Deed v�T�-ust. Trus�vr alsa unders�ands <br /> that i� Lender does cvnsent�a a requ�st, tha� does nofi mean that Trustor wil� not ha�e �v �e� Lend�r's �onsen� <br /> again i�the situa�ion happens again. Trus�or further und�rs�ands�ha��ust hecause Lender consen�s tv ane ar more <br /> at Trus�or's requesfis, that does not mean Lender wi11 be required �o consent�o any ❑f Trustvr's future requests. <br /> Trus�vr wai�es presenfimen�, demand for payment, protest, and noti�e o-�dishanor. <br /> 5e�rerahilify. 1� a cour� �inds that any pro�isian o�this fleed o�Trus� �s not valid ❑r shou[d no� he enforced, �hat <br /> �a��by i�seif wil� n�t mean�ha�k the res�❑f this ❑eed o-�Trust will no�be �alid or enfor-ced. There�vre, a caurt will <br /> enfor�e th� res�o-�the provisions of this Deed v�Trus�e�en if a pro�ision of this Deed n�Trus�may be found tv be <br /> in�alid vr unen�vr�eab�e. <br /> 5uccessvrs and Assigns. Subject tv any limi�ativns stated in �his ❑eed of Trust�n transfer ❑f Trustor's �nteres�, <br /> this Deed of Trust sha�� be binding up�n and inure �o the benefit o�the parties, theEr su��essors and assigns. If <br /> ❑wnership o��he Property �ec�mes �ested in a person other�khan Trustor, Lend�r, withou� notice �o Trustor, may <br /> deal with Trustor's succ�ssors with reference tv th�s Deed ❑t Trust and the Indebtedness by way❑f forbearance❑r <br /> extension withaut releasing Trustor fram�he obligatians ❑f this �3eed ❑�Trust or liala��ifiy under�he lndebtedness. <br /> Time is v�the Essence. Time is❑fi the essen�e in the per�orman�e of this ❑eed❑f Trust. <br /> 1JVairrer v� Homes�ead Exemption. Trus�vr hereby releases and wai�es all righ-�s and benefits ❑f the homes�ead <br /> exemption laws�f th� 5ta�e of Nehraska as to all Indeb�edness secured by this ❑�ed❑�F Trust. <br /> DEFINIT��NS. The�fo��owing wards shall ha�e the follow�ng meanin�s when used in this Deed vf Trust: <br /> Beneficiary. The word "B�neficiary" means Fi�e Po�nts Bank, and its successors and assigns. <br />